386 research outputs found

    Hypothetical, real, and predicted real willingness to pay in open-ended surveys: experimental results

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    This study reports the results of experiments designed to elicit, within a controlled laboratory environment, hypothetical and real willingness to pay for an environmental educational program using the open-ended question format. By maintaining both the good and the question format constant across the treatments, our experiments overcome the shortcomings of recently reported experimental results, providing a clean test for hypothetical bias in open-ended valuations. Having found a statistically significant difference between the hypothetical and real values, we turn into the question of whether hypothetical valuations may nonetheless provide useful statistical information concerning individuals’ real valuations. This question, which is perhaps the key question in the current state of the debate surrounding the contingent valuation method, is answered affirmatively in this study.experimental methods, contingent valuation methods, calibration methods

    Multilateral negotiations over climate change policy

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    Negotiations in the real world have many features which tend to be ignored inpolicy modeling. They are often multilateral, involving many negotiating parties with preferences over outcomes that can differ substantially. They are also often multi-dimensional,in the sense that several policies are negotiated over simultaneously. Trade negotiations are a prime example, as are negotiations over environmental policies toabate carbon dioxide. We demonstrate how one can formally model this type of negotiation process. We use a policy-oriented computable general equilibrium model to generate preference functions which are then used in a formal multilateral bargaining game. The case study is to climate change policy, but the main contribution is to demonstrate how one can integrate formal economic models of the impacts of policies with formal bargaining models of the negotiations over those policies.CGE, bilateral bargaining, CO2, Climate Change

    Has Portugal gone wireless? Looking back, Looking ahead

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    This paper analyses the pattern and rate of adoption of mobile telephones by the Portuguese population. It is shown that the pattern of diffusion is S-shaped and is consistent with a logistic function, which describes a symmetrical growth process. Furthermore, it is found that 67 percent of the population will likely adopt mobile phones, and that the levelling-off process in the diffusion of mobile phones has already begun. The analysis is intended to inform the larger discussion of managing the communications service, as well as to assist analysts concerned about assessing the impact of public policies in the evolution of communications sectors.technology diffusion, mobile telecommunications

    For We Sought Perfection in Their Divinity

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    Medical school is a tiring and arduous challenge that feels like it asks for more than one can give sometimes. And with this past year, the pandemic has left its mark on all. This poem is both a warning and a kind reminder, to myself and those who need it, that while we strive towards our sun , we have to give ourselves time to breathe, time to rest

    An experimental analysis of grandfathering vs dynamic auctioning in the EU ETS

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    This study constitutes a first attempt to experimentally test the performance of a 100% auction versus a 100% free allocation of CO2 permits under the rules and parameters that mimic the EU ETS (imperfect competition, uncertainty in emissions’ control, and allowing banking). It also incorporates a first attempt to include in the analysis measures of the risk preferences of subjects participating in emission permits experiments. Another distinctive feature of this study is the implementation of a theoretically appropriate auction format for the primary allocation of emission permits. Our experimental results indicate that the EU ETS has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions, achieving targets considerably more restrictive than the current ones at high efficiency levels, both with auctioned and free emission permits. Auctioning, however, reveals a clear potential to do better than grandfathering the initial allocation of permits. In addition, the results reveal that concerns about undue scarcity, and corresponding high prices, in secondary markets generated by a primary auction market are not warranted under the proposed dynamic auction format.EU ETS, auctioning, grandfathering, banking, Ausubel auction

    The determinants of success in university entrance

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    This paper proposes that high school graduates applying to higher education institutions do not have equal chances of succeeding. Therefore, admission outcomes must be taken into account by researchers and policy makers analysing college-going behaviour and the equity and efficiency of higher education systems.Educational economics, higher education, chances of success

    Efectividad de las modalidades de cirugía retrógrada en los casos de periimplantitis apical

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    Introducción: La periimplantitis apical es un proceso infeccioso-inflamatorio que se presenta en los tejidos que rodean el ápice del implante. Se desarrolla en la zona apical periimplantaria después de la colocación del implante, mientras que la porción coronal del implante mantiene una osteointegración normal. Diferenciamos entre lesión periapical al implante activa para la enfermedad o infectada, y lesión inactiva para la enfermedad o no infectada. Así mismo las modalidades de cirugía retrógrada aplicadas para el tratamiento de la patología son principalmente dos, cirugía retrógrada con resección o sin resección del ápice del implante. Objetivo: El presente trabajo se centra en el conocimiento actualizado de las modalidades de cirugía retrógrada utilizada para el tratamiento de los casos del periimplantitis apical. Material y método: Se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos electrónica Pubmed, en la que se eligieron, una vez introducidos los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, un total de 8 artículos para la realización de esta revisión sistemática. Resultados y discusión: Entre los resultados obtenidos de los 8 artículos seleccionados, nos centramos en la etiología de la patología periapical al implante, así como en las técnicas quirúrgicas utilizadas en su tratamiento. Conclusiones: Podemos indicar con los hallazgos obtenidos en la realización de este trabajo que 1- Ante implantes diagnosticados de periimplantitis apical asintomáticos solo debemos realizar un seguimiento indefinido. 2- El tratamiento indicado es la cirugía retrógrada en sus diferentes modalidades, al ser el primer paso para detener el avance de la lesión. 3- Concluimos finalmente con el árbol de decisiones la posibilidad de realizar la cirugía retrógrada sin resección del ápice del implante y desbridamiento quirúrgico como primera intervención y si fracasa, reintervenir realizando la extirpación del ápice del implante y la regeneración ósea guiada como tratamiento más definitivo.Introduction: Apical peri-implantitis is an infectious-inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues surrounding the implant apex. It develops in the apical peri-implant area after implant placement, while the coronal portion of the implant maintains normal osseointegration. We differentiate between a disease-active or infected periapical implant lesion and a disease-inactive or non-infected lesion. There are two main types of retrograde surgery for the treatment of this pathology: retrograde surgery with or without resection of the implant apex. Objective: The present study focuses on the updated knowledge of the retrograde surgery modalities used for the treatment of cases of apical peri-implantitis. Material and methods: A search was carried out in the Pubmed electronic database, in which a total of 8 articles were selected, after entering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, for this systematic review. Results and discussion: Among the results obtained from the 8 selected articles, we focused on the aetiology of periapical pathology to the implant, as well as the surgical techniques used in it treatment. Conclusions: We can indicate with the findings obtained in carrying out this work that 1- In the case of implants diagnosed with asymptomatic apical peri-implantitis, we should only carry out an indefinite follow-up. 2- The indicated treatment is retrograde surgery in its different modalities, as it is the first step to halt the progression of the lesion. 3- Finally, we conclude with the decision tree the possibility of performing retrograde surgery without resection of the implant apex and surgical debridement as a first intervention, and if this fails, reintervene with removal of the implant apex and guided bone regeneration as a more definitive treatment.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Odontologí


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    ABSTRAKSI Perjanjian Certain Maritime Arrangement In The Timor Sea- CMATS merupakan perjanjian antara pemerintah RDTL dan pemerintah Australia mengenai ketentuan laut tertentu di laut timor . Perjanjian ini diratifikasi oleh parlemen RDTL pada tanggal 20 Februari 2007. Ratifikasi perjanjian CMATS menimbulkan berbagai kontroversi di berbagai lapangan banyak pihak menganggap bahwa perjanjian ini lebih mewakili kepentingan nasional Australia dan perusahaan minyak dari pada kepentingan nasional Timor-Leste namun tidak sedikit pula percaya bahwa perjanjian CMATS merupakan yang terbaik yang dapat diterima Timor-Leste untuk saat ini. Parlemen RDTL mengeluarkan keputusan untuk meratifikasi perjanjian CMATS, setelah mendapatkan berbagai Input berupa tuntutan dan dukungan yang diterima baik dari lingkungan Internal maupun lingkungan eksternalnya. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode deskritif-analisis dengan mengumpulkan data dan fakta, Selain itu penyusunan proposal skipsi ini juga menggunakan teknik penelitian study pustaka.Alat analisa yang digunakan adalah teori analisa sistem politik menurut David Easton dan didukung dengan teori kelompok kepentingan oleh Rod Hague. Hasil yang didapat dari penilitian ini adalah dapat mendalami proses negosiasi antara pemerintah Australia dan pemerintah RDTL, dimana walaupun kedua negara sempat mengalami deadlock dalam negosiasi mengenai batas Laut Timor namun akhirnya kedua negara sampai pada suatu kesepakatan yaitu perjanjian CMATS yang dapat diterima oleh kedua negara karena dapat melindungi kepentingan nasional kedua pihak, sehingga perjanjian CMATS dianggap kedua negara sebagai suatu win-win solution


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    An important muleteers track passes through Paraná State in a southnorth way showing a strong historical contents connected intrinsically to the landscape, especially to the remarkable geomorphology. Since the beginning of the gold discovery, in Minas Gerais, in the end of the 17th century, the necessity of mules of burden became fundamental for the economic development of the former Portuguese colony. To form an official track for displacing beasts of burden from southern Brazil as far as the gold mining, in the 18th century, there was as main difficulty the definition of a plan of 2000km considering the geomorphological conditioning factors. Nowadays, a touristic project and also a historical ramson, the Rota dos Tropeiros, one of the oldest Brazilian routes which connected southern Brazil to the economic centers, links 16 cities of Paraná. Thanks to this culture and also to the beautiful natural heritage, this touristic project presents a complex relation among historical, social, cultural and natural features. The resulted landscape is a rich and diverse patrimony, conditioned, specially, by geomorphology and its geological substratum. Characteristics of a predominantly gentle relief, plentiful water and pasture in Campos Gerais region have been fundamental for the transport of hundreds of mules and turn impossible divide the cultural elements from the natural ones within an analysis of a patrimony.O caminho dos tropeiros atravessa o Paraná no sentido sul-norte e apresenta um forte conteúdo histórico ligado intrinsecamente à paisagem, especialmente no que diz respeito à geomorfologia, muito marcante. A partir da descoberta de ouro em Minas Gerais no final do século XVII, a necessidade de animais para transporte tornou-se fundamental para o desesnvolvimento econômico da então colônia portuguesa. A implantação de um caminho oficial para o deslocamento de tropas de muares do sul do Brasil até a zona de mineração de ouro, no início dos anos 1700, teve como principal desafio a definição de um traçado por mais de 2 mil quilômetros que considerasse as condicionantes geomorfológicas. Atualmente um projeto turístico e de resgate histórico, a Rota dos Tropeiros, um dos mais antigos caminhos do Brasil que conectou o sul do país aos centros econômicos, interliga 16 municípios do Paraná. Em função desta cultura do tropeirismo e de um belíssimo patrimônio natural, este projeto turístico apresenta uma complexa relação entre aspectos históricos, socioculturais e naturais. A paisagem resultante constitui um rico e diversificado patrimônio que foi condicionado especialmente pela geomorfologia e seu substrato geológico. As características de relevo predominantemente suave, abundância de água e pasto na região fitogeográfica denominada Campos Gerais foram fundamentais para o transporte de centenas de animais e tornam indissociáveis os elementos culturais dos naturais dentro de uma análise de patrimônio

    Morphology and sedimentation processes: contributing to land use planning in the Paraná state coast in Brazil

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    The coastal geological formation of the Paraná state in Brazil is associated with tectono-sedimentary eustatic and isostatic processes; with the sinking of rocks in the Paraná shield area and numerous sea-level rises and falls. In view of that, the rocks that form this region are igneous and metamorphic, and with varied geologic ages. This study aims to analyze the features generated by these sedimentary formations in an attempt to identify their fragilities with regard to water erosion, movement of masses, plates and wind, and susceptibility to inundation and flooding looking for its fragilities. The analysis identified fourteen morphosedimentary units, where seven of them are mountain ranges or “pre-mountain ranges” with susceptibility to mass movements, water erosion and rockfalls; and seven of them are fluvial-marine plains therefore susceptible to inundation, flooding, water erosion and wind movement, and whose use or occupation requires caution