650 research outputs found

    Shot noise in the interacting resonance level model

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    The shot noise power and the Fano factor of a spinless resonant level model is calculated. The Coulomb interaction which in this model acts between the lead electron and the impurity is considered in the first order approximation. The logarithmic divergencies which appeared in the expressions for shot noise and the transport current are removed by renormalization group analysis. It is shown that Keldysh technique gives an adequate description of perturbation theory results. By passing to the bosonized form of the resonance model it is proven that in the strong interaction limit the tunnelling becomes irrelevant and decreases.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Expansion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Disorder

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    Expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is studied, in the presence of a random potential. The expansion is controlled by a single parameter, (μτeff/)(\mu\tau_{eff} /\hbar), where μ\mu is the chemical potential, prior to the release of the BEC from the trap, and τeff\tau_{eff} is a transport relaxation time which characterizes the strength of the disorder. Repulsive interactions (nonlinearity) facilitate transport and can lead to diffusive spreading of the condensate which, in the absence of interactions, would have remained localized in the vicinity of its initial location

    Boundary Energies and the Geometry of Phase Separation in Double--Exchange Magnets

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    We calculate the energy of a boundary between ferro- and antiferromagnetic regions in a phase separated double-exchange magnet in two and three dimensions. The orientation dependence of this energy can significantly affect the geometry of the phase-separated state in two dimensions, changing the droplet shape and possibly stabilizing a striped arrangement within a certain range of the model parameters. A similar effect, albeit weaker, is also present in three dimensions. As a result, a phase-separated system near the percolation threshold is expected to possess intrinsic hysteretic transport properties, relevant in the context of recent experimental findings.Comment: 6 pages, including 4 figures; expanded versio

    Magnetotransport of coupled electron-holes

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    The carriers in InAs-GaSb double quantum wells are hybrid ``electron-holes''. We study the magnetotransport properties of such particles using a two-component Keldysh technique, which results in a semi-analytic expression for the small-field current. We show that zero temperature current can be large even when the Fermi energy lies within the hybridization gap, a result which cannot be understood within a semiclassical (Boltzmann) approach. Magnetic field dependence of the conductance is also affected significantly by the hybridization of electrons and holes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum oscillations in graphene in the presence of disorder and interactions

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    Quantum oscillations in graphene is discussed. The effect of interactions are addressed by Kohn's theorem regarding de Haas-van Alphen oscillations, which states that electron-electron interactions cannot affect the oscillation frequencies as long as disorder is neglected and the system is sufficiently screened, which should be valid for chemical potentials not very close to the Dirac point. We determine the positions of Landau levels in the presence of potential disorder from exact transfer matrix and finite size diagonalization calculations. The positions are shown to be unshifted even for moderate disorder; stronger disorder, can, however, lead to shifts, but this also appears minimal even for disorder width as large as one-half of the bare hopping matrix element on the graphene lattice. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of the conductivity are calculated analytically within a self-consistent Born approximation of impurity scattering. The oscillatory part of the conductivity follows the widely invoked Lifshitz-Kosevich form when certain mass and frequency parameters are properly interpreted.Comment: Appendix A was removed, as the content of it is already contained in Ref. 17. Thanks to M. A. H. Vozmedian

    The effect of electronic entropy on temperature peculiarities of the frequency characteristics of two interacting anharmonic vibrational modes in β\beta-Zr

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    A 2D temperature-dependent effective potential is calculated for the interacting longitudinal and transverse LL-phonons of β\beta zirconium in the frozen-phonon model. The effective potentials obtained for different temperatures are used for the numerical solution of a set of stochastic differential equations with a thermostat of the white-noise type. Analysis of the spectral density of transverse vibrations allows one to determine the temperature at which β\beta-Zr becomes unstable with respect to the longitudinal LL-vibrations. The obtained temperature value practically coincides with the experimental temperature of the βα\beta \to \alpha structural transition in zirconium. The role of electronic entropy in the β\beta-Zr stability is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures (submitted in Phys.Rev.

    Runaway Quarks

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    When heavy nuclei collide, a quark-gluon plasma is formed. The plasma is subject to strong electric field due to the charge of the colliding nuclei. The electric field can influence the behavior of the quark-gluon plasma. In particular, we might observe an increased number of quarks moving in the direction of that field, as we do in the standard electron-ion plasma. In this paper we show that this phenomenon, called the runaway quarks, does not exist.Comment: 13 pages, uses harvmac.tex, epsf.te

    Non-meanfield deterministic limits in chemical reaction kinetics far from equilibrium

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    A general mechanism is proposed by which small intrinsic fluctuations in a system far from equilibrium can result in nearly deterministic dynamical behaviors which are markedly distinct from those realized in the meanfield limit. The mechanism is demonstrated for the kinetic Monte-Carlo version of the Schnakenberg reaction where we identified a scaling limit in which the global deterministic bifurcation picture is fundamentally altered by fluctuations. Numerical simulations of the model are found to be in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Comment on "Clock Shift in High Field Magnetic Resonance of Atomic Hydrogen"

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    In this Comment, we reanalyze the experiments on the collision frequency shift of the b-c and a-d hyperfine transitions in three-dimensional atomic hydrogen in the presence of, respectively, a and b-state atoms. Accurate consideration of the symmetry of the spatial and spin part of the diatomic wavefunction yields the difference a_T-a_S=0.30(5) \AA between the triplet and singlet s-wave scattering lengths of hydrogen atoms. This corrects the factor-of two error of the commented work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 263003 (2008)].Comment: 1 pag

    Observation of the March Maximum in the Daemon Flux from Neos in the Year 2005: New Efforts and New Effects

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    The experiments of 2005 aimed at detection of low-velocity (~10-15 km s-1) daemons falling on to the Earth's surface from Near-Earth, Almost Circular Heliocentric Orbits (NEACHOs) have corroborated once more the existence of the March maximum in their flux by raising its confidence level to 99.99%. In addition, these experiments permitted us to identify several FEU-167-1-type PM tubes, with a few times thicker inner Al coating, which appear to be capable to detect, without any scintillator, the crossing of negatively charged daemons. As a result, detection efficiency increases tens of times, thus raising the measured level of the March daemon flux to f > 0.5E-7 cm-2s-1.Comment: 14 page