42 research outputs found

    Control of mesoscopic transport by modifying transmission channels in opaque media

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    While controlling particle diffusion in a confined geometry is a popular approach taken by both natural and artificial systems, it has not been widely adopted for controlling light transport in random media, where wave interference effects play a critical role. The transmission eigenchannels determine not only light propagation through the disordered system but also the energy concentrated inside. Here we propose and demonstrate an effective approach to modify these channels, whose structures are considered to be universal in conventional diffusive waveguides. By adjusting the waveguide geometry, we are able to alter the spatial profiles of the transmission eigenchannels significantly and deterministically from the universal ones. In addition, propagating channels may be converted to evanescent channels or vice versa by tapering the waveguide cross-section. Our approach allows to control not only the transmitted and reflected light, but also the depth profile of energy density inside the scattering system. In particular geometries perfect reflection channels are created, and their large penetration depth into the turbid medium as well as the complete return of probe light to the input end would greatly benefit sensing and imaging applications. Absorption along with geometry can be further employed for tuning the decay length of energy flux inside the random system, which cannot be achieved in a common waveguide with uniform cross-section. Our approach relies solely on confined geometry and does not require any modification of intrinsic disorder, thus it is applicable to a variety of systems and also to other types of waves

    Transmission channels for light in absorbing random media: from diffusive to ballistic-like transport

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    While the absorption of light is ubiquitous in nature and in applications, the question remains how absorption modifies the transmission channels in random media. We present a numerical study on the effects of optical absorption on the maximal transmission and minimal reflection channels in a two-dimensional disordered waveguide. In the weak absorption regime, where the system length is less than the diffusive absorption length, the maximal transmission channel is dominated by diffusive transport and it is equivalent to the minimal reflection channel. Its frequency bandwidth is determined by the underlying quasimode width. However, when the absorption is strong, light transport in the maximal transmission channel undergoes a sharp transition and becomes ballistic-like transport. Its frequency bandwidth increases with absorption, and the exact scaling varies with the sample's realization. The minimal reflection channel becomes different from the maximal transmission channel and becomes dominated by absorption. Counterintuitively, we observe in some samples that the minimum reflection eigenvalue increases with absorption. Our results show that strong absorption turns open channels in random media from diffusive to ballistic-like.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Topological defect lasers

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    We demonstrate topological defect lasers in a GaAs membrane with embedded InAs quantum dots. By introducing a disclination to a square-lattice of elliptical air holes, we obtain spatially confined optical resonances with high quality factor. Such resonances support powerflow vortices, and lase upon optical excitation of quantum dots, embedded in the structure. The spatially inhomogeneous variation of the unit cell orientation adds another dimension to the control of a lasing mode, enabling the manipulation of its field pattern and energy flow landscape