17 research outputs found

    Segregation of the fragile X mutation from an affected male to his normal daughter

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    We report here a family in which the fragile X mutation segregates from an affected grandfather through his normal daughter to an affected grandson. The grandson shows clinical and cytogenetic expression of fragile X syndrome due to a full mutation (large methylated insertion) in the fragile X gene (FMR-1). The mother shows a premutation (small unmethylated insertion) in her FMR-1 gene as the sole manifestation of the fragile X syndrome. The grandfather expresses the fragile X syndrome at the clinical and cytogenetic level, whereas he is mosaic for a methylated full mutation and an unmethylated premutation. The absence of expression of the fragile X mutation when transmitted through an expressing male might present further evidence for genomic imprinting of the FMR-1 gene. Alternatively, it is possible that the grandfather transmitted his premutation to his daughter due to germline mosaicism with both the premutation and the full mutation present in his sperm.</p

    Segregation of the fragile X mutation from an affected male to his normal daughter

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    We report here a family in which the fragile X mutation segregates from an affected grandfather through his normal daughter to an affected grandson. The grandson shows clinical and cytogenetic expression of fragile X syndrome due to a full mutation (large methylated insertion) in the fragile X gene (FMR-1). The mother shows a premutation (small unmethylated insertion) in her FMR-1 gene as the sole manifestation of the fragile X syndrome. The grandfather expresses the fragile X syndrome at the clinical and cytogenetic level, whereas he is mosaic for a methylated full mutation and an unmethylated premutation. The absence of expression of the fragile X mutation when transmitted through an expressing male might present further evidence for genomic imprinting of the FMR-1 gene. Alternatively, it is possible that the grandfather transmitted his premutation to his daughter due to germline mosaicism with both the premutation and the full mutation present in his sperm.</p

    High incidence of the CFTR mutations 3272-26A G and L927P in Belgian cystic fibrosis patients, and identification of three new CFTR mutations (186-2A G, E588V, and 1671insTATATCA)

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    AbstractWe have analyzed 143 unrelated Belgian patients with a positive diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) for mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. An initial screening for 29 CFTR mutations led to mutation identification in 89.9% of the tested chromosomes. Subsequently an extensive analysis of the CFTR gene was performed by denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in those patients with at least one unknown mutation after preliminary screening. In addition to 10 previously reported mutations we identified 2 new mutations 186-2A→G and E588V. A third new mutation 1671insTATCA was identified during routine screening for ΔF508. Two mutations were detected with a higher frequency than expected: 3272-26A→G, which is the second most common mutation after ΔF508 in our CF population with a frequency of 3.8%, and L927P (2.4%). The clinical data is presented for the mutations 186-2A→G, E588V, 3272-26A→G and L927P. The mutation data are useful for the Belgian population to supplement the initial screening set of mutations