1,286 research outputs found

    The phase coherence of light from extragalactic sources - direct evidence against first order Planck scale fluctuations in time and space

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    We present a method of directly testing whether time continues to have its usual meaning on scales of <= t_P = sqrt(hbar G/c^5) ~ 5.4E-44 s, the Planck time. According to quantum gravity, the time t of an event cannot be determined more accurately than a standard deviation of the form sigma_t/t = a_o (t_P/t)^a, where a_o and a are positive constants ~1; likewise distances are subject to an ultimate uncertainty c \sigma_t, where c is the speed of light. As a consequence, the period and wavelength of light cannot be specified precisely; rather, they are independently subject to the same intrinsic limitations in our knowledge of time and space, so that even the most monochromatic plane wave must in reality be a superposition of waves with varying omega and {\bf k}, each having a different phase velcocity omega/k. For the entire accessible range of the electromagnetic spectrum this effect is extremely small, but can cumulatively lead to a complete loss of phase information if the emitted radiation propagated a sufficiently large distance. Since, at optical frequencies, the phase coherence of light from a distant point source is a necessary condition for the presence of diffraction patterns when the source is viewed through a telescope, such observations offer by far the most sensitive and uncontroversial test. We show that the HST detection of Airy rings from the active galaxy PKS1413+135, located at a distance of 1.2 Gpc, secures the exclusion of all first order (a=1) quantum gravity fluctuations with an amplitude a_o > 0.003. The same result may be used to deduce that the speed of light in vacuo is exact to a few parts in 10^32.Comment: Title change. One reference added. Final version accepted by ApJ

    Strong lensing time delay: a new way of measuring cosmic shear

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    The phenomenon of cosmic shear, or distortion of images of distant sources unaccompanied by magnification, is an effective way of probing the content and state of the foreground Universe, because light rays do not have to pass through mass structures in order to be sheared. It is shown that the delay in the arrival times between two simultaneously emitted photons that appear to be arriving from a pair of images of a strongly lensed cosmological source contains not only information about the Hubble constant, but also the long range gravitational effect of galactic scale mass clumps located away from the light paths in question. This is therefore also a method of detecting shear. Data on time delays among a sample of strongly lensed sources can provide crucial information about whether extra dynamics beyond gravity and dark energy are responsible for the global flatness of space. If the standard ΛCDM\Lambda CDM model is correct, there should be a large dispersion in the value of H0H_0 as inferred from the delay data by (the usual procedure of) ignoring the effect of all other mass clumps except the strong lens itself. The fact that there has not been any report of a significant deviation from the h=h = 0.7 mark during any of the H0H_0 determinations by this technique may already be pointing to the absence of the random effect discussed here.Comment: ApJ in pres

    XMM-Newton discovery of O VII emission from warm gas in clusters of galaxies

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    XMM-Newton recently discovered O VII line emission from ~2 million K gas near the outer parts of several clusters of galaxies. This emission is attributed to the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium. The original sample of clusters studied for this purpose has been extended and two more clusters with a soft X-ray excess have been found. We discuss the physical properties of the warm gas, in particular the density, spatial extent, abundances and temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, conference "Soft X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies and related phenomena", ed. R. Lieu, Kluwer, in pres

    Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Clusters of Galaxies: Inverse Compton Radiation from a Relic Population of Cosmic Ray Electrons?

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    We suggest that the luminous extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission which has been detected recently from clusters of galaxies is Inverse Compton (IC) scattering of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation by low energy cosmic ray electrons in the intracluster medium. The cosmic ray electrons would have Lorentz factors of gamma ~ 300, and would lose energy primarily by emitting EUV radiation. These particles have lifetimes comparable to the Hubble time; thus, the electrons might represent a relic population of cosmic rays produced by nonthermal activity over the history of the cluster. The IC model naturally explains the observed increase in the ratio of EUV to X-ray emission with radius in clusters. The required energy in cosmic ray electrons is typically 1--10% of the thermal energy content of the intracluster gas. We suggest that the cosmic ray electrons might have been produced by supernovae in galaxies, by radio galaxies, or by particle acceleration in intracluster shocks.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press, 4 pages with 1 embedded figure, Latex in emulateapj styl

    On the absence of gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background

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    The magnification of distant sources by mass clumps at lower (z≀1z \leq 1) redshifts is calculated analytically. The clumps are initially assumed to be galaxy group isothermal spheres with properties inferred from an extensive survey. The average effect, which includes strong lensing, is exactly counteracted by the beam divergence in between clumps (more precisely, the average reciprocal magnification cancels the inverse Dyer-Roeder demagnification). This conclusion is in fact independent of the matter density function within each clump, and remains valid for arbitrary densities of matter and dark energy. When tested against the CMB, a rather large lensing induced {\it dispersion} in the angular size of the primary acoustic peaks of the TT power spectrum is inconsistent with WMAP observations. The situation is unchanged by the use of NFW profiles for the density distribution of groups. Finally, our formulae are applied to an ensemble of NFW mass clumps or isothermal spheres having the parameters of galaxy {\it clusters}. The acoustic peak size dispersion remains unobservably large, and is also excluded by WMAP. For galaxy groups, two possible ways of reconciling with the data are proposed, both exploiting maximally the uncertainties in our knowledge of group properties. The same escape routes are not available in the case of clusters, however, because their properties are well understood. Here we have a more robust conclusion: neither of the widely accepted models are good description of clusters, or important elements of physics responsible for shaping zero curvature space are missing from the standard cosmological model. When all the effects are accrued, it is difficult to understand how WMAP could reveal no evidence whatsoever of lensing by groups and clusters.Comment: ApJ v628, pp. 583-593 (August 1, 2005

    A massive warm baryonic halo in the Coma cluster

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    Several deep PSPC observations of the Coma cluster reveal a very large-scale halo of soft X-ray emission, substantially in excess of the well known radiation from the hot intra-cluster medium. The excess emission, previously reported in the central region of the cluster using lower-sensitivity EUVE and ROSAT data, is now evident out to a radius of 2.6 Mpc, demonstrating that the soft excess radiation from clusters is a phenomenon of cosmological significance. The X-ray spectrum at these large radii cannot be modeled non-thermally, but is consistent with the original scenario of thermal emission from warm gas at ~ 10^6 K. The mass of the warm gas is on par with that of the hot X-ray emitting plasma, and significantly more massive if the warm gas resides in low-density filamentary structures. Thus the data lend vital support to current theories of cosmic evolution, which predict that at low redshift \~30-40 % of the baryons reside in warm filaments converging at clusters of galaxies.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in pres
