2,160 research outputs found

    The potential of the East Asian community to deepen East Asian regionalism

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.This study analyses the East Asian Community (EAC) initiative for its potential in promoting regionalism in East Asia. The main aim of the study is to examine the development of the EAC building process since the regional financial crisis of 1997, which led to a new wave of regionalism in East Asia. The study examines whether the EAC as a form of bandwagoning strategy can deepen East Asian regionalism through national interests and policies used by ASEAN and Japan, China and the United States in pushing for East Asian cooperation. The study particularly focuses upon the impediments to the process of EAC building and how competing forums, initiatives, conflicts and disputes between regional countries have distracted countries from developing an EAC. The significance of the study is to deepen understanding of the nature of East Asian regionalism and the fate of specific initiatives relative to overall regional and international relations. My research findings indicate that the EAC does not look like becoming an organisation that significantly deepens regional cooperation. East Asian regionalism is characterised by a plethora of regional initiatives. The EAC was proposed as a political organisation to for smaller and weaker countries to bandwagon with regional great powers, thereby contributing to peace and prosperity. In this thesis I argue, however, that there are many barriers in the way of building the EAC. The obstacles seem greater than the drivers for building the EAC, and lead to the conclusion that the fate of the EAC is unlikely to be more successful than other previous regional initiatives. Although the EAC initiative has been supported by both the stronger and weaker countries in the region, the support is on the surface only and is not substantial or deep enough to achieve all that is hoped for

    L'exploration du dialogue de Bohm comme approche d'apprentissage : une recherche collaborative

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    Cette recherche s’intéresse à un mode d’apprentissage proposé par le physicien et philosophe David Bohm, le dialogue. La problématique à la base de l’étude est la fragmentation, associée par plusieurs auteurs à notre mode d’acquisition, de production et d'utilisation de la connaissance. Plusieurs scientifiques de la systémique ont attaqué cette problématique pour mettre de l’avant des théories, des approches et des outils qui puissent mener vers une appréhension globale de la réalité afin de bien considérer la complexité des problématiques qui nous confrontent. Cependant, il est reconnu que la systémique demeure insuffisante. Bohm amène l'idée que la fragmentation n’est pas associée aux résultats compartimentés et disciplinaires de nos activités de connaissances, mais plutôt à l’attitude mentale généralisée qui prédispose l’esprit à voir les séparations entre les choses comme absolues et définitives, plutôt que comme résultat d’un mode de pensée n’ayant qu’une utilité et validité relatives et limitées. Au regard de la fragmentation, dont les racines sont intérieures au mécanisme même de penser, Bohm propose qu’une attention sérieuse portée au processus de penser pourrait amener vers une nouvelle façon de penser plus entière, moins fragmentée. Pour ce, il propose une approche singulière qui est la pratique du dialogue. La pratique du dialogue est considérée par certains comme un outil puissant permettant la formation d’un esprit recadrant, c’est-à-dire capable de remettre en question les modèles mentaux, qui souvent à notre insu, influencent la pensée. La problématique spécifique de notre étude est circonscrite à l’appropriation du dialogue qui, malgré son apport probable, demeure difficile et confuse, en raison de sa nature complexe. Relever les difficultés d’appropriation du dialogue au moment même où elles sont vécues par les participants pour les réinvestir immédiatement au processus du dialogue de Bohm, dans une perspective d’apprentissage, constitue le but de notre étude. Réalisée selon la démarche d’une recherche qualitative, l’étude a consisté, dans un premier temps, au déploiement d’une expérimentation de la pratique du dialogue, respectant l’esprit et le sens de la proposition de Bohm. La recherche-action réalisée avec un groupe de 25 participants s’est déroulée sur 8 mois. Dans un second temps, à travers une analyse de contenu des verbatims des séances de dialogue, choisies en alignement avec le but de notre recherche, notre étude relève les difficultés rencontrées dans la pratique et fait ressortir celles qui sont susceptibles d’entraver le dialogue. Il en ressort que les difficultés, qui en premier lieu sont perçues comme des obstacles, se sont avérées être, avec la pratique, des opportunités pour l’observation et l’exploration du processus de penser. Les résultats de notre recherche se veulent utiles aux participants, mais aussi à ceux qui voudraient s’initier à la pratique du dialogue ou à des communautés de chercheurs intéressés par le dialogue. L’étude contribue, par ailleurs, à enrichir l’état de la recherche sur le dialogue, à date peu développée.This descriptive, exploratory research explores the notion of Dialogue as proposed by the physicist/ philosopher David Bohm. Central to Bohm's thesis is the notion of fragmentation in relation to how we acquire, produce and utilize knowledge. The goal is a greater understanding of reality in all its complexity, focusing more on relationships and complete entities rather than parts and particulars. However, elaborating what constitutes systemic thinking is not, in itself, sufficient for Bohm. Instead of linking fragmentation to bounded enactments of disciplinary knowledge construction, Bohm proposes fragmentation as a pervasive and prevalent mental attitude, one that systematically re-enacts absolutist and definitive distinctions. In other words, fragmentation is rooted in the functioning of the mind itself. Bohm invites us to give serious attention to these thought processes and to resist fragmentation by becoming aware of its invasive presence via the practice of Dialogue. The assumption being that by becoming more aware of the prevalence of fragmentation our abilities to resist it or create alternative modus operandi will be enhanced. This practice of inquiring into our mental models is considered a powerful approach to re-frame our mindsets. Yet, the practice of Bohm's Dialogue is complex, often confusing and sometimes difficult. This research focuses on the appropriation of Bohm's Dialogue, to denote the difficulties of living “the Dialogue according to Bohm”. The study is action research based. Dialogue sessions composed of 25 participants took place over 8 month period. Analysis shows that the very difficulties and/or hindrances evoked by the Dialogue process often served as the essential elements necessary for in-depth exploration of both individual and collective thinking processes. Such findings will certainly be of interest to participant-practitioners of Bohm's Dialogue. In addition, such findings may also be of interest to those who wish to initiate themselves to this innovative practice. This study aims to contribute to research efforts pertaining to Bohm's Dialogue which are presently in their early stages of development

    Teachers’ participation in curriculum development: a case study from an English preparatory program at a tertiary institution

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    The higher requirement of English competency among learners at the tertiary level has called for constant curriculum development in English training programs, especially in English instructed undergraduate programs. With the purpose to explore the phenomenon of teachers’ participation in the curriculum development process, this study employed a qualitative instrumental case study of an English preparatory program. The participants of the study were 8 English instructors in the English Preparatory Program at International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The data of the research were collected by using a semi-structured interview and then thematically coded. The results from the interview show a high level of teacher’s willingness to be involved in most staged of the curriculum development process. The main activities they actually participated in the examined project were selecting content, sequencing content, and organizing learning experience. Feasible suggestions to increase teachers’ voices in the decision-making process were also recorded

    Industrial Structure and Employment Structure Evolution and Forecast in Viet Nam

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    The interaction mechanism between industrial structure and employment structure has great importance in the development of any economy. But it always needs a constant vigilance to adjust and evolve which promotes the economic development of a country. This study tries to find out the optimization correlation between industrial structure and employment structure in Vietnam for the period of 1995-2014. This study has found that labor is moving gradually from low efficiency production section to high efficiency production section. This paper uses the vector auto-regression model (VAR) to forecast industrial structure and employment structure change trend in Vietnam for 2015-2020. The forecasted results show that industrial structure trend is moving towards higher progression, eventually transforming to "321" pattern. However, the change in employment structure lags behind changes in the industrial structure as labor structure is showing a "132" pattern. Keywords: Industrial structure, Employment structure, vector auto-regression, Vietna

    Pulmonary deposition of radionucleotide-labeled palivizumab : proof-of-concept study

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    Objective: Current prevention and/or treatment options for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections are limited as no vaccine is available. Prophylaxis with palivizumab is very expensive and requires multiple intramuscular injections over the RSV season. Here we present proof-of-concept data using nebulized palivizumab delivery as a promising new approach for the prevention or treatment of severe RSV infections, documenting both aerosol characteristics and pulmonary deposition patterns in the lungs of lambs. Design: Prospective animal study. Setting: Biosecurity Control Level 2-designated large animal research facility at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia. Subjects: Four weaned Border-Leicester/Suffolk lambs at 5 months of age. Interventions: Four lambs were administered aerosolized palivizumab conjugated to Tc-99m, under gaseous anesthesia, using either the commercially available AeroNeb Go® or the investigational HYDRA device, placed in-line with the inspiratory limb of a breathing circuit. Lambs were scanned in a single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT/CT) scanner in the supine position during the administration procedure. Measurements and Main Results: Both the HYDRA and AeroNeb Go® produced palivizumab aerosols in the 1–5 µm range with similar median (geometric standard deviation and range) aerosol droplet diameters for the HYDRA device (1.84 ± 1.40 μm, range = 0.54–5.41μm) and the AeroNeb Go® (3.07 ± 1.56 μm, range = 0.86–10 μm). Aerosolized palivizumab was delivered to the lungs at 88.79–94.13% of the total aerosolized amount for all lambs, with a small proportion localized to either the trachea or stomach. No difference between devices were found. Pulmonary deposition ranged from 6.57 to 9.25% of the total dose of palivizumab loaded in the devices, mostly in the central right lung. Conclusions: Aerosolized palivizumab deposition patterns were similar in all lambs, suggesting a promising approach in the control of severe RSV lung infections. © Copyright © 2020 Rajapaksa, Do, Suryawijaya Ong, Sourial, Veysey, Beare, Hughes, Yang, Bischof, McDonnell, Eu, Yeo, Licciardi and Mulholland. ***Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Robert Bishof” is provided in this record*** The authors thank Rebecca Sutton for her technical assistance on lamb management, and Kera Pethybridge and Ellie Wright for her technical assistance on nuclear imaging. This study is?supported by a Jack Brockhoff Foundation Early Career Research Grant and a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Early Career Fellowship (GNT1123030) awarded to AR, and the Victorian Government?s Operational Infrastructure Support Program. PL is supported by an NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (GNT1165084)


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    Vietnam is in the early stages of implementing the reform of the curriculum and textbooks. Vietnam's general education is changing strongly from content-based teaching to competence-building teaching [1]. That change has been implemented by researchers and teachers in all elements of the teaching process, including testing and evaluation. Evaluation of educational outcomes needs to shift from testing memorization to assessing the ability to apply knowledge to solve practical problems, attaching importance to both assessment of learning outcomes and assessment in the learning process. In this situation, testing and assessment in teaching Science in primary schools are also interesting to many teachers, and assessment of scientific competence in teaching this subject is considered an important factor contributing to improving the quality of Science and the quality of subject teaching in the direction of developing students' ability. The article mentions some theoretical foundations and the actual situation of using Rubric in assessing the scientific competence of students in grades 4 and 5 when teachers teach Science, thereby proposing some measures to improve the effectiveness of assessment in teaching this subject.  Article visualizations

    Perceptual Learning Style Preference for Medical Terminology: A Case Study of 20 ESP Students

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    Due to the globalization, there has been a great demand for learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in different fields. How to teach medical terminology effectively to pre-service medical professionals is one of the main challenges that ESP instructors encounter in their English in Medicine classrooms. A variety of factors, including but are not limited to student learning style preference, prior knowledge, classroom facilities should be considered. In this study, we conducted a case study of 20 students in an ESP class to explore their learning style preference. This study employed two data collection instruments: questionnaire and interview. Data analysis interestingly revealed that the location of students’ secondary education has an influence on their perceptual learning style preference of medical terminology at tertiary level. Drawing on the results, this study argues for a balance between student learning preference and teaching mythology. Keywords: ESP, perceptual learning style preference, medical terminology DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/66-06 Publication date:March 31st 202

    A Phenomenological Study of Writing Error Correction: Perspectives of an English Language Learner in Two Different Contexts

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    In second language writing, student errors in grammatical structure, word choice, or idea expression are a common phenomenon. How these errors should be treated poses a challenging question. In this qualitative study I attempt to explore the impacts of some current methods of error correction in second language writing through a phenomenological study of an English language learners who studied in Vietnam and the United States. The study participant was invited to reflect his learning experiences in an interview with the researcher. Theme-based analysis of the interview revealed that the manner in which teachers correct errors can have a considerable impact on student motivation to improve second language writing. The study participant indicated that over-correction of language errors inhibited his motivation to write in second language and that language teachers may consider providing an adequate amount of correction and feedback. Pedagogical recommendations are made to help teachers make appropriate corrections for their students’ writing papers. Keywords: second language writing, error correction, theme analysis DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/94-02 Publication date: December 31st 202
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