8 research outputs found
Environmental life cycle optimization of prefabricated timber frame systems for rooftop extensions
status: publishe
Environmental and financial life cycle assessment of ‘open-renovation-systems': methodology and case study
The emphasis in this research is on affordable and innovative semi-prefabricated ‘open-renovation-systems’ for extending residential buildings. Based on an existing LCA (life cycle assessment) and LCC (life cycle costing) methodology, two methodological issues in evaluating renovation interventions are assessed: (1) the allocation of the environmental impact of the existing structures and materials to the life cycle before and after renovation and (2) the energy calculation method. An existing semi-prefabricated ‘open-renovation-system’ for a rooftop extension is assessed both on element and building level from an environmental and financial life cycle perspective.publisher: Elsevier
articletitle: Environmental and Financial Life Cycle Assessment of ‘Open-renovation-systems’: Methodology and Case Study
journaltitle: Energy Procedia
articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2016.09.095
content_type: article
copyright: © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.status: publishe
Methodological issues in evaluating integral sustainable renovations
Ongoing research in Europe related to sustainable renovation mainly focuses on improving the energy performance of buildings. These studies have a limited scope regarding sustainability as operational energy is often the only focus. A screening of current practices in
Flanders moreover shows that renovations are often limited to small interventions, whereby a long term vision is missing. We are convinced that a more integral approach is necessary to strive for sustainable renovation. This research aims at supporting the construction sector in
the challenge for an increased renovation rate with more in depth transformations of the existing housing stock in Flanders. The objective is moreover to stimulate a transition from energy-focused renovations towards integral sustainable renovations from a life cycle perspective. In this context, the research aims among others at developing a number of affordable and innovative ‘open-renovation-systems’, with the focus on interventions such as splitting, combining, wrapping and extending residential buildings. To compare and analyze these renovation systems, a method to evaluate the environmental and financial impact of the renovation interventions over their whole life cycle is being developed. This evaluation method is based on the LCA (life cycle assessment) and LCC (life cycle costing) methodology. This paper focuses on two methodological issues in evaluating the environmental impact of renovation interventions: the allocation of the environmental impact of existing structures and materials to the life cycle before and after renovation, and the role
of the estimation of the building lifespan (before and after renovation) in decision taking. The results of the analyzed case study show that the chosen allocation approach does not influence the overall conclusions regarding renovation or demolition followed by new construction. However, the case study reveals that the estimation of the second building lifespan can affect
the results in a significant manner.no issnstatus: publishe
Veranderingsgericht bouwen: ontwikkeling van een beleids- en transitiekader
Er is nood aan een betere verspreiding van informatie, een gebruiksvriendelijk evaluatiekader en beleidsluwe demonstratieprojecten om veranderingsgericht (ver)bouwen
te implementeren in de huidige bouw- en beleidspraktijk. In deze studie worden er concrete oplossingen geformuleerd om ontwerpers, bouwheren en beleidsmakers verder te betrekken
in de eerste implementatiestappen. De ontwikkeling van praktijkgerichte ontwerpfiches en de beschrijving van vaak voorkomende begrippen spelen een belangrijke rol in de bewustwording van deze actoren. Dankzij het verfijnd evaluatiekader kon strategisch ontwerpadvies gegeven worden binnen 2 lopende bouwprojecten in de sociale woningbouw
en scholenbouw. Tenslotte, werden via co-creatiesessies met koplopers 4 concrete transitieexperimenten gedefinieerd om de volgende implementatiestappen op gang te brengen.nrpages: 247status: publishe