3 research outputs found
Effect of Various Surface Treatments on Ti-Base Coping Retention
- Publication venue
- 'Operative Dentistry'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Clinical Evaluation of Silorane-based Resin Composites in the Posterior Teeth: An 18 Months Follow-up Study
- Author
- Baracco B Perdigao J, Cabrera E, Giraldez I, Ceballos L.
- Borges AF Santos Jde S, Ramos CM, Ishikiriama SK, Shinohara MS.
- Brandt WC Lacerda RF, Souza EJ Jr, Sinhoreti MA.
- Cenci MS Pereira-Cenci T, Cury JA, Ten Cate JM.
- Hickel R Peschke A, Tyas M, Mjor I, Bayne S, Peters M, et al.
- Hickel R Peschke A, Tyas M, Mjor I, Bayne S, Peters M, et al.
- Ilie N Hickel R.
- Ivanovas S Hickel R, Ilie N.
- Labib LM Nabih SM, Baroudi K.
- Lien W Vandewalle KS.
- Ozarslan MM Buyukkaplan US, Barutcigil C, Arslan M, Turker N, Barutcigil K.
- Perez MM Ghinea R, Ugarte-Alvan LI, Pulgar R, Paravina RD.
- Pires-de-Souza Fde C Garcia Lda F, Roselino Lde M, Naves LZ.
- Shabayek NM Hassan FM, Mobarak EH.
- Tantbirojn D Pfeifer CS, Braga RR, Versluis A.
- Walter R Boushell LW, Heymann HO, Ritter AV, Sturdevant JR, Wilder AD Jr, et al.
- Yaman BC Dogruer I, Gumustas B, Efes BG.
- Yesilyurt C Yoldas O, Altintas SH, Kusgoz A.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Effect of Composite Fiber Insertion along with Lowshrinking Composite Resin on Cuspal Deflection of Root-filled Maxillary Premolars
- Author
- Alander P Lassila LV, Tezvergil A, Vallittu PK.
- Alomari QD Reinhardt JW, Boyer DB.
- Aydin C Yilmaz H, Caglar A.
- Belli S Erdemir A, Ozcopur M, Eskitascioglu G.
- Belli S Erdemir A, Yildirim C.
- Boaro LC Gonçalves F, Guimarães TC, Ferracane JL, Versluis A, Braga RR.
- Cara RR Fleming GJ, Palin WM, Walmsley AD, Burke FJ.
- Donly KJ Jensen ME, Triolo P, Chan D.
- Donly KJ Wild TW, Bowen RL, Jensen ME.
- Dyer SR Lassila LV, Jokinen M, Vallittu PK.
- Dyer SR Lassila LV, Jokinen M, Vallittu PK.
- Ernst CP Meyer GR, Klocker K, Willershausen B.
- Fennis WM Tezvergil A, Kuijs RH, Lassila LV, Kreulen CM, Creugers NH, Vallittu PK.
- Fleming GJ Cara RR, Palin WM, Burke FJ.
- Garoushi S Vallittu PK, Lassila LV.
- Ilie N Hickel R.
- Ilie N Hickel R.
- Karbhari VM Wang Q.
- Kleverlaan CJ Feilzer AJ.
- Larson WR Dixon DL, Aquilino SA, Clancy JM.
- Lassila LV Nohrstrom T, Vallittu PK.
- Lee MR Cho BH, Son HH, Um CM, Lee IB.
- Lien W Vandewalle KS.
- Meredith N Setchell DJ.
- Oskoee PA Ajami AA, Navimipour EJ, Oskoee SS, Sadjadi J.
- Oskoee SS Oskoee PA, Navimipour EJ, Shahi S.
- Palin WM Fleming GJ, Nathwani H, Burke FJ, Randall RC.
- Ramos V Jr Runyan DA, Christensen LC.
- Schreiber CK.
- Sengun A Cobankara FK, Orucoglu H.
- Summitt JB Robbins JB, Hilton TJ, Schwartz RS
- Summitt JB Robbins JB, Hilton TJ, Schwartz RS,
- Taha NA Palamara JE, Messer HH.
- Vallittu PK.
- Van Ende A De Munck J, Mine A, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B.
- Weinmann W Thalacker C, Guggenberger R.
- Yazdanie N Mahood M.
- Zortuk M Klllc K, Uzun G, Ozturk A, Kesim B.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study