27 research outputs found

    The Improvement Model of Navigational Safety for Inland Waterway Transport

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    This paper aims at evaluating navigational safety for inland waterway transport (IWT). In doing so, the literature and operational features of IWT were initially reviewed to figure out risk elements (REs) influencing the navigational safety for IWT. After that, a fuzzy Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) approach was adopted to estimate the weight for the likelihood and consequence measures of REs. Then, continuous risk matrix (RM) was introduced to identify REs\u27 risk level. Lastly, to test the proposed research model\u27s applicability, IWT operators across Vietnam were empirically surveyed. The empirical findings could be useful for IWT operators in launching managerial policies to boost their navigational safety. Furthermore, the proposed risk evaluation framework may serve as a methodological reference in relevant literature


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    the Day Nui Con Voi (DNCV) area of Vietnam. For this purpose, a spatial database was collected and constructed, including DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and a geological map. The hypsometric curve (HC) analysis method and its statistical moments were adopted to use for the assessment. These methods have been widely used for the assessment of geomorphic processes and active tectonics in many areas in the world showing promising results. A total of 44 sub-basins of the Red River and the Chay river were analyzed. The result shows that 3 curve-types such as "straight- shape", "S- shape", and concave were found; with the concave curve being the dominant and widely distributed in the northeast side and in the south of the southwestern side of the study area. The hypsometric integral (HI) values are rather small with the largest value is 0.37 and the smallest one is 0.128. Other statistical moments of the hypsometric curve, i.e. skew (SK), kurtosis (KUR), and the density function (density skew - DSK and density kurtosis-DKUR) show great values, which increased in the south direction of the area study. Accordingly, recent active tectonics (uplift-lower) in the study area is generally weak; however, they are also not completely homogeneous and can be distinguished by different levels. The southwestern side is being lifted higher than the northeastern side. The northern part is being lifted larger than the southern part. In the region, the uplift activities were increased gradually in the Pliocene-Quaternary and could have stopped at certain time in the past. The current geomorphic processes are mainly headward erosion in the upstream.References Allen, C.R., Gillepie, A.R., Han, Y., Sieh, K.E., Zhu, C., 1984. 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    The estimation of the present day tectonic movement and tectonic gradient (strain rate) has an important practical signification in the assessment of active fault and seismic hazards for the selection of Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant. Based on the three campaigns of GPS measurement between 2012 - 2013, we used BERNESE 5.0 software to determine present day slip rates of 13 stations in ITRF08 frame. The GPS stations move eastwards at the slip rates of 22 - 25 mm/yr, southwards at the velocities of 5 - 10 mm/yr. The standard errors in latitudinal and longitudinal directions are 1.2 mm/yr and 0.9 mm/yr, respectively. Combined with GPS data from the project of the study on actual geodynamics in Tay Nguyen TN3/06, we determined the strain rate ranging from 50 to 100 nanostrains with the standard error of 50 nanostrains. The direction of  maximum compressive strain rate is from northwest - southeast to east - west.Đánh giá vận tốc chuyển động kiến tạo hiện đại và gradient kiến tạo hiện đại có ý nghĩa thực tiễn quan trọng trong việc đánh giá đứt gãy hoạt động nguy hiểm động đất phục vụ xây dụng nhà máy điện hạt nhân Ninh Thuận. Trên cơ sở đo 3 chu kỳ GPS vào các năm 2012 - 2013, sử dụng phần mềm BERNESE 5.0, chúng tôi đã xác lập được vận tốc chuyển động kiến tạo hiện đại tại 13 điểm đo GPS trong khu vực lân cận bao gồm kéo dài từ Nha Trang tới đảo Phú Quý. Vận tốc chuyển dịch kiến tạo hiện đại về phía đông thay đổi từ 22 - 25 mm/năm và chuyển dịch về phía nam với vận tốc giao động từ 5 - 10 mm/năm trên hệ tọa độ toàn cầu ITRF08. Sai số vận tốc chuyển dịch kiến tạo về phía đông giao động trong khoảng 1,2 - 1,5 mm/năm và về phía nam giao động trong khoảng 0,9 - 1,2 mm/năm. Liên kết với giá trị đo GPS từ đề tài nghiên cứu địa động lực hiện đại khu vực Tây Nguyên mã số TN3/T06, chúng tôi đã xác định được giá trị vận tốc biến dạng giao động từ 50 nano tới 100 nano biến dạng với sai số giao động trong khoảng 50 nano biến dạng. Trục biến dạng nén cực đại giao động theo phương thay đổi từ bắc nam sang đông bắc - tây nam. Trục biến dạng căng cực đại có phương thay đổi từ tây bắc - đông nam sang phương đông - tây


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    This paper presents velocities of present-day tectonic movement and strain rate in the East Vietnam Sea (South China Sea) and surroundings determined from GPS campaigns between 2007 and 2010. We determine absolute velocities of GPS stations in the ITRF05 frame. The result indicates that GPS stations in the North of East Vietnam Sea move eastwards with the slip rate of 30 - 39 mm/yr, southwards at the velocities of 8 - 11 mm/yr. Song Tu Tay offshore moves eastwards at the rate of ~24 mm/yr and southwards at ~9 mm/yr. GPS stations in the South of East Vietnam Sea move to the east at the rate of ~22 mm/yr and to the south at the velocities of 7 - 11 mm/yr. The effect of relative movement shows that the Western Margin Fault Zone activates as left lateral fault zone at the slip rate less than 4 mm/year.In Western plateau, the first result from 2012 - 2013 GPS measurement shows that the velocities to the east vary from 21.5 mm/yr to 24.7 mm/year. The velocities to the south vary from 10.5 mm/yr to 14.6 mm/year. GPS solutions determined from our campaigns are combined with data from various authors and international projects to determine the strain rate in the East Vietnam Sea. Principal strain rate changes from 15 nanostrain/yr to 9 nanostrain/yr in the East Vietnam Sea. Principal strain rate and maximum shear strain rate along the Red River Fault Zone are in order of 10 nanostrain/year. East Vietnam Sea is considered to belong to the Sunda block

    The contribution of remote sensing to the study of active faults and seismic risks in the North of Viêt-Nam

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    peer reviewedIn this paper, we present the results of a study of active fault segments, their characteristics and seismic hazard assessment. The Red river fault and the Dien Bien Phu fault are the most active faults in North Vietnam. We used Landsat-7 ETM+, SPOT-4 HRVIR, ERS-1 RSO, ERS-2 RSO images and aerial photographs to determine active fault lengths, their characteristics and to measure horizontal displacements accumulated during the Holocene. For this purpose, we interpreted the fault geomorphology and used directional filtering over SPOT-4 HRVIR and Landsat-7 ETM+ images combined with a digital elevation models derived from topographic data and the radar images. These parameters were then used to estimate maximum credible earthquake magnitude and peak ground acceleration. We integrated these results with the geomorphologic features, digital terrain models, earthquake epicentres and stress fields within a geographical information system (GIS).Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats provenant de travaux effectués dans deux domaines différents au nord du Viêt-nam : il s’agit de l’identification des segments de failles et de la nature des failles actives ainsi que de l’évaluation du risque sismique. Parmi les failles majeures actives au nord du Viêt-nam, celles du fleuve Rouge et de Dien Bien Phu sont les plus dynamiques. La mesure de la longueur des segments des failles actives a été effectuée à partir d’images satellitaires ETM+ de Landsat-7, HRVIR de SPOT-4, RSO de RADARSAT, d’ERS-1 et d’ERS-2 ainsi que de photographies aériennes. Ces failles ont enregistré les déformations et déplacements accumulés au cours de l’Holocène. Leur connaissance est nécessaire pour une détermination crédible de la magnitude d’un tremblement de terre. Pour les reconnaître, nous avons appliqué un filtrage directionnel sur des images HRVIR de SPOT-4 et ETM+ de Landsat-7 combinées avec des modèles numériques d’altitude réalisés à partir des données topographiques des images radar et combinées avec les observations géomorphologiques et géologiques sur le terrain. La localisation la plus probable des futurs séismes a été réalisée en analysant, dans un système d’information géographique (SIG), les résultats précédents avec des données géomorphologiques, des modèles numériques d’altitude et une cartographie du champ des contraintes. L’application d’une série de méthodes nous a permis d’estimer la magnitude maximale d’un tremblement de terre ainsi que l’accélération au sol (Peak ground acceleration)

    Outcomes of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell administration in the treatment of neurologic sequelae in children with spina bifida

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    Abstract Background To evaluate the safety and efficacy of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell (BMMNC) infusion in the management of neurological sequelae in children with spina bifida (SB). Methods BMMNCs were harvested from bilateral anterior iliac crests. Two intrathecal BMMNC administrations were performed with an interval of 6 months. The measurements of outcomes included clinical assessments, cystomanometry and rectomanometry. Results Eleven children with SB underwent autologous BMMNC infusions from 2016 to 2020. There were no severe adverse events during the study period. The number of patients requiring assistance to expel stools decreased from 11 before cell infusion to 3 after the second cell infusion. The number of patients who had urine leakage decreased from 9 patients at baseline to 3 patients after the second BMMNC infusion. The mean bladder capacity increased from 127.7 ± 59.2 ml at baseline to 136.3 ± 54.8 ml at six months and to 158.3 ± 56.2 ml at 12 months after BMMNC infusions. Detrusor pressure (pdet) decreased from 32.4 ± 22.0 cm H2O at baseline to 21.9 ± 11.8 cm H2O after 12 months of follow-up. At baseline, six patients could walk independently. After the 2nd infusion, eight patients could walk independently. Conclusion Intrathecal infusions of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells are safe and may improve bowel, bladder, and motor function in children with SB. Trial registration: NCT, NCT05472428. Registered July 25, 2022- Retrospectively registered, https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05472428

    Deep learning models integrating multi-sensor and -temporal remote sensing to monitor landslide traces in Vietnam

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    Landslides pose significant threats to lives and public infrastructure in mountainous regions. Real-time landslide monitoring presents challenges for scientists, often involving substantial costs and risks due to challenging terrain and instability. Recent technological advancements offer the potential to identify landslide-prone areas and provide timely warnings to local populations when adverse weather conditions arise. This study aims to achieve three key objectives: (1) propose indicators for detecting landslides in both field and remote sensing images; (2) develop deep learning (DL) models capable of automatically identifying landslides from fusion data of Sentinel-1 (SAR) and Sentinel-2 (optical) images; and (3) employ DL-trained models to detect this natural hazard in specific regions of Vietnam. Twenty DL models were trained, utilizing three U-shaped architectures, which include U-Net and U-Net3+, combined with different data-fusion choices. The training data consisted of multi-temporal Sentinel images and increased the accuracy of DL models using Adam optimizer to 99% in landslide detection with low loss function values. Using two bands of the Sentinel-1 could not define the characteristics of landslide traces. However, the integration between Sentinel-2 data and these bands makes the landslide detection process more effective. Therefore, the authors proposed a consolidated strategy based on three models: (1) UNet using four S2-bands, (2) UNet3+ using four S2-bands, (3) UNet using four S2-bands and VV S1-band, and (4) UNet using four S2-bands and VH S1-band for fully detect landslides. This integrated strategy uses the capabilities of each model and overcomes model result constraints to better describe landslide traces in varied geographical locations

    New Approach to Assess Multi-Scale Coastal Landscape Vulnerability to Erosion in Tropical Storms in Vietnam

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    The increase of coastal erosion due to intense tropical storms and unsustainable urban development in Vietnam demands vulnerability assessments at different research scales. This study proposes (1) a new approach to classify coastlines and (2) suitable criteria to evaluate coastal vulnerability index (CVI) at national and regional/local scales. At the national scale, the Vietnamese coastline was separated into 72 cells from 8 coast types based on natural features, whereas the Center region of Vietnam was separated into 495 cells from 41 coast types based on both natural and socio-economic features. The assessments were carried out by using 17 criteria related to local land use/cover, socio-economic, and natural datasets. Some simplified variables for CVI calculation at the national scale were replaced by quantitative variables at regional/local scales, particularly geomorphology and socio-economic variables. As a result, more than 20% of Vietnam’s coastline has high CVI values, significantly more than 350 km of the coasts in the center part. The coastal landscapes with residential and tourism lands close to the beaches without protection forests have been strongly affected by storms’ erosion. The new approach is cost-effective in data use and processing and is ideal for identifying and evaluating the CVI index at different scales

    Integrating Landsat 7 and 8 data to improve basalt formation classification: A case study at Buon Ma Thuot region, Central Highland, Vietnam

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    Cenozoic basalt regions contain various natural resources that can be used for socio-economic development. Different quantitative and qualitative methods have been applied to understand the geological and geomorphological characteristics of basalt formations. Nowadays the integration of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) has become a powerful method to distinguish geological formations. In this paper, authors combined satellite and fieldwork data to analyze the structure and morphology of highland geological formations in order to distinguish two main volcanic eruption episodes. Based on remote sensing analysis in this study, different spectral band ratios were generated to select the best one for basalt classification. Lastly, two spectral combinations (including band ratios 4/3, 6/2, 7/4 in Landsat 8 and 3/2, 5/1, 7/3 in Landsat 7) were chosen for the Maximum Likelihood classification. The final geological map based on the integration of Landsat 7 and 8 outcomes shows precisely the boundary of the basalt formations with the accuracy up to 93.7%. This outcome contributed significantly to the correction of geological maps. In further studies, authors suggest the integration of Landsat 7 and 8 data in geological studies and natural resource and environmental management at both local and regional scales