13 research outputs found

    Single Atom Cooling by Superfluid Immersion: A Non-Destructive Method for Qubits

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    We present a scheme to cool the motional state of neutral atoms confined in sites of an optical lattice by immersing the system in a superfluid. The motion of the atoms is damped by the generation of excitations in the superfluid, and under appropriate conditions the internal state of the atom remains unchanged. This scheme can thus be used to cool atoms used to encode a series of entangled qubits non-destructively. Within realisable parameter ranges, the rate of cooling to the ground state is found to be sufficiently large to be useful in experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX

    Die slowenische Sprachgruppe in Friaul-Julisch-Venetien \u2013 aktueller Status, r\ue4umliche Bez\ufcge und Zukunftsperspektiven

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    Il gruppo linguistico sloveno in Friuli Venezia Giulia: status attuale, situazione territoriale e prospettive per il futuro. L\u2019obiettivo della ricerca \ue8 lo studio della minoranza slovena in Friuli Venezia Giulia, come articolata nelle tre province di Trieste, Gorizia e Udine, prendendo in considerazione le varie dimensioni nelle quali si manifesta la vita della comunit\ue0, in particolare organizzazione sociale e territoriale, legislazione di tutela a varie scale, processi demografici e soggettivit\ue0 politica. Quindi lo studio vuole collocare queste analisi nella nuova dimensione caratterizzata dalle trasformazioni indotte dalla globalizzazione, che stanno configurando un nuovo ambiente nel quale le minoranze etno-territoriali devono ripensare le ragioni della propria esistenza


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    Rockglaciers are the most prominent features of alp ine permafrost. They are creeping accumulations of debris, moving usually at rates of cm/yr or dm/yr. The observed changes on rock glacier dynamics are all related to velocity changes, and show in most cases an increase in velocity. Depending on the importance of the velocity increas e, the five following types of reaction can be distinguished: * Moderate positive and negative velocity changes, re lated to changes of MAGST with a time lag of one to two years. * Acceleration of rock glacier displacement, with opening of crevasses on the rock glacier surface. * Rupture and dislocation of the lower part of rock g laciers: in several cases, the lower part of the rock glacier starts to move significantly more than the upper part. * Total collapse of the lower part of the rock glacier: the lower part of the rock glacier breaks down as a debris flow and is totally removed * Very strong acceleration of the rock glacier: the a cceleration speeds up to very high values. One case is known so far, were velocities reached values as high as 80 m/yr ! The expected effects of velocity changes can be eit her local and limited to the rockglacier surface, or affect the downslope area : * Veloctiy increase will induce increased damage to i nfrastructures built on rockglaciers. * Strong acceleration will increase the surface instability, and the formation of scarps can lead to local rockfall hazard on the rockglacier surface. * Velocity increase will induce increased rockfall ac tivity on the rockglacier front, as well as a progression of the front. * Partial or total rupture and collapse can occur in a few cases, and threaten potentially large areas downslope. * Where rockglacier fronts are overhanging steep slopes or torrential catchments, secondary processes mobilizing the released debris can induce an increased hazard downslope. The following recommendations can be made in order to reduce hazard due to rockglaciers : * Infrastructures on rockglaciers should be avoided. * The zones in front of active rockglaciers should be avoided. * If the front of an active rockglacier is overhanging a steep slope, a security zone should be observed downslope of the rockglacier, with conside ration of potential direct and indirect processes like rockfalls and debris flows. * Paths and trails crossing rockglaciers or passing in front of rockglaciers should be regularly checked for security

    Hazards related to permafrost and to permafrost degradation

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    Chapter 4: Rockfalls. In: Schoeneich P. et al. (eds): Hazards related to permafrost and to permafrost degradation. PermaNET project, State-of-the-art report WP6.2