3 research outputs found

    β-catenin signaling modulates the tempo of dendritic growth of adult-born hippocampal neurons.

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    In adult hippocampal neurogenesis, stem/progenitor cells generate dentate granule neurons that contribute to hippocampal plasticity. The establishment of a morphologically defined dendritic arbor is central to the functional integration of adult-born neurons. We investigated the role of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling in dendritogenesis of adult-born neurons. We show that canonical Wnt signaling follows a biphasic pattern, with high activity in stem/progenitor cells, attenuation in immature neurons, and reactivation during maturation, and demonstrate that this activity pattern is required for proper dendrite development. Increasing β-catenin signaling in maturing neurons of young adult mice transiently accelerated dendritic growth, but eventually produced dendritic defects and excessive spine numbers. In middle-aged mice, in which protracted dendrite and spine development were paralleled by lower canonical Wnt signaling activity, enhancement of β-catenin signaling restored dendritic growth and spine formation to levels observed in young adult animals. Our data indicate that precise timing and strength of β-catenin signaling are essential for the correct functional integration of adult-born neurons and suggest Wnt/β-catenin signaling as a pathway to ameliorate deficits in adult neurogenesis during aging

    p27<sup>kip1</sup> is required for functionally relevant adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice.

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    We asked whether cell-cycle associated protein p27kip1 might be involved in the transition of precursor cells to postmitotic maturation in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. p27kip1 was expressed throughout the dentate gyrus with a strong nuclear expression in early postmitotic, calretinin-positive neurons and neuronally determined progenitor cells (type-3 and some type-2b), lower or absent expression in radial glia-like precursor cells (type-1) and type-2a cells and essentially no expression in granule cells. This suggested a transitory role in late proliferative and early postmitotic phases of neurogenesis. Inconsistent with a role limited to cell cycle arrest the acute stimuli, voluntary wheel running (RUN), environmental enrichment (ENR) and kainate-induced seizures (KA) increased p27kip1 expressing cells. Sequential short-term combination of RUN and ENR yielded more p27kip1 cells than either stimulus alone, indicating an additive effect. In vitro, p27kip1 was lowly expressed by proliferating precursor cells but increased upon differentiation. In p27kip1-/- mice neurogenesis was reduced in vivo, whereas the number of proliferating cells was increased. Accordingly, the microdissected dentate gyrus of p27kip1-/- mice generated more colonies in the neurosphere assay and an increased number of larger spheres with the differentiation potential unchanged. In p27kip1-/- monolayer cultures, proliferation was increased and cell cycle genes were up-regulated. In the Morris water maze p27kip1-/- mice learned the task but were specifically impaired in the reversal phase explainable by the decrease in adult neurogenesis. We conclude that p27kip1 is involved in the decisive step around cell-cycle exit and plays an important role in activity-regulated and functionally relevant adult hippocampal neurogenesis

    FoxO function is essential for maintenance of autophagic flux and neuronal morphogenesis in adult neurogenesis.

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    Autophagy is a conserved catabolic pathway with emerging functions in mammalian neurodevelopment and human neurodevelopmental diseases. The mechanisms controlling autophagy in neuronal development are not fully understood. Here, we found that conditional deletion of the Forkhead Box O transcription factors FoxO1, FoxO3, and FoxO4 strongly impaired autophagic flux in developing neurons of the adult mouse hippocampus. Moreover, FoxO deficiency led to altered dendritic morphology, increased spine density, and aberrant spine positioning in adult-generated neurons. Strikingly, pharmacological induction of autophagy was sufficient to correct abnormal dendrite and spine development of FoxO-deficient neurons. Collectively, these findings reveal a novel link between FoxO transcription factors, autophagic flux, and maturation of developing neurons