4 research outputs found

    Risk analysis in the process of setting the protection zone for the “Osowa” and “Dolina Radości” groundwater intakes in Gdańsk

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    W artykule przedstawiono sposób wykonania analizy ryzyka na potrzeby ustanowienia strefy ochronnej ujęć wód podziemnych w Gdańsku. Została ona wykonana na podstawie dodatków do dokumentacji hydrogeologicznych. Konieczne było przeprowadzenie prac terenowych, badań laboratoryjnych oraz modelowych. Na tej podstawie wytypowano główne czynniki zagrażające ujęciom wód podziemnych. Analiza ryzyka została opracowana z wykorzystaniem matryc oceny ryzyka, uwzględniających zależność prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia zagrożenia od jego skutków.The article presents the method of risk assessment for the purpose of establishing a protection zone for underground water intakes in Gdańsk. It was made based on additions to hydrogeological documentations. It was necessary to carry out field works, laboratory tests and model tests. On this basis, the main factors threatening the groundwater intakes were selected. The risk analysis was developed using risk assessment matrices, taking into account the dependence of the likelihood of a threat on its effects

    Hydrogeological researches in the 4D cartography program in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic

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    The aim of the pilot programme of the 4D cartography in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic is to develop appropriate forecasts concerning the southern Baltic coastline alterations with reference to the geological structure of the coast and anticipated changes of climate. The effects of these changes on the infrastructure, aquatic plant habitats as well as major fresh water reservoirs responsible for water supply for both municipal and industrial purposes will also be thoroughly analysed

    Hydrogeological researches in the 4D cartography program in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic

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    The aim of the pilot programme of the 4D cartography in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic is to develop appropriate forecasts concerning the southern Baltic coastline alterations with reference to the geological structure of the coast and anticipated changes of climate. The effects of these changes on the infrastructure, aquatic plant habitats as well as major fresh water reservoirs responsible for water supply for both municipal and industrial purposes will also be thoroughly analysed

    Geohazard assessment of the coastal zone : the case of the southern Baltic Sea

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    Research by the Polish Geological Survey has been carried out along the southern Baltic coastal zone over a distance of 38 km. The Baltic Sea is classified as non-tidal, and its southern coasts are built entirely of weakly lithified sedimentary rocks. These deposits form three main types of coast, namely cliffs, barriers and alluvial coasts (wetlands), with the research focusing on the first two. Methods including remote sensing, mapping (geological, hydrogeological), offshore survey (bathymetric and geophysical measurements), laboratory analyses and modelling revealed a number of natural hazards. These are, respectively: (1) permanently occurring hazards, causing material damage such as: landslides, coastal erosion and seabed erosion; (2) incidental hazards such as dune breakage and storm surge overflow and (3) hypothetical threats that may occur in the future, such as hydrogeohazards defined here as flooding resulting from groundwater level rise or more rarely, earthquake threats