185 research outputs found

    The meaning of echinococcosis during veterinary-sanitary examination of fresh meat

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    Iako organi i tkiva invadirani ehinokokima nisu neposredno štetni za zdravlje ljudi, posredno mogu biti veoma opasni. Ljudi se najčešće invadiraju hranom ili vodom koja je zagađena fekalijama pasa koje sadržavaju zrele proglotide tenije Echinococcus granulosus. Prema izvješću Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo broj oboljelih ljudi u posljejdnjih desetak godina raste tako da je 1994. godine registrirano 11 oboljelih, a 2002. godine oboljele su 32 osobe. U pogledu izravnih šteta što ih uzrokuje ehinokokoza, prema podacima iz 1997. godine zbog ehinokokoznih promjena odbačeno je u Hrvatskoj više od 400 tona jetre i pluća zaklanih životinja. Prema izvješću Uprave za veterinarstvo Republike Hrvatske za 1998 godinu pri veterinarsko-sanitarnom pregledu životinja za klanje ehinokokoza je utvrđena u ukupno 55699 svinja, 521 praseta, 366 goveda, 20 teladi i 29 ovaca i koza. Tijekom 2001. godine utvrđena je u 624 goveda, 10 teladi, 53 526 svinja, 1567 prasadi, 71 ovci i kozi te u 53 janjadi. Među mjerama za suzbijanje ehinokokoze valja istaknuti kontrolu pasa lutalica i obveznu dehelmintizaciju, zabranu uvođenja i držanja pasa u klaonici, higijensku dispoziciju konfisciranih organa i otpadaka i temeljitu pretragu organa na ehinokoke. Zbog potencijalne opasnosti širenja ehinokokoze pri klanju svinja, ovaca i koza za vlastite potrebe, naročito u tzv. ehinokokoznim distriktima, potrebno je uvođenje obveznog veterinarsko-sanitarnog pregleda svih životinja za klanje i mesa.Although the organs and tissues invaded by echinococci are not directly harmful for the health of humans, indirectly they can be very dangerous. Humans are most frequently invaded by food or water being contaminated with faeces of dogs containing mature proglottides of Echinococcus granulosus tenia. According to the report of Croatian National Institute of Public Health, the number of human echinococcosis increased in last 1o years, from 11 cases in 1994 to 32 cases in 2002. Concerning the estimation of direct losses caused by echinococcosis, according to data from 1979. in Croatia more than 400 tons of liver and lungs of slaughtered animals were rejected due to echinococcoid changes. According to the report of Veterinary Directorate of the Republic of Croatia from 1998, during veterinary-sanitary examinations of animals for slaughtering, echinococcosis was established in total 55,699 swine, 521 piglets, 366 cattle, 20 calves and 29 sheep and goats. During the year 2001. in 624 cattle, 10 calves, 53 526 pigs, 1567 piglets, 71 sheep and goats, and 53 lambs. Among the measures for eradication and control echinococcosis, the control of stray dogs and obligatory control and eradication of helminthes should be pointed out as well as the ban of introduction and holding the dogs in slaughterhouses, sanitary disposition of confiscated organs and offal and the extensive analysis of organs to echinococci. Due to the possible danger of echinococcosis spreading at slaughtering od swine, sheep and goats for own use, and particularly in so called echinococcosis districts, the introduction of veterinary-sanitary examination and control of all animals for slaughtering and meat is obligatory

    Microbiological quality of poultry meat on the Croatian market

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    This paper presents an investigation of the microbiological quality of poultry meat sold on the Croatian market. Bacteriological analysis was performed on 66 samples of fresh, retail-cut chicken meat (21 samples of chicken breasts without skin - “fillet”, and 19 samples of chicken breasts with skin) and frozen ground chicken meat (26 samples). Samples were collected from retailers (kept in cooling showcases at +4 ºC, deep-freezers at -18 ºC, respectively), and then bacteriologically tested for the presence of bacteria Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, Campylobacter spp., and sulphite-reducing clostridia. Total count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria was also determined. Bacteriological tests were performed by means of standard methods of isolation and identification of individual species of bacteria according to ISO requirements. API-tests (Biomerieux) and BBL Identification System (Becton-Dickinson) were used for biochemical determination. With regard to microbiological quality and contamination of chicken meat, of importance is the finding of Salmonella spp. (10.60%), S. aureus (30.30%), L. monocytogenes (3.03%), enterobacteria (34.84%) and sulphite-reducing clostridia (1.50%). Campylobacter spp. were not found in any of the analysed samples. Total bacteria count found in frozen ground chicken meat was 5.23 ± 0.50 log10 CFU/g, whilst it was lower in cut chicken meat. Total bacteria count in chicken breast fillets amounted to 4.72 ± 0.38 log10 CFU/g, 3.67 ± 0.88log10 CFU/g in chicken breasts with skin, respectively. Results of the study suggest that a significant risk of meat spoilage and an increase in the number and species of bacteria depend on the specific part of analysed chicken meat, mode of packaging and storage after distribution to the market

    HYGIENIC QUALITY OF MILK Food Law-Veterinary-Sanitary control

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    Osnovni kriteriji kakvoće mlijeka u EU neprekidno rastu, te u pogledu broja somatskih stanica i ukupnog broja bakterija u budućnosti treba očekivati nove, još strože norme. Pored donošenja Pravilnika o kakvoći svježeg sirovog mlijeka (NN 102/2000) i osnivanja središnjeg laboratorija za kontrolu mlijeka u Križevcima još je uvijek upitno provođenje sustava kontrole i zdravstvene ispravnosti mlijeka u RH. Razlozi su prije svega ekstenzivnost primarne proizvodnje mlijeka, neodgovarajuća higijenska kakvoća, zdravstveno stanje muzara i drugi nepovoljni čimbenici u stočarstvu. Stupanjem na snagu Zakona o hrani zacrtani su zadaci veterinarske struke u području veterinarsko-sanitarnog nadzora mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda. Težište se odnosi na zdravstvenu (higijensku) ispravnost, sigurnost, analizu rizika, procjenu rizika, upravljanje rizikom u skladu sa svjetskim trendom zaštite zdravlja potrošača u cijelom proizvodnom lancu ("od farme do stola"). Zadatak veterinarske službe u narednom periodu je usuglašavanje veterinarskih propisa sa Zakonom o hrani i propisima EU.The basic criteria for milk quality in EU became much stronger especially concerning the number of sommatic cell and the total count of bacteria and in the future it is expected to become even stronger. In addition, the accepted Regulation on fresh milk quality (NN102/2000) and the foundation of the Central laboratory for checking milk quality in Križevci, put the effectiveness of veterinary-sanitary control under a question mark.The reasons are the extensivity and poor hygienic conditions of primary milk production, herd health and other extensive factors in cattle breeding After accepting the Food Law,in July 2003 in Croatia, the main goals of veterinary service in veterinary-sanitary control of milk and milk products were given. Acording to the aims are food safety, risk analysis, risk assestments, risk management the world\u27s trend "from farm to fork". In future, veterinary service should implement EU regulations and rules in Croatian legislative

    Chemical composition of fish meat

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    Meso ribe je male energetske vrijednosti u odnosu na meso sisavaca koje se koristi u prehrani, no nutritivno je njegov značaj velik. Riba kao namirnica predstavlja jedan od glavnih izvora bjelančevina životinjskog porijekla. Odlikuje se bogatim sastavom masti i bjelančevina koje sadrže mnoge esencijalne aminokiseline i masne kiseline prijeko potrebne organizmu za odvijanje metaboličkih funkcija. U odnosu na meso ostalih životinja riba sadrži vrlo malo vezivnog tkiva i ne sadrži elastin. Sve te karakteristike čine riblje meso dijetalnim prehrambenim proizvodom i daju mu posebno mjesto u prehrani ljudi.Fish meat is of low energy value when compared with meat of mammals used in human nutrition, but it is of high nutritive significance. Fish as food presents one of the main sources of animal proteins. It is characterised by abundant fat and protein composition containing numerous essential amino acids and fatty acids, which are indispensable to the human body for proper development of metabolic functions. When compared with meat of other animals, fish meat has very little connective tissue and does not contain elastin. All these characteristics make fish meat an excellent dietetic food product and very valuable in human nutrition

    Animal welfare assessment in pig abattoir

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    Sažetak Cilj ovog rada bio je razviti vlastiti model procjene dobrobiti u klaoničkom objektu i temeljem testiranja utvrditi daljnje korake u razvoju ovog modela. Dobrobit u objektu je procijenjena prema obrascu razvijenom na Zavodu za higijenu i tehnologiju animalnih namirnica, na temelju dosadašnjih znanstvenih spoznaja. Obrazac sadrži sve važnije elemente procesa klanja u kojima postoji rizik od stresa. Ovaj način procjene primijenjen je na 10 tovnih svinja, mase od 95 – 105 kg. Osobit naglasak je stavljen na stun to stick interval, i dokazano da je taj interval znatno duži zbog loše raspodjele radnika unutar klaonice, te predugačkog vremena aplikacije električne struje. Ovaj rad predstavlja važan dio u daljnjem razvoju našeg modela procjene dobrobiti.The aim of this paper was to develop our own welfare assessment model in an abattoir and determine further steps in the development of this model based on testing. A form developed at the Department of Hygiene and Technology of Animal Foodstuffs contains all important elements of slaughtering process which involves the risk of stress. This manner of assessment was applied to 10 fattening pigs of 95 to 105 kg of body weight. A special emphasis was put on stun to stick interval which has been proved to last longer than permitted. The reasons for that are a weak allocation of workers inside the abattoir and applying electric current for too long

    Istraživanje održivosti konfekcioniranoga pilećega mesa.

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    The results of the analysis of 67 samples of pre-packed cut chicken meat showed that the stability or shelf life of chicken meat (kept on 4 ºC) is six days. Ammonia content was significantly increased after day 3 of storage and reached a maximum level of 9.90 ± 2.3 mg% in chicken fillets and 8.35 ± 1.98 mg% in chicken legs at the end of the investigation on day 6. As regards microbiological quality and contamination with microorganisms, Salmonella spp. (7,5%), S. aureus (17.9%), L. monocytogenes (4,5%) and Enterobacteria (40.30%) were found in the analysed samples of fresh chicken meat. Sulphite reducing clostridia and Campylobacter spp. were not found. Total bacteria count in chicken breast fillets was 4.22 ± 0.84 log10 cfu/g on day 1, 4.65 ± 0.74 log10 cfu/g on day 3 and 5.14 ± 0.86 log10 cfu/g on day 6 of storage. After one, three and six days of storage, total bacteria count in chicken legs was 3.60 ± 0.93 log10cfu/g, 4.01 ± 0.76 log10cfu/g, and 4.56 ± 0.85 log10 cfu/g, respectively. The overall results of the study suggest that the potentially significant risk of meat deterioration and increase in the number and diversity of bacteria species depends on the processing of chicken meat. Considering the obtained results of the study, the indication of shelf life of chicken meat for sale should be supplemented with the note “best before”.Rezultati pretrage 67 uzoraka pilećega mesa u komadima pokazali su da je održivost pilećeg mesa držanoga na temperaturi od 4 ºC šest dana. Sadržaj amonijaka je rastao nakon trećeg dana pohrane do maksimalne količine od 9,90 ± 2,3 mg% u uzorcima pilećih prsiju, odnosno 8,35 ± 1,98 mg% u uzorcima bataka i zabatakana kraju istraživanja, šestoga dana pohrane. U mikrobiološkoj pretrazi utvrđene su bakterije Salmonella spp. (7,5%), S. aureus (17,9%), L. monocytogenes (4,5%) i enterobakterije (40,30%). Sulfitreducirajuće klostridije i Campylobacter spp. nisu utvrđeni. Ukupni broj bakterija u uzorcima pilećih „filea“ bio je 4,22 ± 0,84 log10 cfu/g prvoga, 4,65 ± 0,74 log10 cfu/g trećega i 5,14 ± 0,86 log10 cfu/g šestoga dana pohrane. Prvoga, trećega i šestoga dana pohrane ukupni broj bakterija u pilećim batacima i zabatacima iznosio je 3,60 ± 0,93 log10 cfu/g, 4,01 ± 0,76 log10 cfu/g, odnosno 4,56 ± 0,85 log10 cfu/g. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju da potencijalni, značajniji rizik razgradnje mesa i povećanje broja i vrsta bakterija ovisi o načinu rasijecanja piletine. Uzimajući u obzir rezultate istraživanja preporučeni rok održivosti piletine u maloprodaji treba upotpuniti s oznakom „održivo do“

    Inhibicija rasta bakterije Listeria monocytogenes u fermentiranim kobasicama

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    The growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes during the ripening period of dry fermented sausages was investigated. In addition, antilisterial activity of isolated lactic acid bacteria was tested. The initial Listeria count in sausage mixture was 105 CFU g-1. Samples were taken on day 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after formulation, and total viable count, lactic acid bacteria count, L. monocytogenes count and pH values were determined. The growth of Listeria was inhibited until day 14, while in the final products it was beneath detection limit (2 log10), indicating the effectiveness of fermentation, ripening and drying in reducing the pathogen population. A total of 32 lactic acid bacteria were isolated and determined, and isolates of Leuconostoc mesenteroides showed inhibitory effect towards Listeria due to the bacteriocin productionIstražena je sposobnost rasta bakterije Listeria monocytogenes tijekom zrenja fermentiranih kobasica, te antimikrobno djelovanje izolata bakterija mliječne kiseline. Početni broj L. monocytogenes u nadjevu bio je 105 CFU g–1. Kobasice su uzorkovane 0., 3., 7., 14. i 28. dana zrenja, a određivan je ukupni broj bakterija, broj bakterija mliječne kiseline, broj L. monocytogenes, te pH nadjeva. Rast L. monocytogenes bio je zaustavljen do 14. dana, dok je u gotovom proizvodu bila ispod praga detekcije (<2 log10 CFU g-1). Ukupno su bila izdvojena i determinirana 32 izolata bakterija mliječne kiseline među kojima je Leuconostoc mesenteroides pokazivao inhibicijsko djelovanje prema L. monocytogenes putem proizvodnje bakteriocina

    Pojavnost, stvaranje enterotoksina i antimikrobna osjetljivost izolata Staphylococcus aureus izoliranih iz domaćih svježih sireva s područja grada Dubrovnika

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a well-known op¬portunistic pathogen that causes a wide range of acute and chronic diseases in both humans and animals. Staphylococcal food poisoning is just one of many diseases caused by this bacterium. The causative agents are entero¬toxins produced by enterotoxigenic strains of S. aureus during its growth in favourable conditions in food. Epidemiological data show that S. aureus is often found in raw milk cheeses and accordingly, cheeses are often implicated in food poisoning outbreaks. Since there are no data on the nature of S. aureus isolated from cheese produced in Croatia, the aim of this study was to determine the occur¬rence, enterotoxin production capability and antimicrobic susceptibility of S. aureus iso¬lates from domestic cheeses produced in the Dubrovnik area. A total of 30 cheese samples were analysed, and 18 samples (60%) were highly contaminated with S. aureus strains. The contamination level ranged from 3.94 to 6.26 log10 cfu/g. Such a high level of contami¬nation was supported by an inappropriate temperature regime above 8°C during market sale. Although highly contaminated, staphy¬lococcal enterotoxins were not detected in any of the cheese samples. A total of 180 coagu¬lase-positive isolates were collected from 18 cheese samples, 175 of which were confirmed as S. aureus by the latex agglutination test. En¬terotoxin production was detected in 35 iso¬lates (20%), and of these 32 isolates produced staphylococcal enterotoxin C. The other three isolates presumably produced enterotoxin E. Antibiotic resistance was detected in 1.1% of isolates and only to mupirocin. However, a full comprehensive conclusion on the nature of S. aureus isolates cannot be achieved with¬out determining its genotype characteristics for the presence of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes and molecular typing, to determine the origin of the isolates.Staphylococcus aureus je poznati oportunistički patogen, koji uzrokuje široki spektar akutnih i kroničnih bolesti u ljudi i životinja. Stafilokokno trovanje je samo jedna od mnogih bolesti koje uzrokuje ova bakterija. Uzročnici trovanja su enterotoksini koje tijekom rasta u povoljnim uvjetima u hrani proizvode enterotoksigeni sojevi S. aureus. Epidemiološki podatci pokazuju da se S. aureus vrlo često nalazi u sirevima od sirovog mlijeka te su sirevi posljedično često upleteni u stafilokokna trovanja. Budući da nema podataka o prirodi S. aureus izoliranog iz sireva proizvedenih u Hrvatskoj, cilj je ovog istraživanja bio odrediti pojavnost, sposobnost stvaranja enterotoksina i antimikrobnu osjetljivost izolata S. aureus iz domaćih svježih sireva proizvedenih na području grada Dubrovnika. Od 30 ispitanih uzoraka sireva 18 (60 %) je bilo visoko zagađeno sojevima S. aureus. Razina zagađenja je bila u rasponu od 3,94 do 6,26 log10 cfu/g, a dodatno je tijekom prodaje na tržnicama bila podržana neodgovarajućim temperaturnim režimom iznad 8 °C. Iako su bili visoko zagađeni, stafilokokni enterotoksini nisu nađeni niti u jednom uzorku. Ukupno je prikupljeno 180 koagulaza-pozitivnih izolata iz 18 uzoraka sireva, od čega je 175 izolata potvrđeno lateks aglutinacijskim testom kao S. aureus. Sposobnost stvaranja enterotoksina je detektirana kod 35 (20 %) izolata, a 32 izolata su proizvodila enterotoksin C. Za ostala tri izolata se pretpostavlja da proizvode enterotoksin E. Antimikrobna rezistencija je utvrđena kod 1,1 % izolata i to jedino na mupirocin. Međutim, cjelovit sveobuhvatan zaključak o prirodi izolata S. aureus ne može se donijeti bez određivanja genotipskih karakteristika prisutnosti gena za enterotoksine i molekularne tipizacije s ciljem određivanja podrijetla izolata