1 research outputs found

    Vlijanie aktivnogo otdyha v special\u27noj peremene na rabočnoj proizvoditel\u27nost\u27 i sub\u27ekivnoe ispitanie rabočih v mehaničeskoj masterskoj Matallurgičeskogo zavoda v Siske

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    Nakon završenog ispitivanja utjecaja aktivnog odmora u posebnoj radnoj pauzi u mehaničkoj radioni Željezare Sisak može se na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključiti sljedeće: 1. Kritično vrijeme rada javlja se u šestom satu radnog tjedna, tj. nakon redovne polsatne pauze. 2. U periodu primjene eksperimenta uvođenje posebne pauze za aktivan odmor i smanjenje radnog dana za 10 minuta, nije dovelo do pada radnog učnika. 3. Ispitivanjem psihičkih doživljavanja aktivnog odmora doprinijeli zadovoljstvu radnika, podizanju emocionalnog stanja i smanjenu monotonije, te da su stavovi radnika potvrdili potrebu zadržavanja dvije radne pauze - jedne za jelo, a druge za aktivan odmor.The investigation is based on the establishment of the critical work time by the subjective estimation method on the graphic scale and the introduction of a special break of active rest in mechanical workshop of the Steelworkers Sisak. The new break lasted for 20 minutes, and instead of corrective-compensatory exercises accompanied by music, the recreational games chosen by workers themselves were applied. This resulted in the reduction of the meal time break to 200 minutes as well as its switching to one hour later. The data obtained indicate that the introduction of the enlarged rest time and of two breaks does not reduce effects in work. On the contrary, they offer a satisfaction to workers and reduce monothony and the difficulties caused by the fulfillment of work tasks at the criterial work time period - between the fifth and the sixth work-hour - when they manifest themselves most