30 research outputs found

    Uticaj enzima proteaze i dužine trajanja tova na randman klanja tovnih pilića

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    This study evaluates the effect of different crude protein levels in broiler diets supplemented with 0.2% and 0.3% protease enzyme (Ronozyme Pro Act) on dressed carcass weight and dressing percentage during two fattening periods (49 and 63 days). The fast-growing strain Cobb 500 was used. At the end of the fattening trial i.e. at 49 and 63 days, 10 male and 10 female birds were randomly sacrificed from each experimental group to determine body weights and conventionally dressed, ready-to-roast and ready-to-grill carcass weights. The data obtained were used to calculate the dressing percentages of the differently dressed carcasses. Results indicated that carcass weights and dressing percentages were not affected by diet (P>0.05), but also showed that the increase in the length of the fattening period by two weeks (from 7 to 9 weeks) led to increased carcass weights, while dressing percentages decreased (P (lt) 0.05).U radu su prikazani efekti različitih nivoa sirovih proteina u hrani za tovne piliće, uz dodatak enzima proteaze (Ronozyme Pro Act) u količini 0,2% i 0,3% na masu i randmane obrađenih trupova pri različitom trajanju tova (49 i 63 dana). U ogledu je korišćen brzorastući tovni hibrid Cobb 500. Na kraju oglednih perioda, 49 i 63. dana, odabrano je slučajnim izborom po 10 muških i 10 ženskih pilića iz svake eksperimentalne grupe i izmerena je masa grla pre klanja, masa klasično obrađenog trupa, trupa spremno za pečenje i trupa spremno za roštilj. Na osnovu ovih podataka izračunat je randman različito obrađenih trupova pilića. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da mase i randmani trupova nisu bili pod uticajem ispitivanih obroka (P>0,05), ali i da su se sa produžavanjem trajanja tova za 2 nedelje (sa 7. na 9 nedelja) povećale mase trupova, uz istovremeno smanjivanje randmana obrađenih trupova (P (lt) 0,05)

    Food safety depending on the conditions of transport and storage

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    Transport i pohrana postupci su koji utječu na sigurnost hrane. Tijekom uskladištenja i transporta moraju se zadržati temperaturni uvjeti koji onemogućavaju rast eventualno prisutnih patogenih i bakterija kvarenja. Ishod hlađenja mesa usko je povezan s početnim brojem mikroorganizama i uvjetima njegovog transporta i pohrane, koji pak ovise o odnosu vremena i temperature. Bakterije kvarenja rastu brže od patogenih i stoga je smanjena mogućnost primjene različitih kombinacija temperature i vremena transporta mesa. Kako bi se zadovoljili propisani uvjeti postupaka s hranom u prometu i deklarirana održivost mesa tijekom pohrane, naglasak je i dalje na primjeni preduvjetnih programa i sustava samokontrole u primarnoj proizvodnji, a potom i mesoprerađivačkoj industriji.Der Transport und die Lagerung beeinflussen die Sicherheit der Nahrung. Während der Lagerung und des Transports müssen bestimmte Temperaturbedingungen eingehalten werden, die das Wachstum der ggf. anwesenden pathogenen Bakterien und der durch die Blutung verursachten Bakterien verhindern. Die Wirkung der Fleischkühlung ist mit der Anfangsanzahl der Mikroorganismen und den Bedingungen des Transports und der Lagerung von Fleisch eng verbunden, die wiederum vom Verhältnis zwischen der Dauer und der Temperatur abhängen. Die durch Blutung verursachten Bakterien vermehren sich schneller als die pathogenen, daher ist die Möglichkeit der Anwendung verschiedener Kombinationen von Temperatur und Dauer des Fleischtransports reduziert. Um die vorgeschriebenen Bedingungen für die Behandlung von Nahrung bei der Inverkehrbringung und für die ausgewiesene Haltbarkeit während der Lagerung zu erfüllen, liegt die Betonung auch weiterhin auf der Erfüllung der Vorbedingungen und dem System der Selbstkontrolle, in erster Linie in der Primärindustrie, dann auch in der Fleischverarbeitungsindustrie.Il trasporto e lo stoccaggio sono procedimenti che incidono sulla sicurezza alimentare. Nel corso dell’immagazzinamento e del trasporto devono essere garantite determinate condizioni di temperatura che impediscano la crescita di eventuali agenti patogeni e batteri responsabili del deterioramento degli alimenti. L’esito del raffreddamento della carne è strettamente legato al numero iniziale di microorganismi ed alle condizioni del suo trasporto e del suo stoccaggio, che a loro volta dipendono dal rapporto tra tempo e temperatura. I batteri che alterano gli alimenti crescono più velocemente dei batteri patogeni il che, quindi, riduce la possibilità di applicare differenti combinazioni di temperature e di tempo nel trasporto della carne. Al fine di soddisfare le condizioni prescritte dei procedimenti alimentari nel trasporto e la dichiarata sostenibilità della carne durante lo stoccaggio, l’accento è posto ancora sull’applicazione di programmi preventivi e di sistemi di autocontrollo nella produzione primaria, e successivamente nell’industria di trasformazione delle carni.El transporte y el almacenamiento son los procedimientos que afectan la seguridad alimentaria. Es necesario mantener las condiciones de temperatura durante el almacenamiento y transporte que impiden el crecimiento de las bacterias patógenas y de bacterias que causan la descomposición posiblemente presentes. El resultado de la refrigeración de carne está estrechamente relacionado con el número inicial de los microorganismos y las condiciones del transporte y almacenamiento, que dependen del tiempo atmosférico y la temperatura. Las bacterias que causan decomposición crecen más rápido que las bacterias patógenas, por lo qual la posibilidad de una combinación de temperaturas diferentes y tiempo de transporte de carne es limitada. Para cumplir con la normativa sobre los procedimientos en el transporte de los alimentos y perdurabilidad declarada de carne durante el almacenamiento, está hecho el hincapié en la aplicación de los programas de prerrequisitos y en el sistema de autocontrol en la producción primaria y en la industria cárnica.Transportation and storage are practices that affect food safety. Temperature conditions that prevent the growth of potentially present pathogenic and spoilage bacteria must be maintained during storage and transport. The outcome of meat cooling is closely linked to the initial number of microorganisms and conditions during its transport and storage, which in turn depend on the relationship between time and temperature. Since spoilage bacteria grow faster than the pathogenic, the possibility to apply different combinations of temperature and time in meat transport is reduced. In order to meet the conditions prescribed by procedures for food trade and declared shelf life of meat during storage, the emphasis remains on the implementation of prerequisite programmes and the system of self control in primary production, as well as the meat processing industry

    Hemijski sastav mesa kokoši nosilja iz alternativnih sistema gajenja

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    The aim of this paper was to estimate the effect of rearing systems (floor and organic) on the chemical composition of meat of laying hens. The tested genotypes were Isa Brown hybrid and dual purpose breed New Hampshire. Based on the results of this research can be concluded that the rearing system, generally, did not caused statistically significant differences in any of the parameters examined chemical composition of meat. On the other hand, the breast meat - white meat and thigh and drumstick - dark meat of New Hampshire genotype had significantly higher fat content compared to the Isa Brown hybrid. It must be noted that in the breast meat reported significant interaction genotype x rearing system. The other parameters of the chemical composition of meat were not significantly different between reared genotypes.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj sistema gajenja na hemijski sastav mesa kokoši nosilja iz alternativnih sistema gajenja: podnog i organskog. Ispitivani genotipovi su bili linijski hibrid Isa Brown i rasa kombinovanih proizvodnih sposobnosti New Hampshire. Na osnovu rezultata ovih istraživanja može se zaključiti da sistem gajenja, generalno posmatrano, nije uzrokovao značajne razlike ni u jednom od ispitivanih parametara hemijskog sastava mesa. Sa druge strane, i meso grudi - belo meso i meso bataka i karabataka - tamno meso, New Hampshire genotipa je imalo značajno veći sadržaj masti u odnosu na Isa Brown hibrid, s tim što se mora napomenuti da se kod mesa grudi, javila i značajna interakcija sistem gajenja x genotip. Ostali ispitivani parametri hemijskog sastava mesa nisu se značajno razlikovali između ispitivanih genotipova

    Uticaj sistema gajenja, genotipa i starosti kokoši nosilja na masu jaja i udeo glavnih delova jaja

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of rearing system, genotype and hens age on egg weight and eggs components share. The tested rearing systems were the floor and organic, and tested genotypes were Isa Brown hybrid and New Hampshire breed. Eggs were collected for analyses three times in production cycle (32 weeks hens age, 48 weeks hens age, and 72 weeks hens age). In these samples (fifteen eggs per group, eggs were one day old) were investigated: egg weight, albumen share, yolk share and shell share. Egg weight was increased with hens age. Also, the interaction between the genotype and hens age was found, so the New Hampshire eggs in 32 weeks had less weight then Isa Brown eggs (p≤0.05), while in the 48 and 72 weeks this difference was lost (p≥0.05). The share of egg albumen and yolk was significantly affected by the rearing system, genotype and hens age (p≤0.05). Floor produced eggs had a lower proportion of albumen and a higher proportion of yolk compared to organic eggs. New Hampshire eggs had a higher content of yolk and the smaller content of albumen compared to Isa Brown eggs (p≤0.05). With hens age, the share of yolk was increased and albumen share was decreased. Interaction of all three studied factors - rearing system x genotype x hens age had the most important effect on the shell share.Cilj ovog rada je bio da ispita uticaj sistema gajenja, genotipa i starosti kokoši nosilja na masu i udeo glavnih delova jaja. Ispitivani sistemi gajenja su bili podni i organski, a ispitivani genotipovi Isa Brown hibrid i New Hampshire rasa. Jaja su sakupljana za analizu tri puta za vreme proizvodnog ciklusa (kod 32-nedeljnih nosilja, 48-nedeljnih i 72-nedeljnih). Na ovim uzorcima (15 jaja po grupi, jaja stara jedan dan) su ispitivani: masa jaja, udeo belanca, udeo žumanca i udeo ljuske jaja. Masa jaja se povećavala sa starenjem nosilja. Takođe, interakcija genotip x starost nosilja je bila značajna, pa su New hampshire kokoši u 32. nedelji nosile jaja manje mase od Isa Brown hibrida (p≤0.05), dok tih razlika u 48. i 72. nedelji nije bilo (p≥0.05). Udeo belanca i žumanca je bio od značajnim uticajem sistema gajenja, genotipa i starosti nosilja (p≤0.05). Podno gajenje kokoši su nosile jaja koja su imala manji udeo belanca a veći udeo žumanca u poređenju sa organskim kokošima (p≥0.05). Jaja New Hampshire rase su imala manji udeo belanca a veći udeo žumanca u poređenju sa Isa Brown genotipom (p≥0.05). Sa starenjem kokoši, udeo žumanca se povećavao a udeo belanca smanjivao. Interakcija sva tri ispitivana faktora - sistema gajenja, genotipa i starosti nosilja je imala najznačajniji uticaj na udeo ljuske jaja

    Meat quality of broilers in an extended fattening period

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    This study evaluates the effect of protease-supplemented diets containing different crude protein levels, sex and length of the fattening period on the weight and percentage yield of primal cuts in Cobb 500 broilers. Chickens were fed maize-and-soybean-based diets. Fattening periods lasted 49 and 63 days. The results showed that the recommended crude protein reduction by 4% in diets supplemented with 0.2% protease had no effect on the weight and percentage yield of primal cuts (P>0.05), while the effect of broiler sex and slaughter age on the studied carcass quality parameters was significant (P<0.05)

    Effect of protease and duration of fattening period on dressing percentage of roiler chickens

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    This study evaluates the effect of different crude protein levels in broiler diets supplemented with 0.2% and 0.3% protease enzyme (Ronozyme Pro Act) on dressed carcass weight and dressing percentage during two fattening periods (49 and 63 days). The fast-growing strain Cobb 500 was used. At the end of the fattening trial i.e. at 49 and 63 days, 10 male and 10 female birds were randomly sacrificed from each experimental group to determine body weights and conventionally dressed, ready-to-roast and ready-to-grill carcass weights. The data obtained were used to calculate the dressing percentages of the differently dressed carcasses. Results indicated that carcass weights and dressing percentages were not affected by diet (P>0.05), but also showed that the increase in the length of the fattening period by two weeks (from 7 to 9 weeks) led to increased carcass weights, while dressing percentages decreased (P<0.05)

    The effect of the rearing system, genotype and laying hens age on the egg weight and share of main parts of eggs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of rearing system, genotype and hens age on egg weight and eggs components share. The tested rearing systems were the floor and organic, and tested genotypes were Isa Brown hybrid and New Hampshire breed. Eggs were collected for analyses three times in production cycle (32 weeks hens age, 48 weeks hens age, and 72 weeks hens age). In these samples (fifteen eggs per group, eggs were one day old) were investigated: egg weight, albumen share, yolk share and shell share. Egg weight was increased with hens age. Also, the interaction between the genotype and hens age was found, so the New Hampshire eggs in 32 weeks had less weight then Isa Brown eggs (p≤0.05), while in the 48 and 72 weeks this difference was lost (p≥0.05). The share of egg albumen and yolk was significantly affected by the rearing system, genotype and hens age (p≤0.05). Floor produced eggs had a lower proportion of albumen and a higher proportion of yolk compared to organic eggs. New Hampshire eggs had a higher content of yolk and the smaller content of albumen compared to Isa Brown eggs (p≤0.05). With hens age, the share of yolk was increased and albumen share was decreased. Interaction of all three studied factors - rearing system x genotype x hens age had the most important effect on the shell share

    Chemical composition of meat of laying hens in alternative rearing systems

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    The aim of this paper was to estimate the effect of rearing systems (floor and organic) on the chemical composition of meat of laying hens. The tested genotypes were Isa Brown hybrid and dual purpose breed New Hampshire. Based on the results of this research can be concluded that the rearing system, generally, did not caused statistically significant differences in any of the parameters examined chemical composition of meat. On the other hand, the breast meat - white meat and thigh and drumstick - dark meat of New Hampshire genotype had significantly higher fat content compared to the Isa Brown hybrid. It must be noted that in the breast meat reported significant interaction genotype x rearing system. The other parameters of the chemical composition of meat were not significantly different between reared genotypes


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    Rak nepoznata primarnog podrijetla obuhvaća vrlo heterogenu skupinu različitih malignih tumora koji se prezentiraju u metastatskoj fazi bolesti. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju patohistološke potvrde maligne bolesti uz nemogućnost dokaza postojanja primarnog tumora nijednom dostupnom dijagnostičkom metodom. Iako je općenito loše prognoze, prepoznati su prognostički povoljni klinički entiteti koji čine temeljnu skupinu bolesnika za aktivno onkološko liječenje. U tekstu koji slijedi sadržane su kliničke upute s ciljem standardizacije dijagnostičkih postupaka, liječenja i praćenja bolesnika s nepoznatim primarnim rakom u Republici Hrvatskoj.Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) site comprises very heterogeneous group of various malignant tumors presented in metastatic phase of the disease. Diagnosis is set when primary site remains unidentified after a thorough diagnostic evaluation in patients with histologically proven malignant metastatic disease. Despite poor prognosis in most patients, favorable prognostic clinical entities have been recognized constituting the most important group of patients for oncological treatment. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with cancer of unknown primary site in the Republic of Croatia

    Kliničke preporuke za dijagnozu, liječenje i praćenje bolesnika oboljelih od raka nepoznata primarnog podrijetla [Clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with cancer of unknown primary site]

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    Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) site comprises very heterogeneous group of various malignant tumors presented in metastatic phase of the disease. Diagnosis is set when primary site remains unidentified after a thorough diagnostic evaluation in patients with histologically proven malignant metastatic disease. Despite poor prognosis in most patients, favorable prognostic clinical entities have been recognized constituting the most important group of patients for oncological treatment. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with cancer of unknown primary site in the Republic of Croatia