6 research outputs found

    Spaces of idempotent measures of compact metric spaces

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    We investigate certain geometric properties of the spaces of idempotent measures. In particular, we prove that the space of idempotent measures on an infinite compact metric space is homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube

    Hyperspace of convex compacta of nonmetrizable compact convex subspaces of locally convex spaces

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    Our main result states that the hyperspace of convex compact subsets of a compact convex subset XX in a locally convex space is an absolute retract if and only if XX is an absolute retract of weight ≤ω1\le\omega_1. It is also proved that the hyperspace of convex compact subsets of the Tychonov cube Iω1I^{\omega_1} is homeomorphic to Iω1I^{\omega_1}. An analogous result is also proved for the cone over Iω1I^{\omega_1}. Our proofs are based on analysis of maps of hyperspaces of compact convex subsets, in particular, selection theorems for such maps are proved

    Spaces of idempotent measures of compact metric spaces, Topol

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    a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t We investigate certain geometric properties of the spaces of idempotent measures. In particular, we prove that the space of idempotent measures on an infinite compact metric space is homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube