152 research outputs found

    The feasibility of daily monitoring in adolescents and young adults with mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning

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    BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether the limitations of young persons with a mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning preclude feasibility of the daily diary method.METHOD: For 60 consecutive days, 50 participants (M age  = 21.4, 56% male) who receive care in an ambulatory, residential, or juvenile detention setting, self-rated both standardised and personalised diary questions through an app. Diary entries were used for feedback in treatment. Interviews were used to explore acceptability. RESULTS: Average compliance was 70.4%, while 26% of participants dropped out. Compliance was good in ambulatory (88.9%) and residential care (75.6%), but not in the juvenile detention setting (19.4%). The content of self-selected diary items varied widely. Participants deemed the method acceptable.CONCLUSIONS: Daily monitoring is feasible for individuals with a mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning receiving ambulatory or residential care, and can provide scientists and practitioners with important insights into day-to-day behavioural patterns.</p

    A Bayesian Approach to Risk Management in a World of High-Frequency Data

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    A Realised Volatility GARCH model using high-frequency data is developed within a Bayesian framework for the purpose of forecasting Value at Risk and Conditional Value at Risk. A Skewed Student-t return distribution is combined with a Student-t distribution in the measurement equation in a GARCH framework. Realised Volatility GARCH models show a marked improvement compared to ordinary GARCH. A Skewed Student-t Realised DCC copula model using Realised Volatility GARCH marginal functions is developed within a Bayesian framework for the purpose of forecasting portfolio tail risk. The use of copulas is implemented so that the marginal distributions can be separated from the dependence structure to produce tail forecasts. This is compared to using traditional GARCH-copula models, and GARCH on an aggregated portfolio. Copula models implementing a Realised Volatility GARCH framework show an improvement over traditional GARCH models. A Bayesian detection of regime changes utilizing high-frequency data is developed, once again for the purpose of forecasting portfolio tail risk. The use of high-frequency data improves the accuracy of regime change detection compared to daily data. Monte Carlo sampling schemes are employed for the estimation of these models

    Critical Fluctuations as an Early-Warning Signal for Sudden Gains and Losses in Patients Receiving Psychotherapy for Mood Disorders

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    Whereas sudden gains and losses (large shifts in symptom severity) in patients receiving psychotherapy appear abrupt and hence may seem unexpected, hypotheses from complex-systems theory suggest that sudden gains and losses are actually preceded by certain early-warning signals (EWSs). We tested whether EWSs in patients' daily self-ratings of the psychotherapeutic process predicted future sudden gains and losses. Data were collected from 328 patients receiving psychotherapy for mood disorders who completed daily self-ratings about their therapeutic process using the Therapy Process Questionnaire (TPQ). Sudden gains and losses were classified from the Problem Intensity scale of the TPQ. The other items of the TPQ were used to compute the EWSs. EWSs predicted an increased probability for sudden gains and losses in a 4-day predictive window. These results show that EWSs can be used for real-time prediction of sudden gains and losses in clinical practice

    Beyond main effects?: Affect level as a moderator in the relation between affect dynamics and depressive symptoms

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    There are opposing views on the relative adaptiveness of affective change and its role in depression. Some studies link depression to more changes in affect (i.e., higher variability), others to a greater resistance to change (i.e., higher inertia). Our study provides an explanation for such inconsistencies by hypothesizing that the relation between affect dynamics and depression differs as a function of mean levels of affect. We analyzed data from seven studies that measured affect in daily life in adolescents and young adults (N = 1,448, age range = 11.7-29.9 years, 64.8% females). We tested main and interaction effects of affect dynamics (variability and inertia) and affect level on depressive symptoms, separately for positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA). For PA, we found mostly main, but no interaction effects. Depressive symptoms were associated with more PA variability and less PA inertia, indicating that depressive symptoms in young people may be characterized by more fluctuating PA, independent of PA mean levels. For NA, we found a significant moderation effect between NA variability and NA levels for depressive symptoms at baseline. For individuals with low NA levels, high NA variability was associated with more depressive symptoms. In contrast, for individuals with high NA levels, high NA variability was associated with fewer depressive symptoms. These results suggest that the relative adaptiveness of NA variability depends on overall NA levels and underscores the need for a more nuanced understanding of affect variability in depression

    Identity Formation in Adolescence: Change or Stability?

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    The aim of this five-wave longitudinal study of 923 early to middle adolescents (50.7% boys; 49.3% girls) and 390 middle to late adolescents (43.3% boys and 56.7% girls) is to provide a comprehensive view on change and stability in identity formation from ages 12 to 20. Several types of change and stability (i.e., mean-level change, rank-order stability, and profile similarity) were assessed for three dimensions of identity formation (i.e., commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration), using adolescent self-report questionnaires. Results revealed changes in identity dimensions towards maturity, indicated by a decreasing tendency for reconsideration, increasingly more in-depth exploration, and increasingly more stable identity dimension profiles. Mean levels of commitment remained stable, and rank-order stability of commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration did not change with age. Overall, girls were more mature with regard to identity formation in early adolescence, but boys had caught up with them by late adolescence. Taken together, our findings indicate that adolescent identity formation is guided by progressive changes in the way adolescents deal with commitments, rather than by changes in the commitments themselves