10 research outputs found

    So lässt sich funktionales Denken fördern: Eine Bilanz aus Landauer Studien

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    Funktionale Zusammenhänge sind Teil unseres Alltags. Bereits Kindergartenkinder machen die Erfahrung, dass ihre Körpergröße in Abhängigkeit von ihrem Alter zunimmt. Auch im Mathematikunterricht spielen funktionale Zusammenhänge eine wichtige und durchgehende Rolle. Von der Grundschule an setzen sich Lernende mit Mustern auseinander, erkennen darin Regelmäßigkeiten und setzen die Muster entsprechend fort. In der gymnasialen Oberstufe ist ohne ein grundlegendes Verständnis funktionaler Zusammenhänge eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Analysis nicht mehr vorstellbar. Im Lernprozess zu funktionalen Zusammenhängen kann eine Vielzahl von Fehlvorstellungen auftreten. Wir nennen hier beispielhaft den Graph-als-Bild- Fehler, der die Lernenden dazu verleitet, einen Funktionsgraphen nicht als Repräsentationsform eines funktionalen Zusammenhangs, sondern als Bild einer Situation zu interpretieren. Außerdem ist häufig die Fehlvorstellung illusion of linearity anzutreffen, bei der Lernende fälschlicherweise auch nicht-lineare funktionale Zusammenhänge als linear betrachten. (vgl. Hofmann & Roth, 2021 für eine Zusammenstellung typischer Schülerfehler im Zusammenhang mit Funktionen). Es wird deutlich, dass funktionales Denken, also die Fähigkeit mit Funktionen zu denken und zu arbeiten, relevant, allgegenwärtig und nicht trivial ist (Roth & Lichti, 2021)

    Development of a Scalable Fabrication Concept for Sustainable, Programmable Shape‐Morphing Metamaterials

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    Programmable materials are a novel development, in which specialized production processes are used to introduce a framework of information capabilities into the inner structure of materials. Since the design and fabrication of programmable materials are still challenging, this aims to introduce a design and fabrication concept to pave the way toward industrial application. Herein, complex shape morphing has been implemented in the sense that the shape changes in response to external conditions, following a predefined program. First, the feasibility of a fabrication concept for uniform metamaterials with auxetic behavior is presented. A material with a predetermined nonuniform inner structure that deforms to a symmetrical shape has been developed and fabricated according to this concept. More complex behavior can be implemented by facilitating optimization methods to find inner structures according to a target shape. Lastly, an optimized and producible design for asymmetrical shape morphing is described to demonstrate the applicability of the approach

    Resident and recruited macrophages differentially contribute to cardiac healing after myocardial ischemia

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    Cardiac macrophages are heterogenous in phenotype and functions, which has been associated with differences in their ontogeny. Despite extensive research, our understanding of the precise role of different subsets of macrophages in ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury remains incomplete. We here investigated macrophage lineages and ablated tissue macrophages in homeostasis and after I/R injury in a CSF1R-dependent manner. Genomic deletion of a fms-intronic regulatory element (FIRE) in the Csf1r locus resulted in specific absence of resident homeostatic and antigen-presenting macrophages, without affecting the recruitment of monocyte-derived macrophages to the infarcted heart. Specific absence of homeostatic, monocyte-independent macrophages altered the immune cell crosstalk in response to injury and induced proinflammatory neutrophil polarization, resulting in impaired cardiac remodeling without influencing infarct size. In contrast, continuous CSF1R inhibition led to depletion of both resident and recruited macrophage populations. This augmented adverse remodeling after I/R and led to an increased infarct size and deterioration of cardiac function. In summary, resident macrophages orchestrate inflammatory responses improving cardiac remodeling, while recruited macrophages determine infarct size after I/R injury. These findings attribute distinct beneficial effects to different macrophage populations in the context of myocardial infarction.</p

    Development of Methods and Tools for the Design of Programmable Materials

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    Within the thesis at hand, materials are interpreted as arrays of unit cells, similar to mechanical metamaterials. Additionally, each cell is equipped with design parameters, allowing it to adjust its effective behavior. Due to their internal design, these materials have the capability to fulfill a desired function. The simulation and the design of those materials cannot be handled with computational methods for common structures. To accomplish this task, a data driven simulation and optimization scheme is presented. The aim is, to find a distribution of design parameters, leading to a desired material behavior under given boundary conditions. Therefore, each cell is considered as homogeneous material, with its effective behavior being represented by a data driven surrogate model. With this, it is possible to consider almost arbitrary nonlinear structures with elastic but also viscoelastic behavior. The usage of the data driven surrogate model speeds up the simulation by a factor of magnitude 1,000 and more. Thus, it is possible to consider optimization problems with more than 10^5 cells and 2x10^5 design parameters

    Ammoniakvermeidungskosten bei der Ausbringung angesäuerter flüssiger Wirtschaftsdünger in Winterweizen

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    Flüssige Wirtschaftsdünger aus der Landwirtschaft sind für einen Großteil der Ammoniakemissionen (NH3) in Deutschland verantwortlich. Eine innovative Maßnahme zur Vermei-dung von NH3 ist die Ansäuerung von Wirtschaftsdüngern mit Schwefelsäure (H2SO4) und anschließender Applikation auf dem Feld. Anhand eines Feldversuches im Winterweizen im Osnabrücker Land und unterstützend durch Laborversuche werden die NH3-Vermeidungskosten kalkuliert. Eine Risikoanalyse zeigt, dass mit einer Schwankungsbreite von ca. -4 €/kg NH3 bis 21 €/kg NH3 neben möglichen hohen Kosten, auch ein Vermeidungsnutzen entstehen kann

    Optimal design of unit-cell based programmable materials

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    An optimal design for a programmable material based on an array of unit-cells is established. A programmable material behavior is achieved by using unit-cells with complex and adjustable features arising from the inner structure of each cell. This type of materials has the potential of replacing the functionality of entire systems consisting of sensors and actuators, provided that an optimal inner structure is given. In this paper the multiscale optimization problem and a solution strategy are presented. An efficient data driven method is used for the solution of the macroscopic boundary value problem. Finally, an example of an optimized parameter distribution for a unit-cell based material is shown

    Optimal design of unit‐cell based programmable materials

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    An optimal design for a programmable material based on an array of unit-cells is established. A programmable material behavior is achieved by using unit-cells with complex and adjustable features arising from the inner structure of each cell. This type of materials has the potential of replacing the functionality of entire systems consisting of sensors and actuators, provided that an optimal inner structure is given. In this paper the multiscale optimization problem and a solution strategy are presented. An efficient data driven method is used for the solution of the macroscopic boundary value problem. Finally, an example of an optimized parameter distribution for a unit-cell based material is shown


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    As câmaras de distância são capazes de medir a distância entre o sensor e a superfície dos objetos para cada pixel da imagem. Comparando com os equipamentos de varredura a laser possuem a vantagem de obter a distância de vários pontos em um único instante, sem equipamento de varredura. As medidas obtidas pela câmara possuem erros sistemáticos que devem ser minimizados. Alguns fatores como o tempo de integração, a distância a ser medida, bem como a iluminação da cena, influenciam na obtenção da medida. Neste estudo foi analisada a influência da variação do tempo de integração e da distância câmara-alvo na exatidão do cálculo da distância, procurando modelar os erros sistemáticos das medições feitas com uma câmara PMD Camcube 3.0. A modelagem foi feita por meio da Transformada Discreta de Fourier e permitiu diminuir o erro médio quadrático (RMSE) de 15,01 cm para 5,05 cm, para das observações feitas com tempo de integração de 4000 (s. Também foi verificado que a amplitude do erro é diretamente proporcional ao tempo de integração utilizado

    Resident and recruited macrophages differentially contribute to cardiac healing after myocardial ischemia

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    International audienceCardiac macrophages are heterogenous in phenotype and functions, which has been associated with differences in their ontogeny. Despite extensive research, our understanding of the precise role of different subsets of macrophages in ischemia/reperfusion injury remains incomplete. We here investigated macrophage lineages and ablated tissue macrophages in homeostasis and after I/R injury in a CSF1R-dependent manner. Genomic deletion of a fms-intronic regulatory element (FIRE) in the Csf1r locus resulted in specific absence of resident homeostatic and antigen-presenting macrophages, without affecting the recruitment of monocyte-derived macrophages to the infarcted heart. Specific absence of homeostatic, monocyte-independent macrophages altered the immune cell crosstalk in response to injury and induced proinflammatory neutrophil polarization, resulting in impaired cardiac remodelling without influencing infarct size. In contrast, continuous CSF1R inhibition led to depletion of both resident and recruited macrophage populations. This augmented adverse remodelling after I/R and led to an increased infarct size and deterioration of cardiac function. In summary, resident macrophages orchestrate inflammatory responses improving cardiac remodelling, while recruited macrophages determine infarct size after I/R injury. These findings attribute distinct beneficial effects to different macrophage populations in the context of myocardial infarction