1,610 research outputs found

    Directed transport and localization in phase-modulated driven lattices

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    We explore the dynamics of non-interacting particles loaded into a phase-modulated one-dimensional lattice formed by laterally oscillating square barriers. Tuning the parameters of the driven unit cell of the lattice selected parts of the classical phase space can be manipulated in a controllable manner. We find superdiffusion in position space for all parameters regimes. A directed current of an ensemble of particles can be created through locally breaking the spatiotemporal symmetries of the time-driven potential. Magnitude and direction of the current are tunable. Several mechanisms for transient localization and trapping of particles in different wells of the driven unit cell are presented and analyzed

    Pentaquarks uuddqˉuudd\bar q with One Color Sextet Diquark

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    The masses of pentaquarks uuddsˉuudd\bar s are calculated within the framework of a semirelativistic effective QCD Hamiltonian, using a diquark picture. This approximation allows a correct treatment of the confinement, assumed here to be similar to a Y-junction. With only color antitriplet diquarks, the mass of the pentaquark candidate Θ\Theta with positive parity is found around 2.2 GeV. It is shown that, if a color sextet diquark is present, the lowest uuddsˉuudd\bar s pentaquark is characterized by a much smaller mass with a negative parity. A mass below 1.7 GeV is computed, if the masses of the color antitriplet and color sextet diquarks are taken similar

    Effect of pressure on the polarized infrared optical response of quasi-one-dimensional LaTiO3.41_{3.41}

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    The pressure-induced changes in the optical properties of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor LaTiO3.41_{3.41} were studied by polarization-dependent mid-infrared micro-spectroscopy at room temperature. For the polarization of the incident radiation parallel to the conducting direction, the optical conductivity spectrum shows a pronounced mid-infrared absorption band, exhibiting a shift to lower frequencies and an increase in oscillator strength with increasing pressure. On the basis of its pressure dependence, interpretations of the band in terms of electronic transitions and polaronic excitations are discussed. Discontinuous changes in the optical response near 15 GPa are in agreement with a recently reported pressure-induced structural phase transition and indicate the onset of a dimensional crossover in this highly anisotropic system.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Multifractal eigenstates of quantum chaos and the Thue-Morse sequence

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    We analyze certain eigenstates of the quantum baker's map and demonstrate, using the Walsh-Hadamard transform, the emergence of the ubiquitous Thue-Morse sequence, a simple sequence that is at the border between quasi-periodicity and chaos, and hence is a good paradigm for quantum chaotic states. We show a family of states that are also simply related to Thue-Morse sequence, and are strongly scarred by short periodic orbits and their homoclinic excursions. We give approximate expressions for these states and provide evidence that these and other generic states are multifractal.Comment: Substantially modified from the original, worth a second download. To appear in Phys. Rev. E as a Rapid Communicatio

    Extreme events in discrete nonlinear lattices

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    We perform statistical analysis on discrete nonlinear waves generated though modulational instability in the context of the Salerno model that interpolates between the intergable Ablowitz-Ladik (AL) equation and the nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schrodinger (DNLS) equation. We focus on extreme events in the form of discrete rogue or freak waves that may arise as a result of rapid coalescence of discrete breathers or other nonlinear interaction processes. We find power law dependence in the wave amplitude distribution accompanied by an enhanced probability for freak events close to the integrable limit of the equation. A characteristic peak in the extreme event probability appears that is attributed to the onset of interaction of the discrete solitons of the AL equation and the accompanied transition from the local to the global stochasticity monitored through the positive Lyapunov exponent of a nonlinear map.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; reference added, figure 2 correcte

    Dynamical screening of the Coulomb interaction for two confined electrons in a magnetic field

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    We show that a difference in time scales of vertical and lateral dynamics permits one to analyze the problem of interacting electrons confined in an axially symmetric three-dimensional potential with a lateral oscillator confinement by means of the effective two-dimensional Hamiltonian with a screened Coulomb interaction. Using an adiabatic approximation based on action-angle variables, we present solutions for the effective charge of the Coulomb interaction (screening) for a vertical confinement potential simulated by parabolic, square, and triangular wells. While for the parabolic potential the solution for the effective charge is given in a closed anlytical form, for the other cases similar solutions can be easily calculated numerically.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Lyapunov exponents as a dynamical indicator of a phase transition

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    We study analytically the behavior of the largest Lyapunov exponent λ1\lambda_1 for a one-dimensional chain of coupled nonlinear oscillators, by combining the transfer integral method and a Riemannian geometry approach. We apply the results to a simple model, proposed for the DNA denaturation, which emphasizes a first order-like or second order phase transition depending on the ratio of two length scales: this is an excellent model to characterize λ1\lambda_1 as a dynamical indicator close to a phase transition.Comment: 8 Pages, 3 Figure

    Mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains

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    We present a numerical study of mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains. In particular we focus our attention on laminar flows. In the case of inert transport the mixing properties of the flows strongly depend on the details of the Lagrangian transport. We also study the reaction efficiency. Starting with a little spot of product we compute the time needed to complete the reaction in the container. We found that the reaction efficiency is not strictly related to the mixing properties of the flow. In particular, reaction acts as a "dynamical regulator".Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Superconvergent Perturbation Method in Quantum Mechanics

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    An analogue of Kolmogorov's superconvergent perturbation theory in classical mechanics is constructed for self adjoint operators. It is different from the usual Rayleigh--Schr\"odinger perturbation theory and yields expansions for eigenvalues and eigenvectors in terms of functions of the perturbation parameter.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Super-diffusion in optical realizations of Anderson localization

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    We discuss the dynamics of particles in one dimension in potentials that are random both in space and in time. The results are applied to recent optics experiments on Anderson localization, in which the transverse spreading of a beam is suppressed by random fluctuations in the refractive index. If the refractive index fluctuates along the direction of the paraxial propagation of the beam, the localization is destroyed. We analyze this broken localization, in terms of the spectral decomposition of the potential. When the potential has a discrete spectrum, the spread is controlled by the overlap of Chirikov resonances in phase space. As the number of Fourier components is increased, the resonances merge into a continuum, which is described by a Fokker-Planck equation. We express the diffusion coefficient in terms of the spectral intensity of the potential. For a general class of potentials that are commonly used in optics, the solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation exhibit anomalous diffusion in phase space, implying that when Anderson localization is broken by temporal fluctuations of the potential, the result is transport at a rate similar to a ballistic one or even faster. For a class of potentials which arise in some existing realizations of Anderson localization atypical behavior is found.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure