33 research outputs found

    Chemical constituents and antioxidant and biological activities of the essential oil from leaves of Solanum spirale

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    The essential oil of the leaves Solanium spirale Roxb. was isolated by hydrodistillation and analyzed for the first time using GC and GC-MS. Thirty-nine constituents were identified, constituting 73.36% of the total chromatographical oil components. (E)-Phytol (48.10%), n-hexadecanoic acid (7.34%), beta-selinene (3.67%), alpha-selinene (2.74%), octadecanoic acid (2.12%) and hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (2.00%) were the major components of this oil. The antioxidant activity of the essential oil was evaluated by using the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay. The oil exhibited week antioxidant activity with an IC50 of 41.89 mg/mL. The essential oil showed significant antibacterial activity against both Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus with MIC values of 43.0 microg/mL and 21.5 microg/mL, respectively. It also showed significant cytotoxicity against KB (oral cancer), MCF-7 (breast cancer) and NCI-H187 (small cell lung cancer) with the IC50 values of 26.42, 19.69, and 24.02 microg/mL, respectively

    Magnetic particles-based chemiluminescence immunoassay for progesterone determination

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    © 2017, Chiang Mai University. All rights reserved. A magnetic particles-based chemiluminescence immunoassay was investigated for progesterone detection by using luminometer. In this work, progesterone was determined based on the competitive binding between progesterone in the sample and progesterone-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate for a constant amount of rabbit anti-progesterone. Initially, anti-rabbit IgG coated magnetic particles conjugated with primary progesterone antibody were bound to progesterone in the samples. Then, the amount of proge sterone was quantified by reacting with the residual unoccupied antibody sites with HRP-progesterone, followed by HRP substrate (luminol, H 2 O 2 , and p-iodophenol (PIP)) and finally detection of the generated chemiluminescence by a luminometer. The intensity of the emitting light was proportional to the amount of enzyme present (HRP-progesterone) and was inversely related to the amount of unlabeled progesterone in the sample. The optimum conditions for determination of progesterone were obtained at 0.15 μg L -1 magnetic particles, 5.0x10-4 mol L -1 luminol, 5.0 × 10 -3 mol L -1 H 2 O 2 , 1.0 × 10 -3 mol L -1 PIP, and phosphate buffer saline buffer pH 9. The optimal dilutions of both anti-progesterone antibody and HRP-progesterone conjugate were 1:1000. The linear relationship between chemiluminescence intensity (RLU) and various concentrations of progesterone was over the concentration range of 0.5-50.0 μg L -1 . This proposed method had been successfully applied to the evaluation of progesterone in human sera

    Free fatty acids from the crude hexane extract of the aerial parts of Heliotropium indicum Linn. Growing in Phitsanulok, Thailand

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    Sixteen free fatty acids from the crude hexane extract of the aerial parts of Heliotropium indicum Linn. growing in Phitsanulok, Thailand, have been identified after conversion to their methyl esters with boron trifluoride-methanol followed by quantification by GC-FID and identification by GC-MS analysis. They accounted for 95% of the chromatographable components, with 9,12-octadecadienoic acid, (39.7%), 9-octadecenoic acid (32.4%), hexadecanoic acid (14.2%) and octadecanoic acid (5.1%), as the major constituents. A small amount of 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone and 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol as well as a homologous series of n-alkanes present at trace level and ranging from C25 to C31 was also found (see Table 1). The crude hexane extract has been shown to have modest antituberculosis activity (MIC of 100 mg/mL) against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra

    Antimalarial, anticancer, antimicrobial activities and chemical constituents of essential oil from the aerial parts of Cyperus kyllingia Endl.

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    The chemical constituents of the essential oil from Cyperus kyllingia Endl. were analyzed by a GC, GC-MS. Twenty-three compounds were identified, accounting for 93.75% of the total oil that consisted mainly of oxygenated sesquiterpenes (53.52%), particularly sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (38.97%), and carboxylic acid (1.26%). The most representative compounds were α-cadinol (19.32%), caryophyllene oxide (12.17%), α-muurolol (11.58%), α-humulene (9.85%), and α-atlantone (6.07%). The oil showed significant activities against Plasmodium falcipalum (K1, multi drug resistant strain) and NCI-H187 (Small Cell Lung Cancer) with the IC50 values of 7.52 and 7.72 μg/mL, respectively. The oil exhibited highly active against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 and moderately active against Escherichia coli ATCC25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27553, Aspergillus flavus and Candida albicans

    Izolacija bioaktivnih flavonoida iz biljke Jacaranda obtusifolia H. B. K. ssp. rhombifolia (G. F. W. Meijer) Gentry

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    The paper describes the bioassay-guided isolation, structure elucidation and anticancer evaluation of five flavonoids ()-liquiritigenin (1), ()-neoliquiritin (2), isoliquiritigenin (3), isoliquiritin (4) and formononetin (5) from the twigs of Jacaranda obtusifolia H. B. K. ssp. rhombifolia (G. F. W. Meijer) Gentry. The structures were elucidated based on 1H, 13C NMR, comprehensive 2D NMR, MS analyses and comparison with previously reported spectral data. Compounds 1 and 3 were demonstrated to be inhibitory in vitro against NCI-H187 (small cell lung cancer) with IC50 values of 30.1 and 16.6 µg mL1, respectively. The isolates were non-cytotoxic to Vero cells (African green monkey kidney).U radu je opisana izolacija, određivanje strukture i antitumorsko djelovanje pet flavonoida: ()-likviritigenina (1), ()-neolikviritina (2), izolikviritigenina (3), izolikviritina (4) i formononetina (5) iz plodova biljke Jacaranda obtusifolia H. B. K. ssp. rhombifolia (G. F. W. Meijer) Gentry. Strukture su određene na temelju 1H, 13C NMR, 2D NMR, MS i usporedbom s ranije objavljenim spektroskopskim podacima. Spojevi 1 i 3 imaju inhibitorni učinak in vitro na tumorsku staničnu liniju raka pluća NCI-H187 (IC50 vrijednost 30,1, odnosno 16,6 µg mL1). Izolirani flavonoidi nisu citotoksični za Vero stanice (bubrežne stanice afričkog zelenog majmuna)

    Determination of antioxidant and anticancer activities together with total phenol and flavonoid contents of Cleidion javanicum Bl. And Bridelia retusa (L.) A. Juss

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    The antioxidant and anticancer activities of the hexane, chloroform and methanol extracts of the leaves, stems and fruits from Cleidion javanicum Bl. and Bridelia retusa (L.) A. Juss. were investigated. The antioxidant activities were evaluated by DPPH and ABTS methods. The methanol extracts of the stems and fruits from B. retusa and the methanol extract of the leaves from C. javanicum showed the highest antioxidant activity. The methanol extract of the leaves from B. retusa possessed significant anticancer activity against KB-Oral cavity cancer (IC50=21.24 μg/mL), MCF-7 breast cancer cell (IC50=17.81 μg/mL), and NCI-H 187-small cell lung cancer (IC50 = 24.24 μg/mL), whereas the methanol extract of the fruits exhibited the highest anticancer activity against NCI-H 187-small cell lung cancer with an IC50 value of 8.21 μg/mL. The hexane extract of the fruits from C. javanicum showed significant anticancer activity against NCI-H 187-small cell lung cancer with an IC50 value of 29.11 μg/mL. All of the extracts of these two medicinal plants were non-cytotoxic to primate cell line (Vero cell). Quantitative determination of phenols and flavonoids in leaves, stems and fruits extracts from B. retusa and C. javanicum was carried out using spectrophotometric methods. The methanol extract of B. retusa fruits and the methanol extract of C. javanicum stems contained the highest phenolic content. The methanol extract of B. retusa leaves contained maximum flavonoid, whereas the chloroform extract of C. javanicum leaves contained maximum flavonoid. These two plants may play important roles for the production of health supplement and might be led to the isolation of lead compounds for drug development

    Essential oil of solanum spirale fruits and its biological activities

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    The essential oil of Solanum spirale Roxb. unripe fruits was analyzed for the first time using GC-MS. Twenty-nine constituents were identified, constituting 82.11% of the total chromatographical oil components. The major components were n-hexadecanoic acid (56.01%), linolelic acid (9.71%), octadecanoic acid (4.41%), methyl plamitate (1.69%), tetradecanoic acid (1.55%), (E)-phytol (1.18%), n-hexanal (0.91%), methyl salicylate (0.83%), 4-hydroxy-4- methylpentan-2-one (0.81%), pentadecanoic acid (0.71%) and β-selinene (0.56%). The oil exhibited anticancer activities against MCF-7 (breast cancer) and NCI-H187 (small cell lung cancer) with the IC50 values of 23.17 and 49.07 μg/mL, respectively. It exhibited antituberculosis activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra with the MIC value of 50.0 μg/mL and it also showed moderately antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus with the MIC values of 118 μg/mL

    Two phenylethanoid glycosides, Parvifloroside A and B, isolated from Barleria strigosa

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    Two phenylethanoid glycosides, parvifloroside A (1) and parvifloroside B (2) have been isolated for the first time from the MeOH extract of Barleria strigosa growing in Thailand. The structures of these compounds were elucidated from their 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic data and ESI-MS

    A new 1,6-benzoxazocine-5-one alkaloid isolated from the aerial parts of Peristrophe lanceolaria

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    A new 1,6-benzoxazocine-5-one alkaloid has been isolated as its butyl acetal derivative (1) along with peristrophine from the n-BuOH and EtOAc fractions of the crude MeOH extract of the aerial parts of Peristrophe lanceolaria growing in Thailand. The structures of these compounds were elucidated on the basis of their spectroscopic data. These compounds were isolated for the first time from P. lanceolaria. The EtOAc and n-BuOH fractions also possessed significant antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 57 and 50 μg/mL, respectively (DPPH method), whereas 1 had an IC50 value of 23 μg/mL

    The chemical constituents and biological activities of the essential oil and the extracts from leaves of Gynura divaricata (L.) DC. growing in Thailand

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    The chemical constituents of the essential oil from the leaves of Gynura divaricata (L.) DC. were investigated by GC-FID and GC-MS. Seventeen compounds, representing 97.1 % of the chromatographical fraction of the oil, were detected. The major constituents, cubenol (65.7 %) and spathulenol (6.4 %), were isolated using column chromatography and identified by NMR and MS analysis. The antioxidant, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil, the hexane, dichloromethane and methanol extracts of G. divaricata leaves were investigated. The essential oil and the crude extracts showed antioxidant activity using the ABTS and DPPH methods, respectively. The essential oil exhibited significant cytotoxicity against KB, MCF-7 and NCI-H187 cancer cell lines with the IC values of 5.79, 47.44 and 17.65 µg/mL, respectively and had a MIC of 50 μg/mL against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra. Cubenol had an IC50 value of 45.37 µg/mL against the NCI-H187 cancer cell line. All extracts were non-cytotoxic against Vero cells. The essential oil and the extracts showed antimicrobial activity using the disc diffusion assay. The methanol extract was the most potent of the three extracts