195 research outputs found

    Characterization and density functional theory study of the antioxidant activity of quercetin and its sugar-containing analogues

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    Inhibition of free radicals using quercetin, hyperin and rutin is examined to determine their antioxidant effects and the structure-activity relationships of flavonoids. Two species of the free radicals are used, including hydroxyl radical (.OH) and superoxide anion radical (O-2(-)). Density functional theory calculations under the level of B3LYP/6-311G (d) have been utilized to explore the structure, molecular properties and antioxidant abilities of the three flavonoids. Bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE) and frontier molecular orbital energy gap are investigated. They are compared with the experiment results assayed by the spectrophotometric. All of the flavonoids show a high activity on inhibiting OH and O-2(-) radicals. Scavenging activity determined by half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of the three flavonoids decreases in the order: quercetin > hyperin > rutin. The calculations show that quercetin owns the lowest BDE values, which agree well with the experimental results of antioxidant activity determined by IC50 values

    Influence of early post-burn enteral nutrition on clinical outcomes of patients with extensive burns

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    Sepsis commonly occurs in severe post-burn patients, often resulting in death. We aimed to evaluate the influence of early enteral feeding on outcomes in patients with extensive burns, including infection incidence, healing and mortality. We retrospectively reviewed 60 patients with extensive burns, 35 who had received early enteral nutrition and 25 who had received parenteral nutrition. Average healing time, infection incidence and mortality were clinically observed. Hemoglobin and serum albumin were monitored weekly in both groups during treatment. Causative organisms were identified in patients with sepsis. Infection incidence was significantly less in the enteral nutrition group than the parenteral nutrition group (17.1% vs 44.0%; p = 0.023); and latency duration was longer in the enteral nutrition group than in the parenteral nutrition group (30.5 ± 4.7 days vs 14.5 ± 2.3 days; p<0.001). Duration of antibiotic therapy of the enteral nutrition group was significantly shorter than that of the parenteral nutrition group (12.5 ± 3.0 days vs 19.8 ± 3.6 days; p<0.001). Mean hemoglobin results (10.1 ± 1.3 g/L vs 8.3 ± 1.5 g/L; p<0.001) and serum albumin results (44.7 ± 5.7 g/L vs 36.2 ± 6.9 g/L; p<0.001) of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition groups, respectively, provided an overview of systemic nutrition and protein metabolism, suggesting higher systemic nutrition and protein synthesis in enteral nutrition group than in parenteral nutrition group. Risk of post-burn infection is reduced in burn patients who are supported by earliest possible enteral nutrition

    Facilitating effects of the reductive soil disinfestation process combined with Paenibacillus sp. amendment on soil health and physiological properties of Momordica charantia

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    Reductive soil disinfestation (RSD) is an anaerobic and facultative anaerobic microbial-mediated soil management process. The extent of improvement of diseased soil properties by RSD relative to comparable healthy soil is, however, not well characterized. Importantly, how to promote the colonization efficiency of these facultative anaerobic functional species to ensure soil and plant health remain unknown. Here, Fusarium wilt-diseased soil of Momordica charantia grown under a plastic-shed field (PS-CK) was used to conduct molasses-RSD (MO-RSD) along with Paenibacillus sp. (a model of facultative anaerobic species) (MOPA-RSD) treatment, and the soil from a nearby open-air paddy field was considered comparable healthy soil (OA-CK). Both RSD treatments significantly improved the properties of PS-CK soil, and the extent of improvement of soil pH, Fusarium oxysporum reduction efficiency (98.36%~99.56%), and microbial community and functional composition were higher than that achieved for OA-CK soil, which indicated that RSD-regulated most soil properties outperformed those of the comparable healthy soil. The disease incidence and ascorbic acid content of M. charantia in MO-RSD- and MOPA-RSD-treated soils were considerably decreased, while the weight and soluble protein contents were correspondingly increased, as compared to those of M. charantia in PS-CK soil. Specifically, the changes in these physiological properties of M. charantia in MOPA-RSD soil performed well than that in MO-RSD soil. The relative abundances of Cohnella, Effusibacillus, Rummeliibacillus, Oxobacter, Thermicanus, and Penicillium enriched in both RSD-treated soils were positively correlated with Paenibacillus and negatively correlated with F. oxysporum population and disease incidence (P &lt; 0.05). Notably, the relative abundances of these potential probiotics were considerably higher in MOPA-RSD-treated soil than in MO-RSD alone-treated soil. These results show that the RSD process with inoculation of Paenibacillus sp. could promote the colonization of this species and simultaneously stimulate the proliferation of other probiotic consortia to further enhance soil health and plant disease resistance

    On-Surface Formation of Cumulene by Dehalogenative Homocoupling of Alkenyl gem-Dibromides

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    The on-surface activation of carbon-halogen groups is an efficient route to produce radicals for constructing various hydrocarbons and carbon nanostructures. To date, the employed halide precursors have only one halogen attached to a carbon atom. It is thus of interest to study the effect of attaching more than one halogen atom to a carbon atom with the aim of producing multiple unpaired electrons. By introducing an alkenyl gem-dibromide, cumulene products were fabricated on a Au(111) surface by dehalogenative homocoupling reactions. The reaction products and pathways were unambiguously characterized by a combination of high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and non-contact atomic force microscopy measurements together with density functional calculations. This study further supplements the database of on-surface synthesis strategies and provides a facile manner for incorporation of more complicated carbon scaffolds into surface nanostructures

    Seizing the window of opportunity to mitigate the impact of climate change on the health of Chinese residents

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    The health threats posed by climate change in China are increasing rapidly. Each province faces different health risks. Without a timely and adequate response, climate change will impact lives and livelihoods at an accelerated rate and even prevent the achievement of the Healthy and Beautiful China initiatives. The 2021 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change is the first annual update of China’s Report of the Lancet Countdown. It comprehensively assesses the impact of climate change on the health of Chinese households and the measures China has taken. Invited by the Lancet committee, Tsinghua University led the writing of the report and cooperated with 25 relevant institutions in and outside of China. The report includes 25 indicators within five major areas (climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerability; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; economics and finance; and public and political engagement) and a policy brief. This 2021 China policy brief contains the most urgent and relevant indicators focusing on provincial data: The increasing health risks of climate change in China; mixed progress in responding to climate change. In 2020, the heatwave exposures per person in China increased by 4.51 d compared with the 1986–2005 average, resulting in an estimated 92% increase in heatwave-related deaths. The resulting economic cost of the estimated 14500 heatwave-related deaths in 2020 is US$176 million. Increased temperatures also caused a potential 31.5 billion h in lost work time in 2020, which is equivalent to 1.3% of the work hours of the total national workforce, with resulting economic losses estimated at 1.4% of China’s annual gross domestic product. For adaptation efforts, there has been steady progress in local adaptation planning and assessment in 2020, urban green space growth in 2020, and health emergency management in 2019. 12 of 30 provinces reported that they have completed, or were developing, provincial health adaptation plans. Urban green space, which is an important heat adaptation measure, has increased in 18 of 31 provinces in the past decade, and the capacity of China’s health emergency management increased in almost all provinces from 2018 to 2019. As a result of China’s persistent efforts to clean its energy structure and control air pollution, the premature deaths due to exposure to ambient particulate matter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5) and the resulting costs continue to decline. However, 98% of China’s cities still have annual average PM2.5 concentrations that are more than the WHO guideline standard of 10 μg/m3. It provides policymakers and the public with up-to-date information on China’s response to climate change and improvements in health outcomes and makes the following policy recommendations. (1) Promote systematic thinking in the related departments and strengthen multi-departmental cooperation. Sectors related to climate and development in China should incorporate health perspectives into their policymaking and actions, demonstrating WHO’s and President Xi Jinping’s so-called health-in-all-policies principle. (2) Include clear goals and timelines for climate-related health impact assessments and health adaptation plans at both the national and the regional levels in the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for 2035. (3) Strengthen China’s climate mitigation actions and ensure that health is included in China’s pathway to carbon neutrality. By promoting investments in zero-carbon technologies and reducing fossil fuel subsidies, the current rebounding trend in carbon emissions will be reversed and lead to a healthy, low-carbon future. (4) Increase awareness of the linkages between climate change and health at all levels. Health professionals, the academic community, and traditional and new media should raise the awareness of the public and policymakers on the important linkages between climate change and health.</p

    Global genetic diversity, introgression, and evolutionary adaptation of indicine cattle revealed by whole genome sequencing

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    Indicine cattle, also referred to as zebu (Bos taurus indicus), play a central role in pastoral communities across a wide range of agro-ecosystems, from extremely hot semiarid regions to hot humid tropical regions. However, their adaptive genetic changes following their dispersal into East Asia from the Indian subcontinent have remained poorly documented. Here, we characterize their global genetic diversity using high-quality whole-genome sequencing data from 354 indicine cattle of 57 breeds/populations, including major indicine phylogeographic groups worldwide. We reveal their probable migration into East Asia was along a coastal route rather than inland routes and we detected introgression from other bovine species. Genomic regions carrying morphology-, immune-, and heat-tolerance-related genes underwent divergent selection according to Asian agro-ecologies. We identify distinct sets of loci that contain promising candidate variants for adaptation to hot semi-arid and hot humid tropical ecosystems. Our results indicate that the rapid and successful adaptation of East Asian indicine cattle to hot humid environments was promoted by localized introgression from banteng and/or gaur. Our findings provide insights into the history and environmental adaptation of indicine cattle
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