125 research outputs found

    INR-LDDMM: Fluid-based Medical Image Registration Integrating Implicit Neural Representation and Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping

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    We propose a fluid-based registration framework of medical images based on implicit neural representation. By integrating implicit neural representation and Large Deformable Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM), we employ a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) as a velocity generator while optimizing velocity and image similarity. Moreover, we adopt a coarse-to-fine approach to address the challenge of deformable-based registration methods dropping into local optimal solutions, thus aiding the management of significant deformations in medical image registration. Our algorithm has been validated on a paired CT-CBCT dataset of 50 patients,taking the Dice coefficient of transferred annotations as an evaluation metric. Compared to existing methods, our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance


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    In the title compound, C20H14F4O, a derivative of curcumin, the dihedral angle between the two aromatic rings is 27.19 (13)°. The C=C double bonds have an E configuration

    Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Reduction by Plugging Diffusion Priors in Dual Domains

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    During the process of computed tomography (CT), metallic implants often cause disruptive artifacts in the reconstructed images, impeding accurate diagnosis. Several supervised deep learning-based approaches have been proposed for reducing metal artifacts (MAR). However, these methods heavily rely on training with simulated data, as obtaining paired metal artifact CT and clean CT data in clinical settings is challenging. This limitation can lead to decreased performance when applying these methods in clinical practice. Existing unsupervised MAR methods, whether based on learning or not, typically operate within a single domain, either in the image domain or the sinogram domain. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised MAR method based on the diffusion model, a generative model with a high capacity to represent data distributions. Specifically, we first train a diffusion model using CT images without metal artifacts. Subsequently, we iteratively utilize the priors embedded within the pre-trained diffusion model in both the sinogram and image domains to restore the degraded portions caused by metal artifacts. This dual-domain processing empowers our approach to outperform existing unsupervised MAR methods, including another MAR method based on the diffusion model, which we have qualitatively and quantitatively validated using synthetic datasets. Moreover, our method demonstrates superior visual results compared to both supervised and unsupervised methods on clinical datasets

    Diffusion Probabilistic Priors for Zero-Shot Low-Dose CT Image Denoising

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    Denoising low-dose computed tomography (CT) images is a critical task in medical image computing. Supervised deep learning-based approaches have made significant advancements in this area in recent years. However, these methods typically require pairs of low-dose and normal-dose CT images for training, which are challenging to obtain in clinical settings. Existing unsupervised deep learning-based methods often require training with a large number of low-dose CT images or rely on specially designed data acquisition processes to obtain training data. To address these limitations, we propose a novel unsupervised method that only utilizes normal-dose CT images during training, enabling zero-shot denoising of low-dose CT images. Our method leverages the diffusion model, a powerful generative model. We begin by training a cascaded unconditional diffusion model capable of generating high-quality normal-dose CT images from low-resolution to high-resolution. The cascaded architecture makes the training of high-resolution diffusion models more feasible. Subsequently, we introduce low-dose CT images into the reverse process of the diffusion model as likelihood, combined with the priors provided by the diffusion model and iteratively solve multiple maximum a posteriori (MAP) problems to achieve denoising. Additionally, we propose methods to adaptively adjust the coefficients that balance the likelihood and prior in MAP estimations, allowing for adaptation to different noise levels in low-dose CT images. We test our method on low-dose CT datasets of different regions with varying dose levels. The results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised method and surpasses several supervised deep learning-based methods. Codes are available in https://github.com/DeepXuan/Dn-Dp

    Three-Dimensional Medical Image Fusion with Deformable Cross-Attention

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    Multimodal medical image fusion plays an instrumental role in several areas of medical image processing, particularly in disease recognition and tumor detection. Traditional fusion methods tend to process each modality independently before combining the features and reconstructing the fusion image. However, this approach often neglects the fundamental commonalities and disparities between multimodal information. Furthermore, the prevailing methodologies are largely confined to fusing two-dimensional (2D) medical image slices, leading to a lack of contextual supervision in the fusion images and subsequently, a decreased information yield for physicians relative to three-dimensional (3D) images. In this study, we introduce an innovative unsupervised feature mutual learning fusion network designed to rectify these limitations. Our approach incorporates a Deformable Cross Feature Blend (DCFB) module that facilitates the dual modalities in discerning their respective similarities and differences. We have applied our model to the fusion of 3D MRI and PET images obtained from 660 patients in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. Through the application of the DCFB module, our network generates high-quality MRI-PET fusion images. Experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses traditional 2D image fusion methods in performance metrics such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). Importantly, the capacity of our method to fuse 3D images enhances the information available to physicians and researchers, thus marking a significant step forward in the field. The code will soon be available online

    A Matlab Toolbox for Feature Importance Ranking

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    More attention is being paid for feature importance ranking (FIR), in particular when thousands of features can be extracted for intelligent diagnosis and personalized medicine. A large number of FIR approaches have been proposed, while few are integrated for comparison and real-life applications. In this study, a matlab toolbox is presented and a total of 30 algorithms are collected. Moreover, the toolbox is evaluated on a database of 163 ultrasound images. To each breast mass lesion, 15 features are extracted. To figure out the optimal subset of features for classification, all combinations of features are tested and linear support vector machine is used for the malignancy prediction of lesions annotated in ultrasound images. At last, the effectiveness of FIR is analyzed according to performance comparison. The toolbox is online (https://github.com/NicoYuCN/matFIR). In our future work, more FIR methods, feature selection methods and machine learning classifiers will be integrated
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