1 research outputs found

    ResNorm: Tackling Long-tailed Degree Distribution Issue in Graph Neural Networks via Normalization

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have attracted much attention due to their ability in learning representations from graph-structured data. Despite the successful applications of GNNs in many domains, the optimization of GNNs is less well studied, and the performance on node classification heavily suffers from the long-tailed node degree distribution. This paper focuses on improving the performance of GNNs via normalization. In detail, by studying the long-tailed distribution of node degrees in the graph, we propose a novel normalization method for GNNs, which is termed ResNorm (\textbf{Res}haping the long-tailed distribution into a normal-like distribution via \textbf{norm}alization). The scalescale operation of ResNorm reshapes the node-wise standard deviation (NStd) distribution so as to improve the accuracy of tail nodes (\textit{i}.\textit{e}., low-degree nodes). We provide a theoretical interpretation and empirical evidence for understanding the mechanism of the above scalescale. In addition to the long-tailed distribution issue, over-smoothing is also a fundamental issue plaguing the community. To this end, we analyze the behavior of the standard shift and prove that the standard shift serves as a preconditioner on the weight matrix, increasing the risk of over-smoothing. With the over-smoothing issue in mind, we design a shiftshift operation for ResNorm that simulates the degree-specific parameter strategy in a low-cost manner. Extensive experiments have validated the effectiveness of ResNorm on several node classification benchmark datasets