2,548 research outputs found

    Observation of Enhanced Beaming from Photonic Crystal Waveguides

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    We report on the experimental observation of the beaming effect in photonic crystals enhanced via surface modes. We experimentally map the spatial field distribution of energy emitted from a subwavelength photonic crystal waveguide into free-space, rendering with crisp clarity the diffractionless beaming of energy. Our experimental data agree well with our numerical studies of the beaming enhancement in photonic crystals with modulated surfaces. Without loss of generality, we study the beaming effect in a photonic crystal scaled to microwave frequencies and demonstrate the technological capacity to deliver long-range, wavelength-scaled beaming of energy.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Electron-Electron Interactions and the Hall-Insulator

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    Using the Kubo formula, we show explicitly that a non-interacting electron system can not behave like a Hall-insulator, {\it ie.,} a DC resistivity matrix ρxx\rho_{xx}\rightarrow\infty and ρxy=\rho_{xy}=finite in the zero temperature limit, as has been observed recently in experiment. For a strongly interacting electron system in a magnetic field, we illustrate, by constructing a specific form of correlations between mobile and localized electrons, that the Hall resistivity can approximately equal to its classical value. A Hall-insulator is realized in this model when the density of mobile electrons becomes vanishingly small. It is shown that in non-interacting electron systems, the zero-temperature frequency-dependent conductacnce generally does not give the DC conductance.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX3.

    Multiscale Discriminant Saliency for Visual Attention

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    The bottom-up saliency, an early stage of humans' visual attention, can be considered as a binary classification problem between center and surround classes. Discriminant power of features for the classification is measured as mutual information between features and two classes distribution. The estimated discrepancy of two feature classes very much depends on considered scale levels; then, multi-scale structure and discriminant power are integrated by employing discrete wavelet features and Hidden markov tree (HMT). With wavelet coefficients and Hidden Markov Tree parameters, quad-tree like label structures are constructed and utilized in maximum a posterior probability (MAP) of hidden class variables at corresponding dyadic sub-squares. Then, saliency value for each dyadic square at each scale level is computed with discriminant power principle and the MAP. Finally, across multiple scales is integrated the final saliency map by an information maximization rule. Both standard quantitative tools such as NSS, LCC, AUC and qualitative assessments are used for evaluating the proposed multiscale discriminant saliency method (MDIS) against the well-know information-based saliency method AIM on its Bruce Database wity eye-tracking data. Simulation results are presented and analyzed to verify the validity of MDIS as well as point out its disadvantages for further research direction.Comment: 16 pages, ICCSA 2013 - BIOCA sessio

    Crossover between ionic/covalent and pure ionic bonding in magnesium oxyde clusters

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    An empirical potential with fluctuating charges is proposed for modelling (MgO)_n clusters in both the molecular (small n) and bulk (n->infty) regimes. Vectorial polarization forces are explicitely taken into account in the self-consistent determination of the charges. Our model predicts cuboid cluster structures, in agreement with previous experimental and theoretical results. The effective charge transferred between magnesium and oxygen smoothly increases from 1 to 2, with an estimated crossover size above 300 MgO molecules

    The Superconductivity, Intragrain Penetration Depth and Meissner Effect of RuSr2(Gd,Ce)2Cu2O10+delta

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    The hole concentration (p)(delta), the transition temperature Tc, the intragrain penetration depth lambda, and the Meissner effect were measured for annealed RuSr2(Gd,Ce)2Cu2O10+delta samples. The intragrain superconducting transition temperature Tc} varied from 17 to 40 K while the p changed by only 0.03 holes/CuO2. The intragrain superfluid-density 1/lambda^2 and the diamagnetic drop of the field-cooled magnetization across Tc (the Meissner effect), however, increased more than 10 times. All of these findings are in disagreement with both the Tc vs. p and the Tc vs. 1/lambda^2 correlations proposed for homogeneous cuprates, but are in line with a possible phase-separation and the granularity associated with it.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (May 2, 2002

    Two-particle localization and antiresonance in disordered spin and qubit chains

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    We show that, in a system with defects, two-particle states may experience destructive quantum interference, or antiresonance. It prevents an excitation localized on a defect from decaying even where the decay is allowed by energy conservation. The system studied is a qubit chain or an equivalent spin chain with an anisotropic (XXZXXZ) exchange coupling in a magnetic field. The chain has a defect with an excess on-site energy. It corresponds to a qubit with the level spacing different from other qubits. We show that, because of the interaction between excitations, a single defect may lead to multiple localized states. The energy spectra and localization lengths are found for two-excitation states. The localization of excitations facilitates the operation of a quantum computer. Analytical results for strongly anisotropic coupling are confirmed by numerical studies.Comment: Updated version, 13 pages, 5 figures To appear in Phys. Rev. B (2003

    The Effects of Disorder on the ν=1\nu=1 Quantum Hall State

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    A disorder-averaged Hartree-Fock treatment is used to compute the density of single particle states for quantum Hall systems at filling factor ν=1\nu=1. It is found that transport and spin polarization experiments can be simultaneously explained by a model of mostly short-range effective disorder. The slope of the transport gap (due to quasiparticles) in parallel field emerges as a result of the interplay between disorder-induced broadening and exchange, and has implications for skyrmion localization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Antiferromagnetism in the Exact Ground State of the Half Filled Hubbard Model on the Complete-Bipartite Graph

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    As a prototype model of antiferromagnetism, we propose a repulsive Hubbard Hamiltonian defined on a graph \L={\cal A}\cup{\cal B} with AB={\cal A}\cap {\cal B}=\emptyset and bonds connecting any element of A{\cal A} with all the elements of B{\cal B}. Since all the hopping matrix elements associated with each bond are equal, the model is invariant under an arbitrary permutation of the A{\cal A}-sites and/or of the B{\cal B}-sites. This is the Hubbard model defined on the so called (NA,NB)(N_{A},N_{B})-complete-bipartite graph, NAN_{A} (NBN_{B}) being the number of elements in A{\cal A} (B{\cal B}). In this paper we analytically find the {\it exact} ground state for NA=NB=NN_{A}=N_{B}=N at half filling for any NN; the repulsion has a maximum at a critical NN-dependent value of the on-site Hubbard UU. The wave function and the energy of the unique, singlet ground state assume a particularly elegant form for N \ra \inf. We also calculate the spin-spin correlation function and show that the ground state exhibits an antiferromagnetic order for any non-zero UU even in the thermodynamic limit. We are aware of no previous explicit analytic example of an antiferromagnetic ground state in a Hubbard-like model of itinerant electrons. The kinetic term induces non-trivial correlations among the particles and an antiparallel spin configuration in the two sublattices comes to be energetically favoured at zero Temperature. On the other hand, if the thermodynamic limit is taken and then zero Temperature is approached, a paramagnetic behavior results. The thermodynamic limit does not commute with the zero-Temperature limit, and this fact can be made explicit by the analytic solutions.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures .ep

    Enhancement of long-range magnetic order by magnetic field in superconducting La2CuO(4+y)

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    We report a detailed study, using neutron scattering, transport and magnetization measurements, of the interplay between superconducting (SC) and spin density wave (SDW) order in La2CuO(4+y). Both kinds of order set in below the same critical temperature. However, the SDW order grows with applied magnetic field, whereas SC order is suppressed. Most importantly, the field dependence of the SDW Bragg peak intensity has a cusp at zero field, as predicted by a recent theory of competing SDW and SC order. This leads us to conclude that there is a repulsive coupling between the two order parameters. The question of whether the two kinds of order coexist or microscopically phase separate is discussed.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. Improved discussion in connection with the muSR result

    Topological Defects, Orientational Order, and Depinning of the Electron Solid in a Random Potential

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    We report on the results of molecular dynamics simulation (MD) studies of the classical two-dimensional electron crystal in the presence disorder. Our study is motivated by recent experiments on this system in modulation doped semiconductor systems in very strong magnetic fields, where the magnetic length is much smaller than the average interelectron spacing a0a_0, as well as by recent studies of electrons on the surface of helium. We investigate the low temperature state of this system using a simulated annealing method. We find that the low temperature state of the system always has isolated dislocations, even at the weakest disorder levels investigated. We also find evidence for a transition from a hexatic glass to an isotropic glass as the disorder is increased. The former is characterized by quasi-long range orientational order, and the absence of disclination defects in the low temperature state, and the latter by short range orientational order and the presence of these defects. The threshold electric field is also studied as a function of the disorder strength, and is shown to have a characteristic signature of the transition. Finally, the qualitative behavior of the electron flow in the depinned state is shown to change continuously from an elastic flow to a channel-like, plastic flow as the disorder strength is increased.Comment: 31 pages, RevTex 3.0, 15 figures upon request, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B., HAF94MD