344,182 research outputs found

    Corrigendum to "Effects of organic composition on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of food waste" [Bioresour. Technol. 244 (2017) 213-224]

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    Yangyang Li, Yiying Jin, Aiduan Borrion, Hailong Li, Jinhui Li (2017) Effects of organic composition on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of food waste, Bioresource Technology, Volume 244, Part 1, November 2017, Pages 213-224 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.07.006

    Some molecule-based materials low dimension nanostructures

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    Molecule based materials nanoarchitectures have been employed as important nanoscale building blocks for advanced materials and smart miniature devices to fulfill the increasing needs of high materials usage efficiency. Different dimension molecule based materials based nanoarchitectures, especially low dimension nanostructures, attract significant attention due to its fascinating controlled structure and functionality-easy tailoring with excellent semi-conductive properties and stability. In this report, we discuss the some molecule based materials self-assembled oriented functional nanoarchitectures by coordinated inducing. The molecular material building blocks, aggregate structures and their properties in optical, electrical and photoelectrical properties were shown. REFERENCES [1] Guo, Y.B.; Xu, L.; Liu, H. B.; Li, Y. J.; Che, C.-M.; Li, Y. L. Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 985. [2] Li, Y. J.; Liu, T. F.; Liu, H. B.; Tian, M.-Z.; Li, Y. L. Acc. Chem. Res., 2014, 47,1186. [3] Li, Y. J.; Liang Xu, Liu, H. B.; Li, Y. L. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 2572. [4] Liu, H. B.; Xu, J. L.; Li, Y. J.; Li, Y. L. Acc. Chem. Res. 2010, 43, 1496. [5] Zheng, H. Y.; Li, Y. J.; Liu, H. B.; Yin, X. D.; Li, Y. L. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 4506

    The selective oxidation of methane to ethane and ethylene over doped and un-doped rare earth oxides

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    A comparison has been made of the behaviour in the oxidative coupling of methane of the oxides of Sm, Dy, Gd, La and Tb with that of a Li/MgO material. All but the Tb4O7 (which gave total oxidation) were found to give higher yields than the Li/MgO material at temperatures up to approaching 750°C but the Li/MgO system gave better results at higher temperatures. The cubic structure of Sm2O3 was found to be responsible for its good performance while the monoclinic structure was relatively inactive and unselective. The addition of Na or Ca to cubic Sm2O3 gives a higher optimum C2 yield than that of unpromoted Sm2O3. Sm2O3 and Ca/Sm2O3 catalysts are more stable than Li/MgO, Li/Sm2O3 or Na/Sm2O3. The addition of Li or Na to Sm2O3 causes the structure to change from cubic to monoclinic; the deactivation of the Na/Sm2O3 catalysts is caused by a loss of Na coupled with the formation of the monoclinic form of Sm2O3

    Transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells promote regeneration of cut adult rat optic nerve axons

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    Transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells into spinal cord lesions promotes regeneration of cut axons into terminal fields and functional recovery. This repair involves the formation of a peripheral nerve-like bridge in which perineurial-like fibroblasts are organized into a longitudinal stack of parallel tubular channels, some of which contain regenerating axons enwrapped by Schwann-like olfactory ensheathing cells. The present study examines whether cut retinal ganglion cell axons will also respond to these cells, and if so, whether they form the same type of arrangement. In adult rats, the optic nerve was completely severed behind the optic disc, and a matrix containing cultured olfactory ensheathing cells was inserted between the proximal and distal stumps. After 6 months, the transplanted cells had migrated for up to 10 mm into the distal stump. Anterograde labeling with cholera toxin B showed that cut retinal ganglion cell axons had regenerated through the transplants, entered the distal stump, and elongated for 10 mm together with the transplanted cells. Electron microscopy showed that a peripheral nerve-like tissue had been formed, similar to that seen in the spinal cord transplants. However, in contrast to the spinal cord, the axons did not reach the terminal fields, but terminated in large vesicle-filled expansions beyond which the distal optic nerve stump was reduced to a densely interwoven mass of astrocytic processes
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