280,491 research outputs found

    The B\to D_s^{(*)}\eta^{(\prime)} decays in the perturbative QCD

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    In this paper, we calculate the branching ratios for B+β†’Ds+Ξ·,B+β†’Ds+Ξ·β€²B^+\to D_s^+\eta, B^+\to D_s^+\eta^{\prime}, B+β†’Dsβˆ—+Ξ·B^+\to D_s^{*+}\eta and B+β†’Dsβˆ—+Ξ·β€² B^+\to D_s^{*+}\eta^{\prime} decays by employing the perturbative QCD (pQCD) factorization approach. Under the two kinds of Ξ·βˆ’Ξ·β€²\eta-\eta^{\prime} mixing schemes, the quark-flavor mixing scheme and the singlet-octet mixing scheme, we find that the calculated branching ratios are consistent with the currently available experimental upper limits. We also considered the so called "fDsf_{D_s} puzzle", by using two groups of parameters about the Ds(βˆ—)D^{(*)}_s meson decay constants, that is fDs=241f_{D_s}=241 MeV, fDsβˆ—=272f_{D^*_s}=272 MeV and fDs=274f_{D_s}=274 MeV, fDsβˆ—=312f_{D^*_s}=312 MeV, to calculate the branching ratios for the considered decays. We find that the results change 30%30\% by using these two different groups of paramters.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Typos removed, minor correction

    Using Different Approaches to Evaluate Individual Social Equity in Transport

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    Inequalities not only exist in the field of economics in relation to income and wealth, but also in other areas, such as the transport sector, where access to and use of different transport modes varies markedly across population groups, and which provides the means to access everyday living activities. A key concern within the transport sector is that inequality has extended beyond the traditional measures of travel, and now covers a wide range of effects relating to social exclusion, freedom, well-being and being able to access reasonable opportunities and resources. In order to address the aforementioned issues, an important question to resolve is what type of methods can be used to measure inequalities in transport most effectively. Therefore, this study aims to apply different approaches, including the Capabilities Approach (CA) and a further six inequality indices, namely the Gini coefficient, the Atkinson index, the Palma ratio, the Pietra ratio, the Schutz coefficient and the Theil index, to the case study using the relatively migrant-rich lower-income neighbourhood of Tuqiao, in Beijing, in order to assess individual transport-related social inequity issues. The findings suggest that the CA is useful in assessing transport-related inequalities where there are significant barriers to the take up of accessibility, for example where there are high levels of disadvantaged groups and disaggregated analysis can be undertaken. The Palma ratio appears to have a larger effect than the Gini coefficient and the other inequality indices when measuring transport-related social inequity. In addition, we also found that most income inequality methods adapted from econometrics may be better suited to measuring transport-related social inequity between different regions, cities or countries, or within the same area, but at different points in time, rather than to measuring a single neighbourhood as a whole. Finally, we argue that to what extent politicians or transport planners can use appropriate management tools to measure transport-related social inequalities may be significant in terms of the progress that can be made in the fight against social inequity in the transport field

    Magneto-Centrifugal Launching of Jets from Accretion Disks. I: Cold Axisymmetric Flows

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    The magneto-centrifugal model for jet formation is studied by time-dependent simulations reaching steady state in a cold gas with negligible fluid pressure, in an axisymmetric geometry, using a modification of the Zeus3D code adapted to parallel computers. The number of boundary conditions imposed at the coronal base takes into account the existence of the fast and Alfvenic critical surfaces, avoiding over-determination of the flow. The size and shape of the computational box is chosen to include these critical surfaces, reducing the influence of the outer boundary conditions. As there is a region, near the origin, where the inclination of field lines to the axis is too small to drive a centrifugal wind, we inject a thin, axial jet, expected to form electromagnetically near black holes. Acceleration and collimation appear for wide generic conditions. A reference run is shown in detail, with a wind leaving the computational volume in the axial direction with a poloidal velocity equal to 4 times the poloidal Alfven speed, collimated inside 11 degrees. Finally, the critical surfaces, fieldlines, thrust, energy, torque and mass discharge of the outgoing wind are shown for simulations with various profiles of mass and magnetic flux at the base of the corona.Comment: 27 pages, including 10 figures and 2 tables. To appear in ApJ (Dec 1999). Revised version clarifies the abstract, section 3.2.4, conclusions and appendix, adds a simulation to section 4.2, and updates the reference

    The Coupled Cluster Method Applied to Quantum Magnets: A New LPSUBmm Approximation Scheme for Lattice Models

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    A new approximation hierarchy, called the LPSUBmm scheme, is described for the coupled cluster method (CCM). It is applicable to systems defined on a regular spatial lattice. We then apply it to two well-studied prototypical (spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic) spin-lattice models, namely: the XXZ and the XY models on the square lattice in two dimensions. Results are obtained in each case for the ground-state energy, the ground-state sublattice magnetization and the quantum critical point. They are all in good agreement with those from such alternative methods as spin-wave theory, series expansions, quantum Monte Carlo methods and the CCM using the alternative LSUBmm and DSUBmm schemes. Each of the three CCM schemes (LSUBmm, DSUBmm and LPSUBmm) for use with systems defined on a regular spatial lattice is shown to have its own advantages in particular applications

    Ground-state phases of the spin-1 J1J_{1}--J2J_{2} Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice

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    We study the zero-temperature quantum phase diagram of a spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice with both nearest-neighbor exchange coupling J1>0J_{1}>0 and frustrating next-nearest-neighbor coupling J2≑κJ1>0J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1} > 0, using the coupled cluster method implemented to high orders of approximation, and based on model states with different forms of classical magnetic order. For each we calculate directly in the bulk thermodynamic limit both ground-state low-energy parameters (including the energy per spin, magnetic order parameter, spin stiffness coefficient, and zero-field uniform transverse magnetic susceptibility) and their generalized susceptibilities to various forms of valence-bond crystalline (VBC) order, as well as the energy gap to the lowest-lying spin-triplet excitation. In the range 0<ΞΊ<10 < \kappa < 1 we find evidence for four distinct phases. Two of these are quasiclassical phases with antiferromagnetic long-range order, one with 2-sublattice N\'{e}el order for ΞΊ<ΞΊc1=0.250(5)\kappa < \kappa_{c_{1}} = 0.250(5), and another with 4-sublattice N\'{e}el-II order for ΞΊ>ΞΊc2=0.340(5)\kappa > \kappa_{c_{2}} = 0.340(5). Two different paramagnetic phases are found to exist in the intermediate region. Over the range ΞΊc1<ΞΊ<ΞΊci=0.305(5)\kappa_{c_{1}} < \kappa < \kappa^{i}_{c} = 0.305(5) we find a gapless phase with no discernible magnetic order, which is a strong candidate for being a quantum spin liquid, while over the range ΞΊci<ΞΊ<ΞΊc2\kappa^{i}_{c} < \kappa < \kappa_{c_{2}} we find a gapped phase, which is most likely a lattice nematic with staggered dimer VBC order that breaks the lattice rotational symmetry

    Transverse Magnetic Susceptibility of a Frustrated Spin-12\frac{1}{2} J1J_{1}--J2J_{2}--J1βŠ₯J_{1}^{\perp} Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a Bilayer Honeycomb Lattice

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    We use the coupled cluster method (CCM) to study a frustrated spin-12\frac{1}{2} J1J_{1}--J2J_{2}--J1βŠ₯J_{1}^{\perp} Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a bilayer honeycomb lattice with AAAA stacking. Both nearest-neighbor (NN) and frustrating next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic (AFM) exchange interactions are present in each layer, with respective exchange coupling constants J1>0J_{1}>0 and J2≑κJ1>0J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1} > 0. The two layers are coupled with NN AFM exchanges with coupling strength J1βŠ₯≑δJ1>0J_{1}^{\perp}\equiv \delta J_{1}>0. We calculate to high orders of approximation within the CCM the zero-field transverse magnetic susceptibility Ο‡\chi in the N\'eel phase. We thus obtain an accurate estimate of the full boundary of the N\'eel phase in the ΞΊΞ΄\kappa\delta plane for the zero-temperature quantum phase diagram. We demonstrate explicitly that the phase boundary derived from Ο‡\chi is fully consistent with that obtained from the vanishing of the N\'eel magnetic order parameter. We thus conclude that at all points along the N\'eel phase boundary quasiclassical magnetic order gives way to a nonclassical paramagnetic phase with a nonzero energy gap. The N\'eel phase boundary exhibits a marked reentrant behavior, which we discuss in detail

    Collinear antiferromagnetic phases of a frustrated spin-12\frac{1}{2} J1J_{1}--J2J_{2}--J1βŠ₯J_{1}^{\perp} Heisenberg model on an AAAA-stacked bilayer honeycomb lattice

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    The zero-temperature quantum phase diagram of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} J1J_{1}--J2J_{2}--J1βŠ₯J_{1}^{\perp} model on an AAAA-stacked bilayer honeycomb lattice is investigated using the coupled cluster method (CCM). The model comprises two monolayers in each of which the spins, residing on honeycomb-lattice sites, interact via both nearest-neighbor (NN) and frustrating next-nearest-neighbor isotropic antiferromagnetic (AFM) Heisenberg exchange iteractions, with respective strengths J1>0J_{1} > 0 and J2≑κJ1>0J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1}>0. The two layers are coupled via a comparable Heisenberg exchange interaction between NN interlayer pairs, with a strength J1βŠ₯≑δJ1J_{1}^{\perp} \equiv \delta J_{1}. The complete phase boundaries of two quasiclassical collinear AFM phases, namely the N\'{e}el and N\'{e}el-II phases, are calculated in the ΞΊΞ΄\kappa \delta half-plane with ΞΊ>0\kappa > 0. Whereas on each monolayer in the N\'{e}el state all NN pairs of spins are antiparallel, in the N\'{e}el-II state NN pairs of spins on zigzag chains along one of the three equivalent honeycomb-lattice directions are antiparallel, while NN interchain spins are parallel. We calculate directly in the thermodynamic (infinite-lattice) limit both the magnetic order parameter MM and the excitation energy Ξ”\Delta from the sTz=0s^{z}_{T}=0 ground state to the lowest-lying ∣sTz∣=1|s^{z}_{T}|=1 excited state (where sTzs^{z}_{T} is the total zz component of spin for the system as a whole, and where the collinear ordering lies along the zz direction) for both quasiclassical states used (separately) as the CCM model state, on top of which the multispin quantum correlations are then calculated to high orders (n≀10n \leq 10) in a systematic series of approximations involving nn-spin clusters. The sole approximation made is then to extrapolate the sequences of nnth-order results for MM and Ξ”\Delta to the exact limit, nβ†’βˆžn \to \infty
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