8,935 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Ant Colony Algorithms for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, a family of ant colony algorithms called DAACA for data aggregation has been presented which contains three phases: the initialization, packet transmission and operations on pheromones. After initialization, each node estimates the remaining energy and the amount of pheromones to compute the probabilities used for dynamically selecting the next hop. After certain rounds of transmissions, the pheromones adjustment is performed periodically, which combines the advantages of both global and local pheromones adjustment for evaporating or depositing pheromones. Four different pheromones adjustment strategies are designed to achieve the global optimal network lifetime, namely Basic-DAACA, ES-DAACA, MM-DAACA and ACS-DAACA. Compared with some other data aggregation algorithms, DAACA shows higher superiority on average degree of nodes, energy efficiency, prolonging the network lifetime, computation complexity and success ratio of one hop transmission. At last we analyze the characteristic of DAACA in the aspects of robustness, fault tolerance and scalability.Comment: To appear in Journal of Computer and System Science

    Integrating PPC and Flat Fee Pricing Schemes to Optimize the Internal Search Engine Revenue in the Electronic Market

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    Currently, the predominant pricing plan for the search engine (SE) advertising services in a proprietary electronic market is a flat fee (FF) pricing. These services have faced the challenge of customer attrition recently since FF pricing results in the inequality of service surplus among subscribers. A more sustainable and profitable pricing model would be to distinguish advertising resources by providing an additional usage-based pricing for certain user groups to transfer the service surplus among subscribers. We conceive a hybrid model integrating Pay-Per-Click (PPC) pricing into FF pricing. This proposed scheme can offer an incentive-compatible mechanism to attract more subscribers by relieving the inequity of service surplus, and eventually result in the increasing revenue of service providers

    Multi-modal preference alignment remedies regression of visual instruction tuning on language model

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    In production, multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) are expected to support multi-turn queries of interchanging image and text modalities. However, the current MLLMs trained with visual-question-answering (VQA) datasets could suffer from degradation, as VQA datasets lack the diversity and complexity of the original text instruction datasets which the underlying language model had been trained with. To address this challenging degradation, we first collect a lightweight (6k entries) VQA preference dataset where answers were annotated by Gemini for 5 quality metrics in a granular fashion, and investigate standard Supervised Fine-tuning, rejection sampling, Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), and SteerLM. Our findings indicate that the with DPO we are able to surpass instruction-following capabilities of the language model, achieving a 6.73 score on MT-Bench, compared to Vicuna's 6.57 and LLaVA's 5.99 despite small data scale. This enhancement in textual instruction proficiency correlates with boosted visual instruction performance (+4.9\% on MM-Vet, +6\% on LLaVA-Bench), with minimal alignment tax on visual knowledge benchmarks compared to previous RLHF approach. In conclusion, we propose a distillation-based multi-modal alignment model with fine-grained annotations on a small dataset that reconciles the textual and visual performance of MLLMs, restoring and boosting language capability after visual instruction tuning
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