146 research outputs found

    Hysteresis of Ceramic-Matrix Composites

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    In this chapter, the hysteresis behavior of fiber-reinforced ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs) is investigated. Based on the interface slip state inside of CMCs, the hysteresis loops can be divided into four different cases. The relationship between the internal damage and the hysteresis loops of CMCs is established. Using the experimental hysteresis loops, the fiber/matrix interface frictional coefficient can be obtained. The mechanical hysteresis loops and the fiber/matrix interface frictional coefficient of SiC/CAS and C/SiC composites are predicted using the present models. When the fiber/matrix interface frictional coefficient decreases under cyclic fatigue loading, the fatigue hysteresis loops, fatigue hysteresis dissipated energy, fiber/matrix interface debonding, and slip all change. The fatigue hysteresis dissipated energy first increases and then decreases with decreasing interface frictional coefficient

    Risk Assessment of Civil Aircraft during Operation

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    In this chapter, the risk assessment methods for aircraft system, structure, and aeroengine are investigated. For the aircraft system risk assessment, the probability level is divided into probable, improbable, and extremely improbable, and the hazard level of the failure condition is divided into minor, major, and catastrophic. Using Weibull analysis and Bayesian method to analyze the aircraft operation data, the risk level of aircraft system can be determined by combing methods provided in AC 25.1309-1A. For the aircraft structure risk assessment, the probability fracture mechanics approach can be used to determine the structure failure risk based on the data of material properties, environment, inspection, and so on. For the aeroengine risk assessment, the methods for classification of failure risk level, determination of hazard ratio, and calculation of the risk factor and risk per flight are given. The risk assessment process for aeroengine multi-failure modes based on the Monte Carlo simulation is presented to predict the occurrence of the failure and assess the failure risk

    Introductory Chapter: Next-Generation Fibre-Reinforced Composites

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    Chemokine-chemokine receptor pathway as a tumor therapeutic target: the significance of SDF-1CXCR4 pair

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    Chemokines, a large family of chemotactic cytokines, are the major regulators of immune cell trafficking. The chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1, or CXCL12) and its cognate receptor, CXCR4 (CD184), are an important ligand-receptor pair, which play a crucial role in numerous biological processes including hematopoiesis, inflammation, angiogenesis, and cell proliferation. Moreover, accumulating evidence indicates that SDF-1-CXCR4 pair plays important roles in regulating processes essential for tumor biology. Molecular strategies aimed at inhibiting the SDF-1-CXCR4 pathway, such as small peptide CXCR4-specific antagonists, anti-CXCR4 antibodies, and small interfering RNA might therefore prevent tumor progression and metastasis. In the present Dance Round, we focus on (i) the role of the SDF-1-CXCR4 signaling in the regulation of tumor spread, growth, and vascularization, and (ii) the significance of this ligand-receptor pair as a novel therapeutic target for neoplastic disease.Biomedical Reviews 2005; 16: 77-81

    Risk and Economic Analysis Methods of Commercial Aero Engines

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    This chapter outlines the results of risk analysis and economic analysis of commercial aero engines during aircraft operation. Risk analysis is the procedure for identifying risk factors and assessing their significance, in essence, analysis of the likelihood that certain undesirable events may occur and as such adversely affect operation. Risk analysis includes risk assessment and methods to reduce risks or reduce adverse effects associated with it. Furthermore, economical analysis is a scientific way of understanding the essence of economic phenomena and processes, which in turn are based on dividing them into their constituent parts. In doing so, the variety of relationships and dependencies aimed at improving the associated work through the development and implementation of optimal solutions is studied. The purpose of the economic analysis is to give management of the actual state, and for persons who are not directly working with it, but are interested in its financial condition, the information necessary for an impartial judgment

    Learning Speech Representation From Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining

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    For fine-grained generation and recognition tasks such as minimally-supervised text-to-speech (TTS), voice conversion (VC), and automatic speech recognition (ASR), the intermediate representations extracted from speech should serve as a "bridge" between text and acoustic information, containing information from both modalities. The semantic content is emphasized, while the paralinguistic information such as speaker identity and acoustic details should be de-emphasized. However, existing methods for extracting fine-grained intermediate representations from speech suffer from issues of excessive redundancy and dimension explosion. Contrastive learning is a good method for modeling intermediate representations from two modalities. However, existing contrastive learning methods in the audio field focus on extracting global descriptive information for downstream audio classification tasks, making them unsuitable for TTS, VC, and ASR tasks. To address these issues, we propose a method named "Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining (CTAP)", which uses two encoders to bring phoneme and speech into a joint multimodal space, learning how to connect phoneme and speech at the frame level. The CTAP model is trained on 210k speech and phoneme text pairs, achieving minimally-supervised TTS, VC, and ASR. The proposed CTAP method offers a promising solution for fine-grained generation and recognition downstream tasks in speech processing