54 research outputs found
The use of information - communication technology among nursing students during their course of study
Uvod: Na področju izobraževanja za zdravstveno nego se danes srečujemo s študenti, ki pripadajo generaciji, ki celo življenje živi obdana z informacijsko tehnologijo. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri študentje zdravstvene nege informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo uporabljajo v učne namene. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na deskriptivni in neeksperimentalni metodi. Instrument raziskave je bil vprašalnik zaprtega tipa s 55 vprašanji. Vprašalnik je bil zmerno zanesljiv (Cronbachov koeficient alfa = 0,7). Raziskava je potekala na namenskem vzorcu študentov dodiplomskega študijskega programa zdravstvene nege (n = 110) Fakultete za vedeo zdravju Univerze na Primorskem od januarja do aprila 2012. Podatki so bili obdelani na podlagi deskriptivne, bivariatne in multivariatne statistike. Rezultati: Anketiranci informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo največkrat uporabljajo za spletno prijavo na izpit, spremljanje ocen in dostop do elektronskega indeksa (n = 96) ter najmanj za pisanje zapiskov (n = 51). Menijo, da so njihove zmožnosti najboljše pri uporabi elektronske pošte (x = 2,86, s = 0,40) in uporabi programa za pripravo računalniške predstavitve (x = 2,72, s = 0,56) ter najmanj pri uporabi spletne bibliografske zbirke (x = 2,45, s = 0,61). Faktorski model je pri sklopu uporabnosti informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije med študijem podal pet faktorjev, s katerimi lahko pojasnimo 61,78 % variance (KMO = 0,74). Pri sklopu pomembnosti informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija med študijem je faktorski model podal tri faktorje, s katerimi lahko pojasnimo 63,24 % variance (KMO = 0,81). Diskusija in zaključek: Anketiranci med študijem informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo uporabljajo predvsem za logistične potrebe, kot so prijava na izpit ali dostop do elektronskega indeksa. Raziskava odpira novo raziskovalno vprašanje, zakaj je študentom kljub napredkom v informacijsko-komunikacijski tehnologiji tradicionalni način učenja bližji ter katera znanja in veščine so potrebna, da bi lahko informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo med študijem kar najbolje uporabljali.Introduction: In present times the applications of information-communication technology affect people in all walks of life and the health care environmentsare becoming increasingly technological. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of information-communication technology amongst nursing students for study purposes, its relevance and the factors enhancing its use. Methods: The study is based on a descriptive and non-experimental method of empirical research. The research instrument employed was a questionnaire with fifty-five closed-ended questions divided into thematic sections. One hundred and ten undergraduate nursing students participated in the study. Results: The findings of the study based on factor analysis show that the respondents use the information-communication technology mainly for online exam application and registration, to view the exam results and to access the electronic student transcript (n = 96), and to a lesser extent for writing notes (n = 51). They seem to be most confident in writing email messages (x = 2.86, s = 0.40) and in using the programmes for computer powerpoint presentations (x = 2.72, s = 0.56). The use of online bibliographic system and services was found to be the least frequent. The factor analysis yielded five separate factors related to the use of information-communication technology (61.78 % of variance explainedKMO = 0.74) and three factors related to the relevance of the informationc-ommunication technology for study purposes (63.24 % of variance explainedKMO = 0.81). Discussion and conclusion: In nursing education little empirical evidence is available on the impact of information-communication technology on learning results. The respondents of the study used information-communication technology mainly for logistical needs, such as online examination application or to access the electronic student transcript. The research results concoct new research questions why the students still prefer the traditional way of learning and what requisite knowledge and skills are necessary to enhance the students\u27 wider use of information-communication technology for study purpose
Differences of assertive behavior among female nursing students and female students of other faculties
Uvod: Zdravstvena nega je dolgo veljala za tipično ženski poklic, kjer so medicinskim sestram pripisovali stereotipno žensko, to je pomočniško vlogo, in je zato asertivno vedenje med medicinskimi sestrami dolgo veljalo za manj izrazito kot v drugih po izobrazbi primerljivih poklicih. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali so študentke zdravstvene nege enako asertivne kot študentke drugih fakultet Univerze na Primorskem in Evropske pravne fakultete v Novi Gorici in ali se s starostjo asertivnost študentk zvišuje. Metode: Uporabili smo deskriptivno in neeksperimentalno metodo raziskovanja. Kot raziskovalni instrument smo uporabili The Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (vprašalnik samoocene asertivnosti). Anketiranje je potekalo na namenskem vzorcu. Spletni vprašalnik je bil preko URL-naslova poslan na skupne elektronske naslove študentom nekaterih fakultet Univerze na Primorskem in Evropske pravne fakultete v Novi Gorici. Izpolnjen vprašalnik je vrnilo 218 študentk. Raziskava je potekala v maju in juniju leta 2010. Podatke smo obdelali na podlagi deskriptivne statistike in enosmerne analize variance (ANOVA). Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da študentke Fakultete za vede o zdravju ne izkazujejo statistično značilno nižje asertivnosti v primerjavi s študentkami drugih fakultet, zajetih v raziskavo (F = 0,37, p = 0,83). Ugotovili smo tudi, da starejše študentke v primerjavi z mlajšimi študentkami ne izkazujejo statistično značilno višje asertivnosti (F = 1,52, p = 0,22). Diskusija in zaključek: Poznavanje asertivnega vedenja je pri študentih zdravstvene nege pomembno, saj predstavlja pomemben temelj in bistveno prvino medosebnega odnosa. Učenje novega načina odzivanja in novih načinov vedenja v profesionalnih situacijah ni preprosto in je dolgotrajen proces. Morali bi razmisliti o spodbujanju asertivnega vedenja med študenti zdravstvene nege, morda tudi z vpeljavo treningov asertivnosti v učni program ter dodatnim usposabljanjem učiteljev zdravstvene nege v tej smeri.Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine whether the nursing students are equally assertive as students of other faculties of the University of Primorska and the European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica and whether assertiveness among students increases with age. Nursing has been considered to be a typical female profession where nurses function as nurturers, comforters and care providers. The assertive behaviour among nurses was accordingly considered less pronounced than in other professionals with similar educational level. Methods: The research was based on a descriptive and non-experimental research method. A questionnaire used as a research instrument included the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule. The purposive sampling was used in this qualitative research. The access to the online questionnaire was provided through URL address which was sent to the students\u27common e-mail addresses at some faculties of the University of Primorska and the European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica. The questionnaires were completed and returned by 218 female students. The survey was conducted in May and June of 2010. The data collected were analysed using the descriptive statistics and the One-Way ANOVA. Results: According to the results obtained, the nursing students do not manifest statistically significant lower assertiveness levels as compared to the students of other faculties included in the study (F = 0.37, p = 0.83). It has also been established that older students are not statistically significantly more assertive in comparison to younger female students (F = 1.52, p =0.22). Discussion and conclusion: Assertive behaviour is a core element of interpersonal relationships and an important communication skill. Learning new communication skills and behaviours in professional situations, however, is not an easy task and takes a considerable time. To function as effective and safe practitioners, nurses should be encouraged to develop appropriate assertive behavioural patterns. The education in assertiveness should be integrated in their professional preparation which necessitates also adequately qualified teachers and mentors
Razumijevanje demografskih i epidemioloških značajka hospitaliziranih imigrantica: retrospektivno opservacijsko istraživanje
Precise epidemiologic and demographic characteristics of immigrant women admitted
to gynecology or obstetrics departments are rarely explored. The aim of this retrospective observational
study was to analyze the epidemiologic and demographic characteristics of immigrant female
patients hospitalized between 2012 and 2017 in one maternity hospital in south-west Slovenia. Clinical
data retrieved from hospital electronic information system were used to analyze these characteristics. In
the mentioned period, 605 immigrant women were hospitalized, most of them originating from countries
of the former Yugoslavia (60.50%) or former Eastern Bloc (14.05%). The results show that in recent
years there has been a constantly growing trend of immigrant women being admitted compared to the
total number of hospitalizations. No statistical differences were established in the incidence of abortion,
preterm delivery or vacuum extraction between Slovenian and immigrant women, although the analysis
revealed a higher rate of cesarean section among immigrant women (χ2=26.960, p<0.01). Education level
seems to be a significant predictor of the likelihood of an abortion in the group of immigrant women
(B=-0.492, p=0.015), where less educated women are at a greater risk. To improve what is known about
the sexual and reproductive health-related problems of immigrant women, a large-scale epidemiologic
study is needed in the near future.Točni epidemiološki i demografski podatci imigrantica primljenih na ginekološkom ili porođajnom odjelu su rijetko
dostupni. Cilj naše retrospektivne opservacijske studije bila je analiza epidemioloških i demografskih značajka bolesnica
imigrantica koje su bile hospitalizirane u jednom rodilištu na jugozapadu Slovenije u razdoblju od 2012. do 2017. godine.
Za analizu spomenutih značajka primijenjeni su podatci dobiveni putem bolničkog elektroničkog informacijskog sustava. U
navedenom razdoblju hospitalizirano je 605 imigrantica. Većina njih potječe iz bivših republika Jugoslavije (60,50%) ili bivših
zemalja Istočnog bloka (14,05%). Rezultati su pokazali da je trend prijma imigrantica u odnosu na ukupan broj hospitalizacija
posljednjih godina u stalnom porastu. Analiza nije pokazala statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti pobačaja, prijevremenog
porođaja ili vakuumske ekstrakcije između slovenskih žena i žena imigrantica, ali se je kod ovih posljednjih pokazala
veća stopa carskog reza (χ2=26,960, p<0,01). Čini se da je stupanj obrazovanja značajan prediktor vjerojatnosti pobačaja u
skupini žena imigrantica (B=-0,492, p=0,015), gdje su manje obrazovane žene sklonije pobačaju. Radi boljeg razumijevanja
problematike na području seksualnog i reproduktivnog zdravlja kod imigrantica potrebno se je u bliskoj budućnosti usmjeriti
na izradu većih epidemioloških studija
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