9 research outputs found

    Adversarial Masked Image Inpainting for Robust Detection of Mpox and Non-Mpox

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    Due to the lack of efficient mpox diagnostic technology, mpox cases continue to increase. Recently, the great potential of deep learning models in detecting mpox and non-mpox has been proven. However, existing models learn image representations via image classification, which results in they may be easily susceptible to interference from real-world noise, require diverse non-mpox images, and fail to detect abnormal input. These drawbacks make classification models inapplicable in real-world settings. To address these challenges, we propose "Mask, Inpainting, and Measure" (MIM). In MIM's pipeline, a generative adversarial network only learns mpox image representations by inpainting the masked mpox images. Then, MIM determines whether the input belongs to mpox by measuring the similarity between the inpainted image and the original image. The underlying intuition is that since MIM solely models mpox images, it struggles to accurately inpaint non-mpox images in real-world settings. Without utilizing any non-mpox images, MIM cleverly detects mpox and non-mpox and can handle abnormal inputs. We used the recognized mpox dataset (MSLD) and images of eighteen non-mpox skin diseases to verify the effectiveness and robustness of MIM. Experimental results show that the average AUROC of MIM achieves 0.8237. In addition, we demonstrated the drawbacks of classification models and buttressed the potential of MIM through clinical validation. Finally, we developed an online smartphone app to provide free testing to the public in affected areas. This work first employs generative models to improve mpox detection and provides new insights into binary decision-making tasks in medical images

    US-SFNet: A Spatial-Frequency Domain-based Multi-branch Network for Cervical Lymph Node Lesions Diagnoses in Ultrasound Images

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    Ultrasound imaging serves as a pivotal tool for diagnosing cervical lymph node lesions. However, the diagnoses of these images largely hinge on the expertise of medical practitioners, rendering the process susceptible to misdiagnoses. Although rapidly developing deep learning has substantially improved the diagnoses of diverse ultrasound images, there remains a conspicuous research gap concerning cervical lymph nodes. The objective of our work is to accurately diagnose cervical lymph node lesions by leveraging a deep learning model. To this end, we first collected 3392 images containing normal lymph nodes, benign lymph node lesions, malignant primary lymph node lesions, and malignant metastatic lymph node lesions. Given that ultrasound images are generated by the reflection and scattering of sound waves across varied bodily tissues, we proposed the Conv-FFT Block. It integrates convolutional operations with the fast Fourier transform to more astutely model the images. Building upon this foundation, we designed a novel architecture, named US-SFNet. This architecture not only discerns variances in ultrasound images from the spatial domain but also adeptly captures microstructural alterations across various lesions in the frequency domain. To ascertain the potential of US-SFNet, we benchmarked it against 12 popular architectures through five-fold cross-validation. The results show that US-SFNet is SOTA and can achieve 92.89% accuracy, 90.46% precision, 89.95% sensitivity and 97.49% specificity, respectively

    U-SEANNet: A Simple, Efficient and Applied U-Shaped Network for Diagnosis of Nasal Diseases on Nasal Endoscopic Images

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    Numerous studies have affirmed that deep learning models can facilitate early diagnosis of lesions in endoscopic images. However, the lack of available datasets stymies advancements in research on nasal endoscopy, and existing models fail to strike a good trade-off between model diagnosis performance, model complexity and parameters size, rendering them unsuitable for real-world application. To bridge these gaps, we created the first large-scale nasal endoscopy dataset, named 7-NasalEID, comprising 11,352 images that contain six common nasal diseases and normal samples. Subsequently, we proposed U-SEANNet, an innovative U-shaped architecture, underpinned by depth-wise separable convolution. Moreover, to enhance its capacity for detecting nuanced discrepancies in input images, U-SEANNet employs the Global-Local Channel Feature Fusion module, enabling it to utilize salient channel features from both global and local contexts. To demonstrate U-SEANNet's potential, we benchmarked U-SEANNet against seventeen modern architectures through five-fold cross-validation. The experimental results show that U-SEANNet achieves a commendable accuracy of 93.58%. Notably, U-SEANNet's parameters size and GFLOPs are only 0.78M and 0.21, respectively. Our findings suggest U-SEANNet is the state-of-the-art model for nasal diseases diagnosis in endoscopic images.Comment: This manuscript has been submitted to ICASSP 202

    Ultrafast-and-Ultralight ConvNet-Based Intelligent Monitoring System for Diagnosing Early-Stage Mpox Anytime and Anywhere

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    Due to the lack of more efficient diagnostic tools for monkeypox, its spread remains unchecked, presenting a formidable challenge to global health. While the high efficacy of deep learning models for monkeypox diagnosis has been demonstrated in related studies, the overlook of inference speed, the parameter size and diagnosis performance for early-stage monkeypox renders the models inapplicable in real-world settings. To address these challenges, we proposed an ultrafast and ultralight network named Fast-MpoxNet. Fast-MpoxNet possesses only 0.27M parameters and can process input images at 68 frames per second (FPS) on the CPU. To counteract the diagnostic performance limitation brought about by the small model capacity, it integrates the attention-based feature fusion module and the multiple auxiliary losses enhancement strategy for better detecting subtle image changes and optimizing weights. Using transfer learning and five-fold cross-validation, Fast-MpoxNet achieves 94.26% Accuracy on the Mpox dataset. Notably, its recall for early-stage monkeypox achieves 93.65%. By adopting data augmentation, our model's Accuracy rises to 98.40% and attains a Practicality Score (A new metric for measuring model practicality in real-time diagnosis application) of 0.80. We also developed an application system named Mpox-AISM V2 for both personal computers and mobile phones. Mpox-AISM V2 features ultrafast responses, offline functionality, and easy deployment, enabling accurate and real-time diagnosis for both the public and individuals in various real-world settings, especially in populous settings during the outbreak. Our work could potentially mitigate future monkeypox outbreak and illuminate a fresh paradigm for developing real-time diagnostic tools in the healthcare field

    Ultrafast and Ultralight Network-Based Intelligent System for Real-time Diagnosis of Ear diseases in Any Devices

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    Traditional ear disease diagnosis heavily depends on experienced specialists and specialized equipment, frequently resulting in misdiagnoses, treatment delays, and financial burdens for some patients. Utilizing deep learning models for efficient ear disease diagnosis has proven effective and affordable. However, existing research overlooked model inference speed and parameter size required for deployment. To tackle these challenges, we constructed a large-scale dataset comprising eight ear disease categories and normal ear canal samples from two hospitals. Inspired by ShuffleNetV2, we developed Best-EarNet, an ultrafast and ultralight network enabling real-time ear disease diagnosis. Best-EarNet incorporates the novel Local-Global Spatial Feature Fusion Module which can capture global and local spatial information simultaneously and guide the network to focus on crucial regions within feature maps at various levels, mitigating low accuracy issues. Moreover, our network uses multiple auxiliary classification heads for efficient parameter optimization. With 0.77M parameters, Best-EarNet achieves an average frames per second of 80 on CPU. Employing transfer learning and five-fold cross-validation with 22,581 images from Hospital-1, the model achieves an impressive 95.23% accuracy. External testing on 1,652 images from Hospital-2 validates its performance, yielding 92.14% accuracy. Compared to state-of-the-art networks, Best-EarNet establishes a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) in practical applications. Most importantly, we developed an intelligent diagnosis system called Ear Keeper, which can be deployed on common electronic devices. By manipulating a compact electronic otoscope, users can perform comprehensive scanning and diagnosis of the ear canal using real-time video. This study provides a novel paradigm for ear endoscopy and other medical endoscopic image recognition applications.Comment: This manuscript has been submitted to Neural Network

    Artificial intelligence driven digital whole slide image for intelligent recognition of different development stages of tongue tumor via a new deep learning framework

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    Abstract Accurate clinical diagnosis of the stage of tumor development is essential for formulating a treatment plan. However, the stage of tongue tumor development among malignant, benign and leukoplakia is easily misdiagnosed, resulting differing treatment approaches, taking patients in danger and preventing them from receiving the deserved care. This study aimed to establish an automatic recognition system for tongue tumors at different stages of development using artificial intelligence methods along with pathological tissue section images. By improving Swin Transformer framework, a new framework in deep learning, the tissue slice image is used to identify the lesion and non‐lesion areas by the patch‐based method, and then an output is reconstructed by self‐Assembly method that the lesion areas is marked with heat map. Subsequently, an automatic recognition system with a friendly page is designed for the stage of tongue tumor development (malignant, benign, and leukoplakia). The proposed model has a high recognition accuracy (98.45%). The prediction accuracy of each category of the system is higher than that of specialist doctors with 13 years of experience. The Swin Transformer framework was improved in this study to accurately and automatically identify the various stages of tongue tumor development