326 research outputs found

    Collective quantum phase slips in multiple nanowire junctions

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    Realization of robust coherent quantum phase slips represents a significant experimental challenge. Here we propose a new design consisting of multiple nanowire junctions to realize a phase-slip flux qubit. It admits good tunability provided by gate voltages applied on superconducting islands separating nanowire junctions. In addition, the gates and junctions can be identical or distinct to each other leading to symmetric and asymmetric setups. We find that the asymmetry can improve the performance of the proposed device, compared with the symmetric case. In particular, it can enhance the effective rate of collective quantum phase slips. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to couple two such devices via a mutual inductance. This is potentially useful for quantum gate operations. Our investigation on how symmetry in multiple nanowire junctions affects the device performance should be useful for the application of phase-slip flux qubits in quantum information processing and quantum metrology.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure


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    Objective: To investigate the conditions of anxiety and depression in the patients of acute myocardial infarction after PCI and observe the integrated intervention effect. Methods: the questionnaire based on the zung self-rating depression scale (SDS) and self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) for acute  myocardial infarction was carried out. And the data was collected again after medical and mental intervention of eight weeks. Results:The patients of AMI showed varying degrees of anxiety and depression, after the patients were intervened with medical and mental treatment of eight weeks, SDS decreased from 54.45±11.05 to 46.71±10.02, and SAS decreased from 50.91±8.93 to 40.70±6.10. The rate of depression decreased from 75.5% to 29.6%, and the rate of anxiety decreased from 90.0% to 58.2%(P<0.01.,<0.01). Conclusion:The patients of AMI had varying degrees of anxiety and depression, and the intervention with medical and mental treatment can obtains alleviating . 目的  了解急性心肌梗死患者抑郁,焦虑情况,并观察综合干预的效果。方法  采用Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS)及焦虑自评量表(SAS)对例急性心梗患者进行问卷调查,然后进行为期8周的药物及心理综合干预,再进行复查。结果  急性心梗患者存在不同程度的抑郁及焦虑,经8周综合干预后,SDS及SAS评分由54.45±11.05和50.91±8.93降为46.71±10.02和40.70±6.10,抑郁、焦虑发生率分别由75.5%和90.0%降至29.6%和58.2%(P<0.01,<0.01)。结论  急性心梗患者存在不同程度的抑郁及焦虑,药物及心理综合干预能予缓解