6,465 research outputs found

    Holistic, Instance-Level Human Parsing

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    Object parsing -- the task of decomposing an object into its semantic parts -- has traditionally been formulated as a category-level segmentation problem. Consequently, when there are multiple objects in an image, current methods cannot count the number of objects in the scene, nor can they determine which part belongs to which object. We address this problem by segmenting the parts of objects at an instance-level, such that each pixel in the image is assigned a part label, as well as the identity of the object it belongs to. Moreover, we show how this approach benefits us in obtaining segmentations at coarser granularities as well. Our proposed network is trained end-to-end given detections, and begins with a category-level segmentation module. Thereafter, a differentiable Conditional Random Field, defined over a variable number of instances for every input image, reasons about the identity of each part by associating it with a human detection. In contrast to other approaches, our method can handle the varying number of people in each image and our holistic network produces state-of-the-art results in instance-level part and human segmentation, together with competitive results in category-level part segmentation, all achieved by a single forward-pass through our neural network.Comment: Poster at BMVC 201

    Learn to Interpret Atari Agents

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DeepRL) agents surpass human-level performances in a multitude of tasks. However, the direct mapping from states to actions makes it hard to interpret the rationale behind the decision making of agents. In contrast to previous a-posteriori methods of visualizing DeepRL policies, we propose an end-to-end trainable framework based on Rainbow, a representative Deep Q-Network (DQN) agent. Our method automatically learns important regions in the input domain, which enables characterizations of the decision making and interpretations for non-intuitive behaviors. Hence we name it Region Sensitive Rainbow (RS-Rainbow). RS-Rainbow utilizes a simple yet effective mechanism to incorporate visualization ability into the learning model, not only improving model interpretability, but leading to improved performance. Extensive experiments on the challenging platform of Atari 2600 demonstrate the superiority of RS-Rainbow. In particular, our agent achieves state of the art at just 25% of the training frames. Demonstrations and code are available at https://github.com/yz93/Learn-to-Interpret-Atari-Agents

    Unifying Training and Inference for Panoptic Segmentation

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    We present an end-to-end network to bridge the gap between training and inference pipeline for panoptic segmentation, a task that seeks to partition an image into semantic regions for "stuff" and object instances for "things". In contrast to recent works, our network exploits a parametrised, yet lightweight panoptic segmentation submodule, powered by an end-to-end learnt dense instance affinity, to capture the probability that any pair of pixels belong to the same instance. This panoptic submodule gives rise to a novel propagation mechanism for panoptic logits and enables the network to output a coherent panoptic segmentation map for both "stuff" and "thing" classes, without any post-processing. Reaping the benefits of end-to-end training, our full system sets new records on the popular street scene dataset, Cityscapes, achieving 61.4 PQ with a ResNet-50 backbone using only the fine annotations. On the challenging COCO dataset, our ResNet-50-based network also delivers state-of-the-art accuracy of 43.4 PQ. Moreover, our network flexibly works with and without object mask cues, performing competitively under both settings, which is of interest for applications with computation budgets.Comment: CVPR 202

    Local and non-local measures of acceleration in cosmology

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    Current cosmological observations, when interpreted within the framework of a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model, strongly suggest that the Universe is entering a period of accelerating expansion. This is often taken to mean that the expansion of space itself is accelerating. In a general spacetime, however, this is not necessarily true. We attempt to clarify this point by considering a handful of local and non-local measures of acceleration in a variety of inhomogeneous cosmological models. Each of the chosen measures corresponds to a theoretical or observational procedure that has previously been used to study acceleration in cosmology, and all measures reduce to the same quantity in the limit of exact spatial homogeneity and isotropy. In statistically homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes, we find that the acceleration inferred from observations of the distance-redshift relation is closely related to the acceleration of the spatially averaged universe, but does not necessarily bear any resemblance to the average of the local acceleration of spacetime itself. For inhomogeneous spacetimes that do not display statistical homogeneity and isotropy, however, we find little correlation between acceleration inferred from observations and the acceleration of the averaged spacetime. This shows that observations made in an inhomogeneous universe can imply acceleration without the existence of dark energy.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Several references added or amended, some minor clarifications made in the tex

    Dynamic Graph Message Passing Networks

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    Modelling long-range dependencies is critical for complex scene understanding tasks such as semantic segmentation and object detection. Although CNNs have excelled in many computer vision tasks, they are still limited in capturing long-range structured relationships as they typically consist of layers of local kernels. A fully-connected graph is beneficial for such modelling, however, its computational overhead is prohibitive. We propose a dynamic graph message passing network, based on the message passing neural network framework, that significantly reduces the computational complexity compared to related works modelling a fully-connected graph. This is achieved by adaptively sampling nodes in the graph, conditioned on the input, for message passing. Based on the sampled nodes, we then dynamically predict node-dependent filter weights and the affinity matrix for propagating information between them. Using this model, we show significant improvements with respect to strong, state-of-the-art baselines on three different tasks and backbone architectures. Our approach also outperforms fully-connected graphs while using substantially fewer floating point operations and parameters.Comment: CVPR 2020 Ora
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