324 research outputs found

    On the block thresholding wavelet estimators with censored data

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    AbstractWe consider block thresholding wavelet-based density estimators with randomly right-censored data and investigate their asymptotic convergence rates. Unlike for the complete data case, the empirical wavelet coefficients are constructed through the Kaplan–Meier estimators of the distribution functions in the censored data case. On the basis of a result of Stute [W. Stute, The central limit theorem under random censorship, Ann. Statist. 23 (1995) 422–439] that approximates the Kaplan–Meier integrals as averages of i.i.d. random variables with a certain rate in probability, we can show that these wavelet empirical coefficients can be approximated by averages of i.i.d. random variables with a certain error rate in L2. Therefore we can show that these estimators, based on block thresholding of empirical wavelet coefficients, achieve optimal convergence rates over a large range of Besov function classes Bp,qs,s>1/p, p≥2, q≥1 and nearly optimal convergence rates when 1≤p<2. We also show that these estimators achieve optimal convergence rates over a large class of functions that involve many irregularities of a wide variety of types, including chirp and Doppler functions, and jump discontinuities. Therefore, in the presence of random censoring, wavelet estimators still provide extensive adaptivity to many irregularities of large function classes. The performance of the estimators is tested via a modest simulation study

    Direct measurement of the magnetic field effects on carrier mobilities and recombination in tri-(8-hydroxyquinoline)-aluminum based light-emitting diodes

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    The magnetic field effects on the carrier mobilities and recombination in tri-(8-hydroxyquinoline)-aluminum (Alq3) based light-emitting diodes have been measured by the method of transient electroluminescence. It is confirmed that the magnetic field has no effect on the electron and hole mobilities in Alq3 layers and can decrease the electron-hole recombination coefficient. The results imply that the dominant mechanism for the magnetic field effects in Alq3 based light-emitting diodes is the interconversion between singlet e-h pairs and triplet e-h pairs modulated by the magnetic field when the driving voltage is larger than the onset voltage of the electroluminescence.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures,The revised version submitted to applied physics letter

    Diamond-free Families

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    Given a finite poset P, we consider the largest size La(n,P) of a family of subsets of [n]:={1,...,n}[n]:=\{1,...,n\} that contains no subposet P. This problem has been studied intensively in recent years, and it is conjectured that π(P):=limnLa(n,P)/nchoosen/2\pi(P):= \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} La(n,P)/{n choose n/2} exists for general posets P, and, moreover, it is an integer. For k2k\ge2 let \D_k denote the kk-diamond poset {A<B1,...,Bk<C}\{A< B_1,...,B_k < C\}. We study the average number of times a random full chain meets a PP-free family, called the Lubell function, and use it for P=\D_k to determine \pi(\D_k) for infinitely many values kk. A stubborn open problem is to show that \pi(\D_2)=2; here we make progress by proving \pi(\D_2)\le 2 3/11 (if it exists).Comment: 16 page

    The Randic index and the diameter of graphs

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    The {\it Randi\'c index} R(G)R(G) of a graph GG is defined as the sum of 1/\sqrt{d_ud_v} over all edges uvuv of GG, where dud_u and dvd_v are the degrees of vertices uu and v,v, respectively. Let D(G)D(G) be the diameter of GG when GG is connected. Aouchiche-Hansen-Zheng conjectured that among all connected graphs GG on nn vertices the path PnP_n achieves the minimum values for both R(G)/D(G)R(G)/D(G) and R(G)D(G)R(G)- D(G). We prove this conjecture completely. In fact, we prove a stronger theorem: If GG is a connected graph, then R(G)(1/2)D(G)21R(G)-(1/2)D(G)\geq \sqrt{2}-1, with equality if and only if GG is a path with at least three vertices.Comment: 17 pages, accepted by Discrete Mathematic

    Identifying influential spreaders by weighted LeaderRank

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    Identifying influential spreaders is crucial for understanding and controlling spreading processes on social networks. Via assigning degree-dependent weights onto links associated with the ground node, we proposed a variant to a recent ranking algorithm named LeaderRank (Lü et al., 2011). According to the simulations on the standard SIR model, the weighted LeaderRank performs better than LeaderRank in three aspects: (i) the ability to find out more influential spreaders; (ii) the higher tolerance to noisy data; and (iii) the higher robustness to intentional attacks