74 research outputs found

    Note on RIP-based Co-sparse Analysis

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    Over the past years, there are increasing interests in recovering the signals from undersampling data where such signals are sparse under some orthogonal dictionary or tight framework, which is referred to be sparse synthetic model. More recently, its counterpart, i.e., the sparse analysis model, has also attracted researcher's attentions where many practical signals which are sparse in the truly redundant dictionary are concerned. This short paper presents important complement to the results in existing literatures for treating sparse analysis model. Firstly, we give the natural generalization of well-known restricted isometry property (RIP) to deal with sparse analysis model, where the truly arbitrary incoherent dictionary is considered. Secondly, we studied the theoretical guarantee for the accurate recovery of signal which is sparse in general redundant dictionaries through solving l1-norm sparsity-promoted optimization problem. This work shows not only that compressed sensing is viable in the context of sparse analysis, but also that accurate recovery is possible via solving l1-minimization problem

    A Novel Algorithm for Compressive Sensing: Iteratively Reweighed Operator Algorithm (IROA)

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    Compressive sensing claims that the sparse signals can be reconstructed exactly from many fewer measurements than traditionally believed necessary. One of issues ensuring the successful compressive sensing is to deal with the sparsity-constraint optimization. Up to now, many excellent theories, algorithms and software have been developed, for example, the so-called greedy algorithm ant its variants, the sparse Bayesian algorithm, the convex optimization methods, and so on. The formulations for them consist of two terms, in which one is and the other is (, mostly, p=1 is adopted due to good characteristic of the convex function) (NOTE: without the loss of generality, itself is assumed to be sparse). It is noted that all of them specify the sparsity constraint by the second term. Different from them, the developed formulation in this paper consists of two terms where one is with () and the other is . For each iteration the measurement matrix (linear operator) is reweighed by determined by which is obtained in the previous iteration, so the proposed method is called the iteratively reweighed operator algorithm (IROA). Moreover, in order to save the computation time, another reweighed operation has been carried out; in particular, the columns of corresponding to small have been excluded out. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations have shown that the proposed method overcomes the published algorithms

    Theory of the far-field imaging beyond the Rayleigh limit based on the super-resonant lens

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    Essentially, the idea of improving the resolution of a given imaging system is to enhance its information capacity represented usually by the temporal-bandwidth (or, spatial-spectrum) product. This letter introduces the concept of super-resonant lens, and demonstrates theoretically that the information capacity of a far-field imaging system can be efficiently driven up when three basic requirements are satisfied: the super-resonance, the near-field coupling between imaged objects and the used super-resonant lens, and the broadband illumination, which leads to the subwavelength image of imaged objects from far-field measurements. Furthermore, a single-view imaging scheme is proposed and examined for the far-field imaging beyond the diffraction limit. This new approach will be a breakthrough in nanolithography, detection, sensing or sub-wavelength imaging in the near future

    The Design of Sparse Antenna Array

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    The aim of antenna array synthesis is to achieve a desired radiation pattern with the minimum number of antenna elements. In this paper the antenna synthesis problem is studied from a totally new perspective. One of the key principles of compressive sensing is that the signal to be sensed should be sparse or compressible. This coincides with the requirement of minimum number of element in the antenna array synthesis problem. In this paper the antenna element of the array can be efficiently reduced via compressive sensing, which shows a great improvement to the existing antenna synthesis method. Moreover, the desired radiation pattern can be achieved in a very computation time which is even shorter than the existing method. Numerical examples are presented to show the high efficiency of the proposed method

    Theoretical Analysis of Compressive Sensing via Random Filter

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    In this paper, the theoretical analysis of compressive sensing via random filter, firstly outlined by J. Romberg [compressive sensing by random convolution, submitted to SIAM Journal on Imaging Science on July 9, 2008], has been refined or generalized to the design of general random filter used for compressive sensing. This universal CS measurement consists of two parts: one is from the convolution of unknown signal with a random waveform followed by random time-domain subsampling; the other is from the directly time-domain subsampling of the unknown signal. It has been shown that the proposed approach is a universally efficient data acquisition strategy, which means that the n-dimensional signal which is S sparse in any sparse representation can be exactly recovered from Slogn measurements with overwhelming probability

    The Design of Compressive Sensing Filter

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    In this paper, the design of universal compressive sensing filter based on normal filters including the lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters with different cutoff frequencies (or bandwidth) has been developed to enable signal acquisition with sub-Nyquist sampling. Moreover, to control flexibly the size and the coherence of the compressive sensing filter, as an example, the microstrip filter based on defected ground structure (DGS) has been employed to realize the compressive sensing filter. Of course, the compressive sensing filter also can be constructed along the identical idea by many other structures, for example, the man-made electromagnetic materials, the plasma with different electron density, and so on. By the proposed architecture, the n-dimensional signals of S-sparse in arbitrary orthogonal frame can be exactly reconstructed with measurements on the order of Slog(n) with overwhelming probability, which is consistent with the bonds estimated by theoretical analysis

    The Statistical Coherence-based Theory of Robust Recovery of Sparsest Overcomplete Representation

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    The recovery of sparsest overcomplete representation has recently attracted intensive research activities owe to its important potential in the many applied fields such as signal processing, medical imaging, communication, and so on. This problem can be stated in the following, i.e., to seek for the sparse coefficient vector of the given noisy observation over a redundant dictionary such that, where is the corrupted error. Elad et al. made the worst-case result, which shows the condition of stable recovery of sparest overcomplete representation over is where . Although it's of easy operation for any given matrix, this result can't provide us realistic guide in many cases. On the other hand, most of popular analysis on the sparse reconstruction relies heavily on the so-called RIP (Restricted Isometric Property) for matrices developed by Candes et al., which is usually very difficult or impossible to be justified for a given measurement matrix. In this article, we introduced a simple and efficient way of determining the ability of given D used to recover the sparse signal based on the statistical analysis of coherence coefficients, where is the coherence coefficients between any two different columns of given measurement matrix . The key mechanism behind proposed paradigm is the analysis of statistical distribution (the mean and covariance) of . We proved that if the resulting mean of are zero, and their covariance are as small as possible, one can faithfully recover approximately sparse signals from a minimal number of noisy measurements with overwhelming probability. The resulting theory is not only suitable for almost all models - e.g. Gaussian, frequency measurements-discussed in the literature of compressed sampling, but also provides a framework for new measurement strategies as well

    Far-field Imaging beyond the Diffraction Limit Using a Single Radar

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    Far-field imaging beyond the diffraction limit is a long sought-after goal in various imaging applications, which requires usually an array of antennas or mechanical scanning. Here, we present an alternative and novel concept for this challenging problem: a single radar system consisting of a spatial-temporal resonant aperture antenna (referred to as the slavery antenna) and a broadband horn antenna (termed the master antenna). We theoretically demonstrate that such resonant aperture antenna is responsible for converting parts of the evanescent waves into propagating waves, and delivering them to the far-field. We also demonstrate that there are three basic requirements on the proposed subwavelength imaging strategy: the strong spatial-temporal dispersive aperture, the near-field coupling, and the temporal (or broadband) illumination. Such imaging concept of a single radar provides unique ability to produce real-time data when an object is illuminated by broadband electromagnetic waves, which lifts up the harsh requirements such as near-field scanning, mechanical scanning or antenna arrays remarkably. We expect that this imaging methodology will make breakthroughs in super-resolution imaging in the microwave, terahertz, optical, and ultrasound regimes

    An Iteratively Reweighted Algorithm for Sparse Reconstruction of Subsurface Flow Properties from Nonlinear Dynamic Data

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    In this paper, we present a practical algorithm based on sparsity regularization to effectively solve nonlinear dynamic inverse problems that are encountered in subsurface model calibration. We use an iteratively reweighted algorithm that is widely used to solve linear inverse problems with sparsity constraint known as compressed sensing to estimate permeability fields from nonlinear dynamic flow data

    Large-aperture computational single-sensor microwave imager using 1-bit programmable coding metasurface at single frequency

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    The microwave imaging based on inverse scattering strategy holds important promising in the science, engineering, and military applications. Here we present a compressed-sensing (CS) inspired large- aperture computational single-sensor imager using 1-bit programmable coding metasurface for efficient microwave imaging, which is an instance of the coded aperture imaging system. However, unlike a conventional coded aperture imager where elements on random mask are manipulated in the pixel-wised manner, the controllable elements in the proposed scheme are encoded in a column-row-wised manner. As a consequence, this single-sensor imager has a reduced data-acquisition time with improved obtainable temporal and spatial resolutions. Besides, we demonstrate that the proposed computational single-shot imager has a theoretical guarantee on the successful recovery of a sparse or compressible object from its reduced measurements by solving a sparsity-regularized convex optimization problem, which is comparable to that by the conventional pixel-wise coded imaging system. The excellent performance of the proposed imager is validated by both numerical simulations and experiments for the high-resolution microwave imaging
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