2,425 research outputs found

    Computer Aided Analysis and Prototype Testing of an Improved Biogas Reactor for Biomass System

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    The alternative fuel resources substituting for conventional fuels are required due to less availability of fuel resources than demand in the market. A large amount of crude oil and petroleum products are required to be imported in many countries over the world. Also the environmental pollution is another serious problem when use petroleum products. Biogas, with the composition of 54.5% CH4, 39.5% CO2, and 6% other elements (i.e., H2, N2, H2S, and O2), is a clear green fuel that can substitute the regular petroleum fuels to reduce the pollutant elements. The purification process can be further applied to take away the pollutants in biogas. The pure biogas process analyzed in this research is compressed to 2950 psi while being filled into gas cylinder. The daily produced biogas capacity is around 5480 ft3 and the processing efficacy is affected by surrounding environment and other factors. The design and development of this biogas system is assisted through mathematical analysis, 3D modeling, computational simulation, and prototype testing. Both computer aided analysis and prototype testing show close results which validate the feasibility of this biogas system in biomass applications

    Computational Analysis and Prototype Experiment of anomaterial for Aircraft Wing Inboard Flap in Aerospace Industry

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    The aircrafts fly at both high altitude and fast airspeed in the air but needs slow airspeed in order to land safely. To increase aircraft fly efficiency, the material and design of wing inboard flap should be carefully engineered to provide aircraft with high speed flight in the air but keep strong lift with lower airspeed in order to safely land to the ground. The wing inboard flap is a critical part for the aircrafts and the previous researches showed that the damaged inboard flap can lead aircraft function failure and even cause fatal accidents in the flight and landing processes. Since the defects in wing inboard flap can cause potential safety hazards, the strong inboard flap materials and good inboard flap design to keep safe flight is very important. This paper studies and analyzes the nanocoated material applied in the design and development of aircraft wing inboard flap by using computer-aided 3D modeling, numerical simulation, and prototype experiment to improve current and future wing inboard flap design and development

    Computational Analysis and Prototype Experiment of anomaterial for Aircraft Wing Inboard Flap in Aerospace Industry

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    The aircrafts fly at both high altitude and fast airspeed in the air but needs slow airspeed in order to land safely. To increase aircraft fly efficiency, the material and design of wing inboard flap should be carefully engineered to provide aircraft with high speed flight in the air but keep strong lift with lower airspeed in order to safely land to the ground. The wing inboard flap is a critical part for the aircrafts and the previous researches showed that the damaged inboard flap can lead aircraft function failure and even cause fatal accidents in the flight and landing processes. Since the defects in wing inboard flap can cause potential safety hazards, the strong inboard flap materials and good inboard flap design to keep safe flight is very important. This paper studies and analyzes the nanocoated material applied in the design and development of aircraft wing inboard flap by using computer-aided 3D modeling, numerical simulation, and prototype experiment to improve current and future wing inboard flap design and developmen

    Study and Modeling Analysis of Nano Coating to Prevent Galvanic Corrosion

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    The galvanic correction is a very common corrosion in today's life, such as the corrosion produced in areas of welded joints and bolted fasteners. This corrosion tends to occur when different conducting materials are contacted electrically with expose to the electrolyte media. The different metals show different corrosion potentials when exposed to the electrolyte. Each year the corrosion issue causes not only the safety problems but also multiple billion dollars loss in many different fields including aerospace and automobile industries. This paper focuses on the fundamental study of galvanic corrosion mechanism, reducing the corrosion by introducing nano coating, and improving the anti-corrosion mechanism design through computer-aided modeling and simulation. The computer modeling presented in this paper has been verified by comparing the testing results. Both computational and testing results are found close to each other which validate the creditability and feasibility of this anti-corrosion research

    Computer Aided Design and Development Of a New Solar Panel Tracking System

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    Solar power is an alternative energy resource which will potentially reduce the dependence on environmental energy resources such as coal and petroleum. However, the solar power absorption efficiency in current solar energy panel systems is normally lower that limits the solar system applications. The solar power system needs to be improved including solar panel tracking mechanism to increase the system energy efficiency. To receive the maximum solar energy from sunlight, the tracking mechanism is required in order for solar power system to follow sun’s daily and yearly movement. The solar panel system should have the capability to store solar energy while work in rainy, windy, and snowy conditions. Also, the solar power system should be able to withstand the external loads, such as strong wind and heavy snow, to function properly even in severe weather and harsh environment. This paper presents a new type of dual-axial solar tracking mechanism to maximize the solar power absorption. The computer aided 3-D modeling, numerical analysis, and prototype experiments have been performed to design and develop this new solar tracking system

    Study And Development Of An Energy Saving Mechanical System

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    A new energy-saving mechanical system with automatically controlled air valves has been proposed by investigator and the preliminary model setup has been tested. The testing results indicated the proper function of this energy-saving mechanical system. This mechanical system model has been simulated and analyzed by the computational aided engineering solution. The major advantages of this mechanical system include: simple and compact in design, higher efficiency in mechanical functioning, quiet in manufacturing operation, less energy losses due to less frictional forces in this free piston-cylinder setup, self-adjustable in operational parameter to improve the system performance, and etc.http://www.academypublisher.com/ijrte/vol01/no05/ijrte0105051054.pd

    Study and Development of a New Mechanism in an Endoscopic Surgical Instrument

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    This article provides a new surgical instrument with improved and enhanced mechanism to reliably apply the multiple titanium clips to patients’ tissue or vessel during surgical procedure. Compared with the existing surgical clip instrument, an improved clip delivery system has been designed and developed in this new instrument to resolve the common problems of clip accidental shooting out while the surgical clip is being loaded into jaws from clip channel. This can prevent patient’s organs and tissues from being damaging due to clip’s accidental shooting out in the surgical process. This improved instrument is analyzed and optimized by computer aided modeling and simulation to prove its feasible performance with good mechanical advantages.http://www.academypublisher.com/ijrte/vol01/no05/ijrte0105122124.pd

    Design and Development of A New Biomedical Instrument

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    A new biomedical instrument is introduced to apply multiple surgical clips to patients’ tissue or vessel. In the surgical process, the instrument jaw is placed around the tissue or other organ structure. When bring the handles of instrument together, the clip can close and secure the tissue or vessel to prevent them from bleeding. With the release of handles, next surgical clip is automatically loaded into the instrument jaw. This latest design shows several potential features to help surgeons’ operational procedure if compared with current surgical clip instrument, including advanced mechanism proposed to eliminate the accident shooting out when surgical clip is loaded into jaws, strong structure designed to reduce the jaws twist that can damage tissues, enhanced supporting feature added to prevent accident jaw closure when extra side-load exerted, and etc. The instrument is analyzed by computer modeling and simulation to prove its feasible performance with good mechanical advantage

    Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation of Pressure Vessel Design

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    The pressure vessels are used to hold gases or liquids at high pressures. The current studies of pressure vessels indicate that there are some cases of cracked or damaged vessels that can cause rupture or leakage failures which can result in fatal accidents in industry. Since the leaking vessel can cause potential health and safety hazards, the proper design of pressure vessels in agreement with the safety codes and standards is important to human safety and health. This paper focuses on design and development of the pressure vessel using computer aided modeling, computational simulation, and prototype testing to determine the parameters including maximum safe operating pressure, total material deformation, wind velocity streamlines, and wind pressure distribution to assist the pressure vessel design
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