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Fu xiang you li ge guo ri ji, [2 juan]
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Hefei Li’s seven-character calligraphic couplet - 李合肥七言聯
Hefei Li, known as Hongzhang Li, was born in Hefei, Anhui, China. He is also known as Zifu (courtesy name) and Shaoquan (pseudonym). Li is a renowned official and military general in the late Qing dynasty. His forty-year political contribution is controversial. On one hand, Li is recognized as an important figure in promoting Qing’s modernization. He trained an army called the Waigun and successfully suppressed the Taiping Rebels (1850-1864). He also supported Self-Strengthening Movement (1861-1895, an institutional reform to defeat western countries) and managed several serious diplomatic events during the darkest period of Qing dynasty. Besides, he helped reform the interior, military and economics, which allows Qing empire temporarily survived from foreign power. On the other hand, Li is considered as a traitor. He signed several unequal treaties that sacrificed huge profits of his country. While more and more historical documents are being found, both his heroic and notorious reputations have been portrayed by historians.李合肥即為李鴻章,字子黻,號少荃,安徽合肥人。李鴻章曾為曾國藩門下,官至北洋通商大臣,為清朝末年朝廷所倚重的大臣。李鴻章領導軍隊,征戰太平天國並推動洋務運動,處理許多重大外交事件,在當時保住了搖搖欲墜的清朝。四十年的政治生命,後人對其評價兩極,任內經歷了內政、軍事及經濟等事務,對於清朝現代化功不可沒,然而在對外談判上,他替清朝簽下許多不平等條約,犧牲大清帝國相當程度的權力與利益,引起極大爭議和批評。I do not understand beauty of pastoral life until trapped by cluttered events. I do not feel I have the little talent and less leaning until caught unprepared in writing responsory poems.多事始知田舍好;非才尤覺和詩忙。Preface: dedication to Jichuan題跋: 濟川大屬1) Empror-given first-level Suyi Count; 2) Ren Ching collects; 3) Seal of Hongzhang Li; 4) Shaoquan; 5) Tse Tsung Chow collects1) 御賜一等肅毅伯; 2) 任卿鑑藏; 3) 李鴻章印; 4) 少荃; 5) 周策縱