42 research outputs found

    Topological edge and corner states in Bi fractals on InSb

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    Topological materials hosting metallic edges characterized by integer quantized conductivity in an insulating bulk have revolutionized our understanding of transport in matter. The topological protection of these edge states is based on symmetries and dimensionality. However, only integer-dimensional models have been classified, and the interplay of topology and fractals, which may have a non-integer dimension, remained largely unexplored. Quantum fractals have recently been engineered in metamaterials, but up to present no topological states were unveiled in fractals realized in real materials. Here, we show theoretically and experimentally that topological edge and corner modes arise in fractals formed upon depositing thin layers of bismuth on an indium antimonide substrate. Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals the appearance of (nearly) zero-energy modes at the corners of Sierpi\'nski triangles, as well as the formation of outer and inner edge modes at higher energies. Unexpectedly, a robust and sharp depleted mode appears at the outer and inner edges of the samples at negative bias voltages. The experimental findings are corroborated by theoretical calculations in the framework of a continuum muffin-tin and a lattice tight-binding model. The stability of the topological features to the introduction of a Rashba spin-orbit coupling and disorder is discussed. This work opens the perspective to novel electronics in real materials at non-integer dimensions with robust and protected topological states.Comment: Main manuscript 14 pages, supplementary material 34 page

    A review on organophosphate Ester (OPE) flame retardants and plasticizers in foodstuffs: Levels, distribution, human dietary exposure, and future directions

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    Given the ongoing studies on the adverse effects of organophosphate ester (OPE) flame retardants and plasticizers on human health, there is an increasing scientific interest in the risk of exposure to OPEs via dietary intake. Using peer-reviewed literature published up to 2018,

    Organophosphate esters (OPEs)in Chinese foodstuffs: Dietary intake estimation via a market basket method, and suspect screening using high-resolution mass spectrometry

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    Despite of the ubiquity of organophosphate esters (OPEs)in various environmental matrices, information regarding the dietary intakes of OPEs is currently limited. To better understand dietary exposure and intake, the present study investigated 11 OPE flame retardants (FRs)in 105 co

    High-Precision Spotlight SAR Imaging with Joint Modified Fast Factorized Backprojection and Autofocus

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    Fast factorized backprojection (FFBP) takes advantage of high accuracy of time-domain algorithms while also possessing high efficiency comparable with conventional frequency domain algorithms. When phase errors need to be compensated for high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, however, neither polar formatted subimages within FFBP flow nor the final Cartesian image formed by FFBP is suitable for phase gradient autofocus (PGA). This is because these kinds of images are not capable of providing PGA with a clear Fourier transform relationship (FTR) between image domain and range-compressed phase history domain. In this paper, we make some essential modifications to the original FFBP and present a scheme to incorporate overlapped-subaperture frame for an accurate PGA processing. The raw data collected by an airborne high-resolution spotlight SAR are used to demonstrate the performance of this algorithm

    The Preparation of High-Purity Iron (99.987%) Employing a Process of Direct Reduction–Melting Separation–Slag Refining

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    In this study, high-purity iron with purity of 99.987 wt.% was prepared employing a process of direct reduction–melting separation–slag refining. The iron ore after pelletizing and roasting was reduced by hydrogen to obtain direct reduced iron (DRI). Carbon and sulfur were removed in this step and other impurities such as silicon, manganese, titanium and aluminum were excluded from metallic iron. Dephosphorization was implemented simultaneously during the melting separation step by making use of the ferrous oxide (FeO) contained in DRI. The problem of deoxidization for pure iron was solved, and the oxygen content of pure iron was reduced to 10 ppm by refining with a high basicity slag. Compared with electrolytic iron, the pure iron prepared by this method has tremendous advantages in cost and scale and has more outstanding quality than technically pure iron, making it possible to produce high-purity iron in a short-flow, large-scale, low-cost and environmentally friendly way

    Thermodynamic Study on Reduction of Iron Oxides by H2 + CO + CH4 + N2 Mixture at 900 °C

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    The reduction gas used in the gas-based direct reduction iron-making process contains CH4 in different concentrations, which has an important effect on the gas and heat needed for the reduction of iron oxide. To investigate the influence of CH4 on gas utilization rate and heat needed at 900 °C, the initial conditions are set as H2% + CO% = 90, CH4% + N2% = 10, gas pressure 1–9 atm, and 0.5 mol Fe2O3, and the equilibrium state composition is calculated using the minimum free energy method. The utilization rate of total gas can be improved, and gas demand can be decreased by increasing CH4 concentration or H2 concentration or reducing gas pressure. For the production of per ton of Fe from 25 °C to 900 °C, 6.08–7.29 m3 of reduction gas, and 7.338–8.952 MJ of gas sensible heat can be saved by increasing 1 m3 CH4, while 10.959–11.189 MJ of reaction heat is increased. Compared with 3390.828–3865.760 MJ of the total heat of per ton of Fe for the reduction by H2 + CO, 2.174–3.703 MJ of total heat is increased by increasing 1 m3 CH4, and the increase ratio is 0.065–0.096%. This study is helpful to improve the gas efficiency and lower the pursuit of higher concentration of H2 + CO in reduction gas

    Verification Platform of SOC Estimation Algorithm for Lithium-Ion Batteries of Electric Vehicles

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    As one of the core technologies of electric vehicles (EVs), the state of charge (SOC) estimation algorithm of lithium-ion batteries is directly related to the performance of the battery management system (BMS). Before EVs are put into the market, the SOC estimation algorithm must be tested and verified to ensure the reliability of the BMS and the safe operation of EVs. Therefore, this paper establishes a lithium-ion batteries’ SOC estimation algorithm verification platform for the comprehensive performance evaluation and verification of the new SOC estimation algorithm. In addition, there are two schemes, including real-time SOC estimation verification and offline SOC estimation verification can be selected, which improve the reliability and efficiency of verification. Firstly, the design idea of the verification platform (the research and development purpose, functional requirements, and the overall design scheme) is introduced in detail. Secondly, the modular design idea is used to design the hardware structure of the verification platform, which mainly includes the BMS host module, BMS slave module, battery charger module, and electronic load module. Finally, the software system, including the communication architecture, the SOC reference standard and evaluation indexes of the algorithm, and the upper computer function and implementation is designed to realize the functions of the verification platform

    Simplified Calculation Method for Active Anti-Floating of Elliptical Basements by Relief Wells

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    Currently, there are two main types of anti-floating methods for underground structures; one is the passive anti-floating method represented by anti-draft piles, the other is the active anti-floating method which focuses on interceptor-discharge pressure-reducing (IDPR). In the design of an IDPR anti-floating system, the relief well system situated within the cut-off wall serves as the primary drainage channel. The determination of the seepage field distribution within the multi-well system is vital for the overall design. For the seepage field analysis of the IDPR anti-floating multi-well system, currently numerical analysis is usually used, and there is a lack of simplified analysis methods. The simplified analysis methods already available are based on the uniform distribution of wells in circular pits, while the conversion of non-circular pits into circular pits produce large errors, which are not conducive to promoting the use of the method. To address this, we propose a simplified calculation approach suitable for multi-well systems (arbitrary layout) within elliptical pits. The analytical solution of non-uniformly distributed wells in circular pits is deduced through the principle of superposition. Then, the ellipse is mapped into a circle by using conformal mapping. The resistance coefficient method is adopted, and the internal and external seepage fields are connected in series to obtain the total flow rate, as well as the distribution of the seepage field. This is based on the consideration of the permeability of the waterproof curtains and the bypassing seepage. According to the verification of the calculation example, the results of the simplified algorithm are similar to the results of the finite element method, which proves the accuracy of the method; at the same time, when applied to the actual engineering, the obtained calculation results coincide with the measured data, which proves the practicability and reliability of the method. The simplified method can provide an effective way to design an IDPR anti-floating system

    Thermodynamic Study of Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emission in Ironmaking Process of the Reduction of Iron Oxides by Carbon

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    Carbon included in coke and coal was used as a reduction agent and fuel in blast furnace (BF) ironmaking processes, which released large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2). Minimizing the carbon consumption and CO2 output has always the goal of ironmaking research. In this paper, the reduction reactions of iron oxides by carbon, the gasification reaction of carbon by CO2, and the coupling reactions were studied by thermodynamic functions, which were derived from isobaric specific heat capacity. The reaction enthalpy at 298 K could not represent the heat value at the other reaction temperature, so the certain temperature should be confirmed by Gibbs frees energy and gas partial pressure. Based on Hess’ law, the energy consumption of the ironmaking process by carbon was calculated in detail. The decrease in the reduction temperature of solid metal iron has been beneficial in reducing the sensible heat required. When the volume ratio of CO to CO2 in the top gas of the furnace was given as 1.1–1.5, the coupling parameters of carbon gasification were 1.06–1.28 for Fe2O3, 0.71–0.85 for Fe3O4, 0.35–0.43 for FeO, respectively. With the increase in the coupling parameters, the volume fraction of CO2 decreased, and energy consumption and CO2 output increased. The minimum energy consumption and CO2 output of liquid iron production were in the reduction reactions with only CO2 generated, which were 9.952 GJ/t and 1265.854 kg/t from Fe2O3, 9.761 GJ/t and 1226.799 kg/t from Fe3O4, 9.007 GJ/t and 1107.368 kg/t from FeO, respectively. Compared with the current energy consumption of 11.65 GJ/t hot metal (HM) and CO2 output of 1650 kg/tHM of BF, the energy consumption and CO2 of ironmaking by carbon could reach lower levels by decreasing the coupled gasification reactions, lowering the temperature needed to generate solid Fe and adjusting the iron oxides to improve the iron content in the raw material. This article provides a simplified calculation method to understand the limit of energy consumption and CO2 output of ironmaking by carbon reduction iron oxides