108 research outputs found

    A Questionnaire Study to Investigate Stress among Future Pharmacists by Gender and Year Group.

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    Background: This work aimed to ascertain future pharmacists’ stressors and stress-coping practices. Methods: Queens’ University Belfast Year 2 and 4 pharmacy students were invited to participate in an ethically approved, pre-piloted questionnaire study. Section A was the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale, Sections B and C related to stressors and stress-coping mechanisms, and Section D gathered non-identifiable demographic information. Data analysis largely took the form of descriptive statistics. Results: A response rate of 94.2% (213/226) was obtained. The mean Perceived Stress Scale score was 19.94 [standard deviation (SD) 6.37], with females having a higher mean score than males (20.55 SD 5.67 versus 18.16 SD 7.42). Common general stressors were career choice, employment opportunities, and finance. Common degree-specific stressors were particular assessments (objective structured clinical examinations and one-off written examinations) and the amount of course material. Popular stress-coping practices included getting emotional support from friends and family and using self-distractions. Conclusion: Stress appears to be an issue among these future pharmacists, and potentially more so for females. While the main stressors are unsurprising, this UK data enables comparisons to be made and helps inform support mechanisms within the university

    The Use of a Pressure-Indicating Sensor Film to Provide Feedback upon Hydrogel-Forming Microneedle Array Self-Application In Vivo

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the combination of a pressure-indicating sensor film with hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays, as a method of feedback to confirm MN insertion in vivo. METHODS: Pilot in vitro insertion studies were conducted using a Texture Analyser to insert MN arrays, coupled with a pressure-indicating sensor film, at varying forces into excised neonatal porcine skin. In vivo studies involved twenty human volunteers, who self-applied two hydrogel-forming MN arrays, one with a pressure-indicating sensor film incorporated and one without. Optical coherence tomography was employed to measure the resulting penetration depth and colorimetric analysis to investigate the associated colour change of the pressure-indicating sensor film. RESULTS: Microneedle insertion was achieved in vitro at three different forces, demonstrating the colour change of the pressure-indicating sensor film upon application of increasing pressure. When self-applied in vivo, there was no significant difference in the microneedle penetration depth resulting from each type of array, with a mean depth of 237 μm recorded. When the pressure-indicating sensor film was present, a colour change occurred upon each application, providing evidence of insertion. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, this study shows how the incorporation of a simple, low-cost pressure-indicating sensor film can indicate microneedle insertion in vitro and in vivo, providing visual feedback to assure the user of correct application. Such a strategy may enhance usability of a microneedle device and, hence, assist in the future translation of the technology to widespread clinical use

    The Use of a Pressure-Indicating Sensor Film to Provide Feedback upon Hydrogel-Forming Microneedle Array Self-Application In Vivo

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    PURPOSE:To evaluate the combination of a pressure-indicating sensor film with hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays, as a method of feedback to confirm MN insertion in vivo.METHODS:Pilot in vitro insertion studies were conducted using a Texture Analyser to insert MN arrays, coupled with a pressure-indicating sensor film, at varying forces into excised neonatal porcine skin. In vivo studies involved twenty human volunteers, who self-applied two hydrogel-forming MN arrays, one with a pressure-indicating sensor film incorporated and one without. Optical coherence tomography was employed to measure the resulting penetration depth and colorimetric analysis to investigate the associated colour change of the pressure-indicating sensor film.RESULTS:Microneedle insertion was achieved in vitro at three different forces, demonstrating the colour change of the pressure-indicating sensor film upon application of increasing pressure. When self-applied in vivo, there was no significant difference in the microneedle penetration depth resulting from each type of array, with a mean depth of 237 μm recorded. When the pressure-indicating sensor film was present, a colour change occurred upon each application, providing evidence of insertion.CONCLUSIONS:For the first time, this study shows how the incorporation of a simple, low-cost pressure-indicating sensor film can indicate microneedle insertion in vitro and in vivo, providing visual feedback to assure the user of correct application. Such a strategy may enhance usability of a microneedle device and, hence, assist in the future translation of the technology to widespread clinical use

    What, Where and When? Using Google Trends and Google to investigate patient needs and inform Pharmacy Practice

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    Abstract Objectives The aim was to provide a comprehensive overview (using pertinent examples) of the various ways that Google Trends and Google data could inform pharmacy practice. The objectives were to: examine what type of information people search for in relation to a common class of medicines; ascertain where people are directed to (websites) following an initial search for a medicine or medical condition; and establish information about when they search. Methods The methodology differed depending on whether Google Trends or Google was being interrogated, but the search domain was always limited to the United Kingdom. Google Trends was queried, typically for a 5-year time frame, and data downloaded for many search inputs relating to medical conditions (self-treatable and non-self-treatable) and medicines (bought over-the-counter and prescribed). Google was queried and data collected for searches related to ‘antibiotics’. Key findings Google Trends revealed a previously unknown seasonality pattern for irritable bowel syndrome. Related searches for ‘antibiotics’ revealed a high level of interest in the appropriateness of concomitant alcohol consumption and queries about what antibiotics are. Largely, people were being directed to reputable websites following their initial search input about a prescription-only medicine. However, searches for over-the-counter medicines were more likely to lead to commercial domains. Conclusions This is one of the first studies to investigate use of Google Trends and Google in a pharmacy-specific context. It is relevant for practice as it could inform marketing strategies, public health policy and help tailor patient advice and counselling. </jats:sec

    UK Pharmacy Students’ Opinions on Mental Health Conditions

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