19 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Livelihood Diversification Activities to Poverty Mitigation in Dodota Woreda, Arsi Zone, Central Ethiopia

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    Diversifying livelihoods has over the last two decades been identified as an important theme in the development work, particularly for poverty reduction agenda. In the developing world, farm households, urged on by their survival instinct, diversify away from traditional subsistence agriculture to the production of high-value crops and at other times engage in off-farm and non-farm activities. The contribution of non-agricultural activities to household income in the developing world in general and Sub-Saharan Africa in particular is substantial. This study was conducted in Dodota Woreda of East Arsi Zone, Oromiya Region with a general objective of assessing the contribution of livelihood diversification activities to poverty mitigation of rural householders in Dodota Woreda. By using two stage sampling procedure 294 sample respondents were selected from four Kebeles. The result of the logit regression showed that most of the variables tested for the probability of farmer’s participation in livelihood diversification activities had expected sign. Thus; educational status, access to infrastructure, training and participation in safety net had positive sign and significantly affects the probability of farmers’ participation in livelihood diversification activities. Whereas; land size owned, agricultural activity, participation in irrigation, access to credit and perceived level of poverty had negative sign and significantly affect the probability of farmers’ participation in livelihood diversification activities. Thus, improving rural householder knowledge through formal educational and training, expanding availability of accessible infrastructure, and enhancing participation of smallholder farmers in safety net were recommended as possible policy intervention to improve farmers’ participation in livelihood diversification activities so as to mitigate the level of poverty in the study area. Keywords: livelihoods, poverty reduction, Dodota Woreda DOI: 10.7176/JESD/15-5-05 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Econometric analysis of factors affecting market participation of smallholder farming in Central Ethiopia

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    It is evident that for a developing country, agriculture forms the basis for every economic activity. It plays an active role in determining the economic, social, and political system of a society of a developing world. The title of the study is Econometric Analysis of Factors Affecting Market participation of Smallholder Farming in Central Ethiopia. The main objective of this study was to identify and examine the demographic and socioeconomic factors determining market participation of smallholder farmers. The findings from the multinomial logistic regression analysis revealed what factors influence the probability of being commercial farmers. Accordingly, age, being male, urea application, labor expenditure, and land size cultivated had positive sign and significantly affect the probability of being commercial farmer. Nevertheless, use of improved seed, number of oxen owned, and water harvesting had unexpected negative sign, but they are statistically insignificant. Finally, there is still the potential of integrating non-participant farm households with the market if better support services in the form of technical advice and capacity building training to use technology and intensify production are provided. Moreover; if additional funds for agricultural research activities dealing with high-yield seed varieties are allocated and if investments in irrigation projects are made, it is possible to better integrate smallholder farmers to the market

    Child Nutrition Outcomes of Market Participation of Smallholder Farmers in Central Ethiopia

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    One of the welfare indicators of the household is nutritional status of its members especially the children and women. Child nutritional status affected by household and village level characteristics’, and by governments policy towards smallholder farmers. The objective of this study was to identify and evaluate if there is significant difference in preschoolers' children nutritional outcomes of smallholder farmers at differing levels of market participation. The study used the 2009 ERHS data-set and 38 preschool children who were all the surveyed children in the dataset were included in the analysis. The result showed that 42% preschool children are stunted or too short for their age, 10% wasting or too thin for height, and 36.8% underweight. Moreover, the One-way-ANOVA result showed that farm households with high degree of market participation are better-off in child nutrition outcomes than those with low degree of participation. In order for commercialization of agriculture policies to have dramatic effects on improving health and reducing malnutrition, attention must be given to health, sanitation, and environmental issues as complementary components of agriculture policies and programs

    Child Nutrition Outcomes of Market Participation of Smallholder Farmers in Central Ethiopia

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    One of the welfare indicators of the household is nutritional status of its members especially the children and women. Child nutritional status affected by household and village level characteristics’, and by governments policy towards smallholder farmers. The objective of this study was to identify and evaluate if there is significant difference in preschoolers' children nutritional outcomes of smallholder farmers at differing levels of market participation. The study used the 2009 ERHS data-set and 38 preschool children who were all the surveyed children in the dataset were included in the analysis. The result showed that 42% preschool children are stunted or too short for their age, 10% wasting or too thin for height, and 36.8% underweight. Moreover, the One-way-ANOVA result showed that farm households with high degree of market participation are better-off in child nutrition outcomes than those with low degree of participation. In order for commercialization of agriculture policies to have dramatic effects on improving health and reducing malnutrition, attention must be given to health, sanitation, and environmental issues as complementary components of agriculture policies and programs

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers' Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: The Case of Holeta District

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    Markets are important for economic growth and sustainable development of a given country, but, emphases in development policies in agrarian countries have usually been placed on increasing agricultural production to serve as a base for rural development. In the absence of well-functioning markets, agricultural production can experience several drawbacks. The title of the study is Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers’ Marketing Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: the case of Holeta District. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to examine factors affecting potato farmers' gross margin in the Holeta district and specifically to examine the effects of farmers demographic characteristics, factors of production, institutional factors, production cost and livestock ownership on the potato producing farmers’ gross margin. The research was bound to the production area which is 35 hectares of potato in Welmera, Goro and Arebot Kebeles of Holeta district. The statistical result showed that age, land size (owned and contracted), potato farm land size (owned and contracted), input costs (land preparation, chemicals and harvesting) and livestock ownership, access to irrigation, credit, extension services, potato output and sales revenue had significant outcome on farmers’ gross margin. Moreover, the result from the OLS (Ordinary Least square) regression showed that education level of household head, household size, potato cultivated land size, quantity of potato produced, input cost, livestock ownership and access to market information had expected sign and significantly affect sampled potato farm household gross margin. The study 2 imply the introduction of modern technologies for the efficient use of the irrigation water, controlling disease and pest practices should be promoted to increase production; strengthening efficient and area specific extension systems by giving continuous capacity building trainings and separating extension work from other administrative activities increases potato farmers’ gross margin

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers' Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: The Case of Holeta District

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    Markets are important for economic growth and sustainable development of a given country, but, emphases in development policies in agrarian countries have usually been placed on increasing agricultural production to serve as a base for rural development. In the absence of well-functioning markets, agricultural production can experience several drawbacks. The title of the study is Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers’ Marketing Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: the case of Holeta District. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to examine factors affecting potato farmers' gross margin in the Holeta district and specifically to examine the effects of farmers demographic characteristics, factors of production, institutional factors, production cost and livestock ownership on the potato producing farmers’ gross margin. The research was bound to the production area which is 35 hectares of potato in Welmera, Goro and Arebot Kebeles of Holeta district. The statistical result showed that age, land size (owned and contracted), potato farm land size (owned and contracted), input costs (land preparation, chemicals and harvesting) and livestock ownership, access to irrigation, credit, extension services, potato output and sales revenue had significant outcome on farmers’ gross margin. Moreover, the result from the OLS (Ordinary Least square) regression showed that education level of household head, household size, potato cultivated land size, quantity of potato produced, input cost, livestock ownership and access to market information had expected sign and significantly affect sampled potato farm household gross margin. The study 2 imply the introduction of modern technologies for the efficient use of the irrigation water, controlling disease and pest practices should be promoted to increase production; strengthening efficient and area specific extension systems by giving continuous capacity building trainings and separating extension work from other administrative activities increases potato farmers’ gross margin

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers' Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: The Case of Holeta District

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    Markets are important for economic growth and sustainable development of a given country, but, emphases in development policies in agrarian countries have usually been placed on increasing agricultural production to serve as a base for rural development. In the absence of well-functioning markets, agricultural production can experience several drawbacks. The title of the study is Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers’ Marketing Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: the case of Holeta District. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to examine factors affecting potato farmers' gross margin in the Holeta district and specifically to examine the effects of farmers demographic characteristics, factors of production, institutional factors, production cost and livestock ownership on the potato producing farmers’ gross margin. The research was bound to the production area which is 35 hectares of potato in Welmera, Goro and Arebot Kebeles of Holeta district. The statistical result showed that age, land size (owned and contracted), potato farm land size (owned and contracted), input costs (land preparation, chemicals and harvesting) and livestock ownership, access to irrigation, credit, extension services, potato output and sales revenue had significant outcome on farmers’ gross margin. Moreover, the result from the OLS (Ordinary Least square) regression showed that education level of household head, household size, potato cultivated land size, quantity of potato produced, input cost, livestock ownership and access to market information had expected sign and significantly affect sampled potato farm household gross margin. The study 2 imply the introduction of modern technologies for the efficient use of the irrigation water, controlling disease and pest practices should be promoted to increase production; strengthening efficient and area specific extension systems by giving continuous capacity building trainings and separating extension work from other administrative activities increases potato farmers’ gross margin

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers' Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: The Case of Holeta District

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    Markets are important for economic growth and sustainable development of a given country, but, emphases in development policies in agrarian countries have usually been placed on increasing agricultural production to serve as a base for rural development. In the absence of well-functioning markets, agricultural production can experience several drawbacks. The title of the study is Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers’ Marketing Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: the case of Holeta District. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to examine factors affecting potato farmers' gross margin in the Holeta district and specifically to examine the effects of farmers demographic characteristics, factors of production, institutional factors, production cost and livestock ownership on the potato producing farmers’ gross margin. The research was bound to the production area which is 35 hectares of potato in Welmera, Goro and Arebot Kebeles of Holeta district. The statistical result showed that age, land size (owned and contracted), potato farm land size (owned and contracted), input costs (land preparation, chemicals and harvesting) and livestock ownership, access to irrigation, credit, extension services, potato output and sales revenue had significant outcome on farmers’ gross margin. Moreover, the result from the OLS (Ordinary Least square) regression showed that education level of household head, household size, potato cultivated land size, quantity of potato produced, input cost, livestock ownership and access to market information had expected sign and significantly affect sampled potato farm household gross margin. The study 2 imply the introduction of modern technologies for the efficient use of the irrigation water, controlling disease and pest practices should be promoted to increase production; strengthening efficient and area specific extension systems by giving continuous capacity building trainings and separating extension work from other administrative activities increases potato farmers’ gross margin