2 research outputs found

    Criptorquidea en escolares intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Hospital Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra. 2015 - 2018

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo de titulación fue realizar un estudio de la criptorquidia la cual es la patología genital más frecuente en el recién nacido, siendo una causa de consulta importante. De acuerdo a diferentes estudios publicados se ha encontrado que la criptorquidia afecta entre 1.6 % y 5.7% de los recién nacidos a término, con una incidencia mayor del 30 a 40% en recién nacidos pretérmino, suelen ser diagnosticados en la edad adulta en el 0.25 – 0.9%. Afecta solo el 1% de los niños de un año, debido a la posibilidad de migración espontánea durante los primeros meses de vida. La población de estudio con criptorquidia e intervención quirúrgica abarcó 8 pacientes pediátricos escolares atendidos entre el periodo 2015 - 2018. De acuerdo a los datos recolectados se concluye que existe mayor frecuencia de resolución quirúrgica en pacientes con edad gestacional a término y peso adecuado para el nacimiento. La relación de antecedente familiar y comorbilidad materna para criptorquidia no se evidencia como factores de riesgo que lo corroboren. La etnia mestiza presenta mayor proporción de criptorquidia y no existe relación de la escolaridad de los padres para la edad de intervención quirúrgica en los pacientes con criptorquidia. Los pacientes de este estudio presentan predominio de presentación de criptorquidia unilateral de lado derecho y quedando un aporte menor la presentación bilateral, dando como características de aporte mayor en presentación bilateral. La edad de resolución quirúrgica de acuerdo a los datos presentados en los años 2015 – 2018, de la revisión de historias clínicas con pacientes intervenidos por diagnóstico de criptorquidia muestra una intervención temprana a través de un abordaje laparoscópico, presentando un 77% en las edades de 0 – 5 años.The objective of this titration work was to conduct a study of cryptorchidism which is the most frequent genital pathology in the newborn, being an important cause of consultation. According to different published studies it has been found that cryptorchidism affects between 1.6% and 5.7% of term infants, with an incidence greater than 30 to 40% in preterm infants, are usually diagnosed in adulthood at 0.25 - 0.9%. It affects only 1% of one-year-old children, due to the possibility of spontaneous migration during the first months of life. The study population with cryptorchidism and surgical intervention covered 8 pediatric school patients treated between the 2015-2018 period. According to the data collected, it is concluded that there is a higher frequency of surgical resolution in patients with full-term gestational age and adequate birth weight . The relationship of family history and maternal comorbidity for cryptorchidism is not evidenced as risk factors that corroborate it. The mestizo ethnic group has a higher proportion of cryptorchidism and there is no relationship between the schooling of parents for the age of surgical intervention in patients with cryptorchidism. The patients in this study have a predominance of presenting unilateral cryptorchidism on the right side and with a smaller contribution being the bilateral presentation, giving as characteristics of greater contribution in bilateral presentation. The age of surgical resolution according to the data presented in the years 2015 - 2018, of the review of medical records with patients operated on for diagnosis of cryptorchidism shows an early intervention through a laparoscopic approach, presenting 77% in the ages of 0 - 5 years

    ViSHWaS: Violence Study of Healthcare Workers and Systems—a global survey

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    Objective To provide insights into the nature, risk factors, impact and existing measures for reporting and preventing violence in the healthcare system. The under-reporting of violence against healthcare workers (HCWs) globally highlights the need for increased public awareness and education.Methods The Violence Study of Healthcare Workers and Systems study used a survey questionnaire created using Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) forms and distributed from 6 June to 9 August 2022. Logistic regression analysis evaluated violence predictors, including gender, age, years of experience, institution type, respondent profession and night shift frequency. A χ2 test was performed to determine the association between gender and different violence forms.Results A total of 5405 responses from 79 countries were analysed. India, the USA and Venezuela were the top three contributors. Female respondents comprised 53%. The majority (45%) fell within the 26–35 age group. Medical students (21%), consultants (20%), residents/fellows (15%) and nurses (10%) constituted highest responders. Nearly 55% HCWs reported firsthand violence experience, and 16% reported violence against their colleagues. Perpetrators were identified as patients or family members in over 50% of cases, while supervisor-incited violence accounted for 16%. Around 80% stated that violence incidence either remained constant or increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among HCWs who experienced violence, 55% felt less motivated or more dissatisfied with their jobs afterward, and 25% expressed willingness to quit. Univariate analysis revealed that HCWs aged 26–65 years, nurses, physicians, ancillary staff, those working in public settings, with >1 year of experience, and frequent night shift workers were at significantly higher risk of experiencing violence. These results remained significant in multivariate analysis, except for the 55–65 age group, which lost statistical significance.Conclusion This global cross-sectional study highlights that a majority of HCWs have experienced violence, and the incidence either increased or remained the same during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted in decreased job satisfaction