3,989 research outputs found

    Regolith-atmosphere exchange of water in Mars' recent past

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    We investigate the exchange of water vapour between the regolith and atmosphere of Mars, and how it varies with different orbital parameters, atmospheric dust contents and surface water ice reservoirs. This is achieved through the coupling of a global circulation model (GCM) and a regolith diffusion model. GCM simulations are performed for hundreds of Mars years, with additional one-dimensional simulations performed for 50 kyr. At obliquities ε = 15° and 30°, the thermal inertia and albedo of the regolith have more control on the subsurface water distribution than changes to the eccentricity or solar longitude of perihelion. At ε = 45°, atmospheric water vapour abundances become much larger, allowing stable subsurface ice to form in the tropics and mid-latitudes. The circulation of the atmosphere is important in producing the subsurface water distribution, with increased water content in various locations due to vapour transport by topographically-steered flows and stationary waves. As these circulation patterns are due to topographic features, it is likely the same regions will also experience locally large amounts of subsurface water at different epochs. The dustiness of the atmosphere plays an important role in the distribution of subsurface water, with a dusty atmosphere resulting in a wetter water cycle and increased stability of subsurface ice deposits

    Agricultural taxation and intersectoral resource transfers

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    The paper is a survey of recent developments on this topic. It uses a two-sector (modern and traditional) model as the "basic framework for analysis. Agriculture's role in development is reviewed briefly, as are the methods of transferring resources from agriculture: transfers on private account, government tax and expenditure policies, and policies aimed at changing the terms of trade of the agricultural sector. The bulk of the paper reviews the recent experience of developing countries and the literature related to this topic. It is organized around three basic themes. First is a review of the policies including tariff protection that have influenced the domestic terms of trade between agriculture and industry and the effects of those policies on the agricultural sector (which has usually been left to pay the bill for protected industrialization). Second is a discussion of the implications of productivity growth (or the lack of it) in both the agricultural sector and in protected import substituting industries for the questions of resource transfers and of general economic growth in both sectors. Third, the growing concern with unemployment and income distribution is reviewed in connection with the choice of policies to tax agriculture and transfer resources to industry. The paper suggests a number of elements of an improved system of taxing the agricultural sector to transfer resources both to government and to the non-agricultural sectors while simultaneously reducing the burden on agriculture from misallocation effects of the policies. Attention is also given to policies that would improve the growth rate of employment and the distribution of income. Particular attention in the paper is given to the effects of foreign trade policies on income transfers
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