3 research outputs found

    Knowledge of medical personel on the Standard of “Practice of the raped person” in medical units

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    Wstęp. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena znajomości „Procedury postępowania z osobą zgwałconą” w jednostkach medycznych, przez personel medyczny. Materiał i metody. Przeprowadzono badanie pilotażowe wstępne. W badaniu ankietowym wzięło udział 38 osób, metodę badawczą stanowił anonimowy kwestionariusz własnego autorstwa. Wyniki. Procedurę postępowania z ofiarą przemocy seksualnej zna 54,5% lekarzy, 26,9% ankietowanych położnych. Wnioski. Z badania wynika, że pomoc oferowana kobietom, które stały się ofiarami przemocy seksualnej, jest fragmentaryczna, a tym samym niesatysfakcjonująca kobiety, które doświadczyły gwałtu.Introduction. The purpose of this article is to access the knowledge of “Procedures of contact with person that was raped“ by personnel of medical institutions. Material and methods. The preliminary pilot study had a form of questionnaire, that has been completed by 38 persons. Methodology was based on self written anonymous questionnaire. Results. 54.5% of doctors and 26.9% of midwifes know the Procedure of contact with victims of sexual abuse. Conclusions. The research showed that help which is offered to victims of sexual abuse is rare and unsatisfactory for most of raped women

    Acceptance of cancer by women after mastectomy in Western Pomerania region – preliminary studies

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    Background. Breast cancer is the most common cancer that women can suffer from. Most often it develops between 50 and 80 year of life. Many women adapt to the new situation, but a large group cannot adapt and reconcile with the disease. The bigger acceptation of a disease, the better adaptation and smaller feeling of discomfort. Objectives. The aim of this thesis was to check the degree of acceptance of cancer among women after mastectomy. Material and methods . The study was conducted among 60 women after mastectomy in Western Pomerania. The study was entirely voluntary and anonymous, the authors obtained the written, informed consent from each person to participate in the studies and each person was informed of the aim. The study used an anonymous questionnaire containing questions about demographics and The Scale of Disease Acceptance in adaptation of Z. Juczyński. The study was made after acceptance of Bioethics Commission of Westpomeranian Medical University, getting number KB-0012/97/14. Results . The average age of women is 62.3 years. 25 (42%) of the women received a high level of acceptance of the disease, 18 (30%) the average, and 17 (28%) of women low level of acceptance. 22 (37%) of the respondents have no problem adapting to the limitations imposed by the disease. 24 (40%) women feel needed, 30 (50%) of respondents believe that they are not a problem to family and friends. 19 (32%) amazons feel a full-fledged human being despite the illness. Conclusions . Analysis of the research material revealed that nearly half of the respondents achieved a high level of acceptance of the disease, which creates a sense of security and control over their lives