1 research outputs found

    Evacuation of SR power from the CLIC damping ring

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    Absorption of synchrotron radiation (SR) power generated by wigglers of damping rings is a difficult technical task. The CLIC damping ring operates with electron (or positron) beams with energy 2.424 GeV, average beam current is up to 150 mA. The 38 wigglers installed in one straight section of the CLIC damping ring produce radiation with a total power of about 122 kW. Power density at the end of the straight sections is about 75 W per square mm. Such a power density can destroy vacuum chambers, therefore a careful design and placement of appropriate radiation collimators and absorbers is required. In this paper we describe an algorithm to compute SR power density as well as options for safe absorption of SR power. All the calculations were performed for the current design of the CLIC damping ring and wigglers. Some related problems for absorption of high SR power are described