30 research outputs found

    Complexity and capacity bounds for quantum channels

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    We generalise some well-known graph parameters to operator systems by considering their underlying quantum channels. In particular, we introduce the quantum complexity as the dimension of the smallest co-domain Hilbert space a quantum channel requires to realise a given operator system as its non-commutative confusability graph. We describe quantum complexity as a generalised minimum semidefinite rank and, in the case of a graph operator system, as a quantum intersection number. The quantum complexity and a closely related quantum version of orthogonal rank turn out to be upper bounds for the Shannon zero-error capacity of a quantum channel, and we construct examples for which these bounds beat the best previously known general upper bound for the capacity of quantum channels, given by the quantum Lov\'asz theta number

    Schur multipliers of Cartan pairs

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    We define the Schur multipliers of a separable von Neumann algebra M with Cartan masa A, generalising the classical Schur multipliers of B(β„“2)B(\ell^2). We characterise these as the normal A-bimodule maps on M. If M contains a direct summand isomorphic to the hyperfinite II_1 factor, then we show that the Schur multipliers arising from the extended Haagerup tensor product AβŠ—ehAA \otimes_{eh} A are strictly contained in the algebra of all Schur multipliers

    State convertibility in the von Neumann algebra framework

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    We establish a generalisation of the fundamental state convertibility theorem in quantum information to the context of bipartite quantum systems modelled by commuting semi-finite von Neumann algebras. Namely, we establish a generalisation to this setting of Nielsen's theorem on the convertibility of quantum states under local operations and classical communication (LOCC) schemes. Along the way, we introduce an appropriate generalisation of LOCC operations and connect the resulting notion of approximate convertibility to the theory of singular numbers and majorisation in von Neumann algebras. As an application of our result in the setting of II1II_1-factors, we show that the entropy of the singular value distribution relative to the unique tracial state is an entanglement monotone in the sense of Vidal, thus yielding a new way to quantify entanglement in that context. Building on previous work in the infinite-dimensional setting, we show that trace vectors play the role of maximally entangled states for general II1II_1-factors. Examples are drawn from infinite spin chains, quasi-free representations of the CAR, and discretised versions of the CCR.Comment: 36 pages, v2: journal version, 38 page

    Quantum teleportation in the commuting operator framework

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    We introduce a notion of teleportation scheme between subalgebras of semi-finite von Neumann algebras in the commuting operator model of locality. Using techniques from subfactor theory, we present unbiased teleportation schemes for relative commutants Nβ€²βˆ©MN'\cap M of a large class of finite-index inclusions NβŠ†MN\subseteq M of tracial von Neumann algebras, where the unbiased condition means that no information about the teleported observables are contained in the classical communication sent between the parties. For a large class of subalgebras NN of matrix algebras Mn(C)M_n(\mathbb{C}), including those relevant to hybrid classical/quantum codes, we show that any tight teleportation scheme for NN necessarily arises from an orthonormal unitary Pimsner-Popa basis of Mn(C)M_n(\mathbb{C}) over Nβ€²N', generalising work of Werner. Combining our techniques with those of Brannan-Ganesan-Harris, we compute quantum chromatic numbers for a variety of quantum graphs arising from finite-dimensional inclusions NβŠ†MN\subseteq M.Comment: 33 page

    Values of cooperative quantum games

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    We develop a resource-theoretical approach that allows us to quantify values of two-player, one-round cooperative games with quantum inputs and outputs, as well as values of quantum probabilistic hypergraphs. We analyse the quantum game values arising from the type hierarchy of quantum no-signalling correlations, establishing tensor norm expressions for each of the correlation types. As a consequence, we provide metric characterisations of state convertibility via LOSR and LOCC.En route, we obtain an alternative description of the maximal tensor products of ternary rings of operators.Comment: 60 page