20 research outputs found

    Caractérisation structurale de l'éliciteur du virus X de la pomme de terre (PVX) (recherche, chez les plantes cultivées, de gènes hôtes, impliqués dans la résistance liée à Rx)

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    De nos jours, les agents pathogènes des plantes, engendrent encore des pertes agricoles importantes. A terme, la solution la plus adaptée semble être la création de variétés de plantes cultivées présentant une résistance génétique à large spectre et durable. Créer de telles plantes nécessite la compréhension des mécanismes de résistance mis en jeu dans des pathosystèmes modèles, tels que celui impliquant le gène de résistance Rx et le virus X de la pomme de terre. Dans ce système, la protéine Rx intervient dans la perception d un facteur d'avirulence issu du virus: sa protéine de capside (Cp). Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires déclenchant la résistance chez la plante exprimant Rx demeurent obscurs. Cette étude s est focalisée sur l étape de reconnaissance de l éliciteur viral par Rx. Une première approche a permis la mise en évidence d un éliciteur minimal de 90 acides amine. L étude d un fragment légèrement plus grand par des méthodes de biochimie structurale, tend à exclure un modèle selon lequel, la différence de structuration tertiaire entre Cp élicitrice et Cp non élicitrice déterminerait la reconnaissance par Rx. Une seconde approche, de biologie moléculaire, a mis en évidence deux protéines hôte interagissant avec ce petit fragment éliciteur. L'étude s est focalisée sur un gène codant un facteur de transcription, nbERF5, et a révélé que cette protéine interagit aussi bien avec les Cp de souches de Potexvirus avirulentes que virulentes dans la résistance liée à Rx, mais également avec la protéine de résistance Rx et l intéracteur direct: RanGAP2. La poursuite de la caractérisation de cet ERF, permettra de déterminer son importance dans la résistance liée à Rx.Nowadays, phytopathogenic agents are still causing significant agricultural losses. The most suitable option appears to be the creation of crop species carrying a genetic durable and broad spectrum resistance. In order to create such varieties, we need to understand the mechanisms underlying resistance, involved in model Pathosystems, Such as the one composed of the resistance gene Rx and the potato virus X. In that system, the host gene encodes a protein assimilated to a receptor implicated in the perception of an avirulence factor produced by the virus: its capside protein (Cp). Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms triggering the resistance remain largely unknown. This study has been focused on the elicitor recognition mediated by Rx. A first approach led to the identification of a minimal elicitor containing 90 amino acids has. The structural characterization of a slightly larger protein fragment using biochemical methods suggested that the difference in the tertiary structuration of both elicitor and non-elicitor Cp would not be the determinant of Rx mediated recognition. Second, a molecular approach led to the discovery of two host proteins interacting with the small elicitor fragment. The work was focused on a transcription factor, nbERF5 and showed that this protein interacts similarly with elicitor or non-elicitor Cps of Rx mediated resistance. Interestingly, this gene product is able to directly interact with the Rx protein, but also with the direct interactor of Rx: RanGAP2, protein required for the Rx mediated resistance efficiency. Further characterization of this ethylen response factor will help us to understand its role in Rx mediated resistance.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Towards take-all control:A C-‐21β oxidase required for acylation of triterpene defence compounds in oat

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    Oats produce avenacins, antifungal triterpenes that are synthesized in the roots and provide protection against take-all and other soilborne diseases. Avenacins are acylated at the carbon-21 position of the triterpene scaffold, a modification critical for antifungal activity. We have previously characterized several steps in the avenacin pathway, including those required for acylation. However, transfer of the acyl group to the scaffold requires the C-21β position to be oxidized first, by an as yet uncharacterized enzyme. We mined oat transcriptome data to identify candidate cytochrome P450 enzymes that may catalyse C-21β oxidation. Candidates were screened for activity by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. We identified a cytochrome P450 enzyme AsCYP72A475 as a triterpene C-21β hydroxylase, and showed that expression of this enzyme together with early pathway steps yields C-21β oxidized avenacin intermediates. We further demonstrate that AsCYP72A475 is synonymous with Sad6, a previously uncharacterized locus required for avenacin biosynthesis. sad6 mutants are compromised in avenacin acylation and have enhanced disease susceptibility. The discovery of AsCYP72A475 represents an important advance in the understanding of triterpene biosynthesis and paves the way for engineering the avenacin pathway into wheat and other cereals for control of take-all and other diseases

    Analysis of Two New Arabinosyltransferases Belonging to the Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme (CAZY) Glycosyl Transferase Family1 Provides Insights into Disease Resistance and Sugar Donor Specificity

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    Glycosylation of small molecules is critical for numerous biological processes in plants, including hormone homeostasis, neutralization of xenobiotics, and synthesis and storage of specialized metabolites. Glycosylation of plant natural products is usually carried out by uridine diphosphate-dependent glycosyltransferases (UGTs). Triterpene glycosides (saponins) are a large family of plant natural products that determine important agronomic traits such as disease resistance and flavor and have numerous pharmaceutical applications. Most characterised plant natural product UGTs are glucosyltransferases, and little is known about enzymes that add other sugars. Here we report the discovery and characterization of AsAAT1 (UGT99D1), which is required for biosynthesis of the antifungal saponin avenacin A-1 in oat. This enzyme adds L-arabinose to the triterpene scaffold at the C-3 position, a modification critical for disease resistance. The only previously reported plant natural product arabinosyltransferase is a flavonoid arabinosyltransferase from Arabidopsis. We show that AsAAT1 has high specificity for UDP-β-L-arabinopyranose, identify two amino acids required for sugar donor specificity, and through targeted mutagenesis convert AsAAT1 into a glucosyltransferase. We further identify a second arabinosyltransferase potentially implicated in the biosynthesis of saponins that determine bitterness in soybean. Our investigations suggest independent evolution of UDP-arabinose sugar donor specificity in arabinosyltransferases in monocots and eudicots

    A translational synthetic biology platform for rapid access to gram-scale quantities of novel drug-like molecules

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    Plants are an excellent source of drug leads. However availability is limited by access to source species, low abundance and recalcitrance to chemical synthesis. Although plant genomics is yielding a wealth of genes for natural product biosynthesis, the translation of this genetic information into small molecules for evaluation as drug leads represents a major bottleneck. For example, the yeast platform for artemisinic acid production is estimated to have taken >150 person years to develop. Here we demonstrate the power of plant transient transfection technology for rapid, scalable biosynthesis and isolation of triterpenes, one of the largest and most structurally diverse families of plant natural products. Using pathway engineering and improved agro-infiltration methodology we are able to generate gram-scale quantities of purified triterpene in just a few weeks. In contrast to heterologous expression in microbes, this system does not depend on re-engineering of the host. We next exploit agro-infection for quick and easy combinatorial biosynthesis without the need for generation of multi-gene constructs, so affording an easy entrée to suites of molecules, some new-to-nature, that are recalcitrant to chemical synthesis. We use this platform to purify a suite of bespoke triterpene analogs and demonstrate differences in anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activity in bioassays, providing proof of concept of this system for accessing and evaluating medicinally important bioactives. Together with new genome mining algorithms for plant pathway discovery and advances in plant synthetic biology, this advance provides new routes to synthesize and access previously inaccessible natural products and analogs and has the potential to reinvigorate drug discovery pipelines

    Standards for plant synthetic biology: A common syntax for exchange of DNA parts

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    © 2015 New Phytologist Trust. Inventors in the field of mechanical and electronic engineering can access multitudes of components and, thanks to standardization, parts from different manufacturers can be used in combination with each other. The introduction of BioBrick standards for the assembly of characterized DNA sequences was a landmark in microbial engineering, shaping the field of synthetic biology. Here, we describe a standard for Type IIS restriction endonuclease-mediated assembly, defining a common syntax of 12 fusion sites to enable the facile assembly of eukaryotic transcriptional units. This standard has been developed and agreed by representatives and leaders of the international plant science and synthetic biology communities, including inventors, developers and adopters of Type IIS cloning methods. Our vision is of an extensive catalogue of standardized, characterized DNA parts that will accelerate plant bioengineering

    Subtelomeric assembly of a multi-gene pathway for antimicrobial defense compounds in cereals

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    Non-random gene organization in eukaryotes plays a significant role in genome evolution. Here, we investigate the origin of a biosynthetic gene cluster for production of defence compounds in oat—the avenacin cluster. We elucidate the structure and organisation of this 12-gene cluster, characterise the last two missing pathway steps, and reconstitute the entire pathway in tobacco by transient expression. We show that the cluster has formed de novo since the divergence of oats in a subtelomeric region of the genome that lacks homology with other grasses, and that gene order is approximately colinear with the biosynthetic pathway. We speculate that the positioning of the late pathway genes furthest away from the telomere may mitigate against a ‘self-poisoning’ scenario in which toxic intermediates accumulate as a result of telomeric gene deletions. Our investigations reveal a striking example of adaptive evolution underpinned by remarkable genome plasticity

    Standards for plant synthetic biology: a common syntax for exchange of DNA parts.

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    Inventors in the field of mechanical and electronic engineering can access multitudes of components and, thanks to standardization, parts from different manufacturers can be used in combination with each other. The introduction of BioBrick standards for the assembly of characterized DNA sequences was a landmark in microbial engineering, shaping the field of synthetic biology. Here, we describe a standard for Type IIS restriction endonuclease-mediated assembly, defining a common syntax of 12 fusion sites to enable the facile assembly of eukaryotic transcriptional units. This standard has been developed and agreed by representatives and leaders of the international plant science and synthetic biology communities, including inventors, developers and adopters of Type IIS cloning methods. Our vision is of an extensive catalogue of standardized, characterized DNA parts that will accelerate plant bioengineering.Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). Grant Numbers: BB/K005952/1, BB/L02182X/1 Synthetic Biology Research Centre ‘OpenPlant’ award. Grant Number: BB/L014130/1 Spanish MINECO. Grant Number: BIO2013‐42193‐R Engineering Nitrogen Symbiosis for Africa (ENSA) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation US Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental. Grant Number: DE‐AC02‐05CH1123 COST Action. Grant Number: FA100

    Structural characterization of the elicitor of the potato virus X (PVX) : research of host genes, in crops, implicated in the Rx mediated resistance

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    De nos jours, les agents pathogènes des plantes, engendrent encore des pertes agricoles importantes. A terme, la solution la plus adaptée semble être la création de variétés de plantes cultivées présentant une résistance génétique à large spectre et durable. Créer de telles plantes nécessite la compréhension des mécanismes de résistance mis en jeu dans des pathosystèmes modèles, tels que celui impliquant le gène de résistance Rx et le virus X de la pomme de terre. Dans ce système, la protéine Rx intervient dans la perception d’un facteur d'avirulence issu du virus: sa protéine de capside (Cp). Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires déclenchant la résistance chez la plante exprimant Rx demeurent obscurs. Cette étude s’est focalisée sur l’étape de reconnaissance de l’éliciteur viral par Rx. Une première approche a permis la mise en évidence d’un éliciteur minimal de 90 acides amine. L’étude d’un fragment légèrement plus grand par des méthodes de biochimie structurale, tend à exclure un modèle selon lequel, la différence de structuration tertiaire entre Cp élicitrice et Cp non élicitrice déterminerait la reconnaissance par Rx. Une seconde approche, de biologie moléculaire, a mis en évidence deux protéines hôte interagissant avec ce petit fragment éliciteur. L'étude s’est focalisée sur un gène codant un facteur de transcription, nbERF5, et a révélé que cette protéine interagit aussi bien avec les Cp de souches de Potexvirus avirulentes que virulentes dans la résistance liée à Rx, mais également avec la protéine de résistance Rx et l’intéracteur direct: RanGAP2. La poursuite de la caractérisation de cet ERF, permettra de déterminer son importance dans la résistance liée à Rx.Nowadays, phytopathogenic agents are still causing significant agricultural losses. The most suitable option appears to be the creation of crop species carrying a genetic durable and broad spectrum resistance. In order to create such varieties, we need to understand the mechanisms underlying resistance, involved in model Pathosystems, Such as the one composed of the resistance gene Rx and the potato virus X. In that system, the host gene encodes a protein assimilated to a receptor implicated in the perception of an avirulence factor produced by the virus: its capside protein (Cp). Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms triggering the resistance remain largely unknown. This study has been focused on the elicitor recognition mediated by Rx. A first approach led to the identification of a minimal elicitor containing 90 amino acids has. The structural characterization of a slightly larger protein fragment using biochemical methods suggested that the difference in the tertiary structuration of both elicitor and non-elicitor Cp would not be the determinant of Rx mediated recognition. Second, a molecular approach led to the discovery of two host proteins interacting with the small elicitor fragment. The work was focused on a transcription factor, nbERF5 and showed that this protein interacts similarly with elicitor or non-elicitor Cps of Rx mediated resistance. Interestingly, this gene product is able to directly interact with the Rx protein, but also with the direct interactor of Rx: RanGAP2, protein required for the Rx mediated resistance efficiency. Further characterization of this ethylen response factor will help us to understand its role in Rx mediated resistance

    The Rx Gene Confers Resistance to a Range of Potexviruses in Transgenic Nicotiana Plants

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    International audienceRx-mediated resistance was analyzed in Rx-expressing transgenic Nicotiana plants. The infection outcome of nine Potato virus X isolates mutated at amino acid positions 121 and 127 of the coat protein (CP) confirmed the key role of these amino acids but provided a more complex picture than previously reported. In particular, in Rx-expressing Nicotiana spp., eliciting activity modulated by amino acid 121 was conditioned by the nature of amino acid 127. These results suggest that the specificity of recognition might be modulated by host factors that are somehow subtly modified between Rx-expressing potato and Rx-expressing transgenic Nicotiana plants. Moreover, the CP of three Potexviruses, Narcissus mosaic virus (NMV), White clover mosaic virus (WClMV), and Cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV), are all recognized by the Rx-based machinery and able to trigger an Rx-dependant hypersensitive response. A smaller elicitor of 90 amino acids was identified in the CP of NMV and WClMV, which contains the previously identified key positions 121 and 127. This elicitor is only weakly conserved (approximately 40% identity) among the CP of the various recognized viruses, suggesting that the Rx molecular machinery targets a conserved structural element of the Potexvirus CP rather than a conserved amino acid motif