76 research outputs found

    Studies of release properties of ISOLDE targets

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    Off-line release rates of Be, Mg, S, Mn and Kr from refractory materials were studied. Mn yields were determined from a ZrO2 target and Kr yields from a SrO and ZrO2 targets. A Monte Carlo code to optimize ISOLDE targets was introduced

    The evolution of the ISOLDE control system

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    The ISOLDE on-line mass separator facility is operating on a Personal Computer based control system since spring 1992. Front End Computers accessing the hardware are controlled from consoles running Microsoft WindowsTM through a Novell NetWare4TM local area network. The control system is transparently integrated in the CERN wide office network and makes heavy use of the CERN standard office application programs to control and to document the running of the ISOLDE isotope separators. This paper recalls the architecture of the control system, shows its recent developments and gives some examples of its graphical user interface

    Decay of neutron-rich Mn nuclides and deformation of heavy Fe isotopes

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    The use of chemically selective laser ionization combined with beta-delayed neutron counting at CERN/ISOLDE has permitted identification and half-life measurements for 623-ms Mn-61 up through 14-ms Mn-69. The measured half-lives are found to be significantly longer near N=40 than the values calculated with a QRPA shell model using ground-state deformations from the FRDM and ETFSI models. Gamma-ray singles and coincidence spectroscopy has been performed for Mn-64 and Mn-66 decays to levels of Fe-64 and Fe-66, revealing a significant drop in the energy of the first 2+ state in these nuclides that suggests an unanticipated increase in collectivity near N=40

    Effects of thermal shocks on the release of radioisotopes and on molten metal target vessels

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    The ISOLDE pulsed proton beam peak power amounts to 500 MW during the 2.4 ms proton pulse. The fraction of the proton pulse energy deposited in the target material is at the origin of severe thermal shocks. Quantitative measurement of their effect on the release of radioelements from ISOLDE targets was obtained by comparison of release profiles measured under different proton beam settings. The thermal shock induced in liquids (Pb, Sn, La) lead to mechanical failure of ISOLDE molten metal target vessels. Failure analysis is presented and discussed in the light of the response of mercury samples submitted to the ISOLDE beam and monitored by high-speed optical systems

    Charge-radius change and nuclear moments in the heavy tin isotopes from laser spectroscopy: Charge radius of 132^{132}Sn

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    NESTER ACCLaser spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on the neutron-rich tin isotopes with the COMPLIS experimental setup. Using the 5s25p25s^25p^2 3P05s25p6s^3P_0 \rightarrow 5s^25_p6s 3P1^3P_1 optical transition, hyperfine spectra of 126132^{126-132}Sn and 125,127,129131Snm^{125,127,129-131}Sn^m were recorded for the first time. The nuclear moments and the mean square charge radius variation (δ)wereextracted.Fromthequadrupolemomentvalues,thesenucleiappeartobespherical.Themagneticmomentsmeasuredarethuscomparedwiththosepredictedbysphericalbasisapproaches.Fromthemeasured\delta) were extracted. From the quadrupole moment values, these nuclei appear to be spherical. The magnetic moments measured are thus compared with those predicted by spherical basis approaches. From the measured \delta, the absolute charge radii of these isotopes were deduced in particular that of the doubly magic 132^{132}Sn nucleus. The comparison of the results with several mean-field-type calculations have shown that dynamical effects play an important role in the tin isotopes

    Production yields of noble-gas isotopes from ISOLDE UCx_{x}/graphite targets

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    Yields of He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe isotopic chains were measured from UCx_{x}/graphite and ThCx_{x}/graphite targets at the PSB-ISOLDE facility at CERN using isobaric selectivity achieved by the combination of a plasma-discharge ion source with a water-cooled transfer line. %The measured half-lives allowed %to calculate the decay losses of neutron-rich isotopes in the %target and ion-source system, and thus to obtain information on the in-target %productions from the measured yields. The delay times measured for a UCx_x/graphite target allow for an extrapolation to the expected yields of very neutron-rich noble gas isotopes, in particular for the ``NuPECC reference elements'' Ar and Kr, at the next-generation radioactive ion-beam facility EURISOL. \end{abstract} \begin{keyword} % keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword radioactive ion beams \sep release \sep ion yields \sep ISOL (Isotope Separation On-Line) \sep uranium and thorium carbide targets. % PACS codes here, in the form: \PACS code \sep code \PACS 25.85.Ge \sep 28.60+S \sep 29.25.Rm

    Recent results on neutron rich tin isotopes by laser spectroscopy

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    Laser spectroscopy measurements have been performed on neutron rich tin isotopes using the COMPLIS experimental setup. The nuclear charge radii of the even-even isotopes from A=108 to 132 are compared to the results of macroscopic and microscopic calculations. The improvements and optimizations needed to perform the isotope shift measurement on 134^{134}Sn are presented