11 research outputs found

    Effect of craniofacial measures on the cephalic index of Japanese adult female students

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    This study was designed to identify possible craniofacial measurements that have an influence on the cephalic index (CI) of Japanese adult females The total sample used in the current study consisted of 832 healthy Japanese adults. The subjects were all of Japanese birth and ancestry. The age range of the subjects was between 18-25 years. Eight craniofacial measurements were taken head length, head breadth, head height, head circumference, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, bigonial breadth, and morphological face height. In addition, stature and body weight were also measured All measurements were taken by one observer from 1998 to 2001. The CI was calculated from head length and head breadth Using multiple regression analysis, a variance inflation factor (VIF) demonstrated that there was no evidence of a multicollinearity problem among the variables when CI was considered as a response variable The coefficients of the regression line demonstrated that there was a significant positive relationship between the CI and minimum frontal breadth (P < 0.01), bizygomatic breadth (P < 0.01) and head height (P < 0.05), while a negative relationship was round between the CI and morphological facial height (P < 0.05) and head circumference (P < 0.01). Moreover, the coefficient and odds ratio of the logistic regression showed that minimum frontal breadth (P < 0.05), bizygomatic breadth (P < 0.01), and head height (P < 0.05) were more likely in the round-headed group, while morphological facial height (P < 0.05), head circumference (P < 0.01), and stature (P < 0.05) were less likely in the round-headed group Stepwise regression analysis showed that with respect to the CI, the best predictor variables were bizygomatie breadth, head circumference, minimum frontal breadth, morphological facial height, head height, and stature These results suggest that most of the craniofacial variables measured appear to influence the CI of Japanese adult female students

    Body mass index of married Bangladeshi women: trends and association with socio-demographic factors

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    SummaryBody mass index (BMI) is a good indicator of nutritional status in a population. In underdeveloped countries like Bangladesh, this indicator provides a method that can assist intervention to help eradicate many preventable diseases. This study aimed to report on changes in the BMI of married Bangladeshi women who were born in the past three decades and its association with socio-demographic factors. Data for 10,115 married and currently non-pregnant Bangladeshi women were extracted from the 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS). The age range of the sample was 15-49 years. The mean BMI was 20.85±3.66 kg/m2, and a decreasing tendency in BMI was found among birth year cohorts from 1972 to 1992. It was found that the proportion of underweight females has been increasing in those born during the last 20 years of the study period (1972 to 1992). Body mass index increased with increasing age, education level of the woman and her husband, wealth index, age at first marriage and age at first delivery, and decreased with increasing number of ever-born children. Lower BMI was especially pronounced among women who were living in rural areas, non-Muslims, employed women, women not living with their husbands (separated) or those who had delivered at home or non-Caesarean delivery

    A morphometric analysis of Eunice Cuvier (Annelida, Polychaeta) species

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    Morphology has been the subject of several studies in Eunice specially in the context of the taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of taxa within this genus. In this study we opt for a morphometric approach comparing five species of Eunice to assess if it was possible to delimitate them by shape variables. The morphology of E.fucata, E.insularis, E. cf. ornata, E.rubra, and Eunice sp. was compared using traditional morphometric analysis of 16 measured variables. After removing the size-effect, a Canonical Variates Analysis applied to morphometric variables was able to discriminate all species. In CV1 two major groups of species were discriminated: E.fucata/E.insularis and E. cf. ornata/E.rubra/Eunice sp. CV2 strongly discriminated all species, with E. cf. ornatawith higher scores and E.rubra with lower ones. The characters that differentiate the species were the relative size of antennae, peristomium and anteriormost setigers. This study also demonstrated that peristomium width and palps length were the best variables for body size estimation in Eunice, since they were highly correlated to the size-estimator. Through morphometric analysis it was possible to delimitate species and choose diagnostic characters for the genus Eunice, a result likely to be valid for other polychaete species.<br>Estudos morfológicos em Eunice são muito comuns, especialmente em um contexto taxonômico e de relações evolutivas de táxons deste gênero. Neste estudo, optamos por uma abordagem morfométrica comparando cinco espécies de Eunice para avaliar a possibilidade de delimitá-las através de variáveis de forma. A morfologia de E.fucata, E.insularis, E. cf. ornata, E.rubra e Eunice sp. foi comparada utilizando-se análises de morfometria tradicional de 16 variáveis mensuradas. Após a remover o efeito de tamanho, uma Análise de Variáveis Canônicas aplicada às variáveis morfométricas permitiu a discriminação de todas as espécies. Em CV1, dois grupos maiores de espécies foram discriminadas: E.fucata/E.insularis e E. cf. ornata/E.rubra/Eunice sp. CV2 discriminou fortemente todas as espécies com E. cf. ornataapresentando escores maiores e E.rubra os menores. Os caracteres que diferenciaram as espécies foram o tamanho relativo das antenas, do peristômio e dos setígeros anteriores. Este estudo também demonstrou que a largura do peristômio e o comprimento dos palpos são as melhores variáveis para estimar o tamanho do corpo em Eunice, já que ambas estiveram altamente correlacionadas com o estimador de tamanho. Através de análises morfométricas foi possível delimitar as espécies e escolher caracteres diagnósticos para o gênero Eunice, um resultado provavelmente válido para outras espécies de poliquetas

    Constrained optimal discrimination designs for Fourier regression models

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    In this article, the problem of constructing efficient discrimination designs in a Fourier regression model is considered. We propose designs which maximize the power of the F-test,which discriminates between the two highest order models, subject to the constraints that the tests that discriminate between lower order models have at least some givenrelative power. A complete solution is presented in terms of the canonical moments of the optimal designs, and for the special case of equal constraints even more specific formulaeare availabl