49 research outputs found
Makna Simbolik Seni Begalan Bagi Pendidikan Etika Masyarakat
Kesenian Begalan merupakan seni pertunjukan yang memberi keuntungan pada masyarakat karena di dalam acara inti seni hiburan tersebut mengandung nasehat perkawinan dengan mengungkapkan arti simbolik tersirat yang ditunjukkan dalam bentuk properti, seperti ian, ilir, kukusan, pedaringan, layah, muthu, irus, siwur, beras, wangkring, sapu sada, suket, cething, daun salam, dan tampah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan: (1) bentuk seni pertunjukan Begalan, (2) arti simbol-simbol yang terkandung dalam brenong kepang (properti pertunjukan), (3) nilai etika masyarakat Begalan yang terkandung dalam seni pertunjukan. Digunakannya metode kualitatif dalam penelitian adalah agar terdapat diskusi dengan mengekspos subyek dan obyek penelitian sesuai dengan fakta-fakta yang ditemui di lapangan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sarannya adalah agar pemerintah Banyumas perlu membuat kebijakan untuk mengembangkan seni Begalan, nilai-nilai pendidikan etika dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan. Seni Begalan dapat dimasukkan sebagai materi subjek seni dan budaya di sekolah, khususnya di Banyumas. Begalan is an art performance that gives benefits to the community because the essence of the show contains the advice of marriage by breaking the symbolic meanings implied in the form of show properties, such as ian, ilir, kukusan, pedaringan, layah, muthu, irus, siwur, rice, wangkring, sada broom, suket, cething, laurellike leaves, and tampah. The study aims to determine: (1) the forms of Begalan performance, (2) the meaning of the symbols contained in brenong kepang (the properties of the performance), (3) the value of ethics for Begalan people reflected in the performing arts. The use of qualitative method in research intend to get the discussion of the issue conducted by exposing a state subject and object of research in accordance with the facts encountered in the field. The collection of data uses observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The suggestion is that Banyumas government should create policies to preserve and develop Begalan performing arts in which ethical values can be applied in life. Begalan performing arts can be included as a subject of art and culture in schools, especially in Banyumas
Customs is one source of state revenues that is used to finance state expenditure.
Customs levied on certain goods which have characteristics which is defined in
Act. The nature and characteristics of the excise goods, are : consumption should
be controlled, circulation need to be supervised, its use can cause negative effects
for society and the environment, and its use needs to charge fees for the sake of
fairness and balance to the state. One of the excise taxable goods that dominate
revenue in KPPBC Type Madya Customs of Surakarta is tobacco excise. The
tobacco excise tax rates increased almost every year. Based on the above
statement, increasing of excise rates tobacco products is one of government’s
efforts in achieving the state excise tax revenue target in the region of Surakarta.
The purpose of this research are: first, the contribution of tobacco excise tax
revenue to total tax revenue. Second, to know which factors affect the increasing
in excise revenue target. Third, to know the total proceeds of the Value Added
Tax Tobacco Excise Result. Fourth, to know the impact of tariff increase for
employers. Fifth, know the effort made by government on polices that have been
established. Data collection methods used are: observation, interviews, and
documentation relating to the tobacco excise.
Result from this study indicate that increasing in tariff tobacco excise gives the
positive impact with the increase tax receipt from year to year. Increasing excise
revenue target each year is influenced by the level of consumption, economic
growth and policies of the government. The target set by the government to
KPPBC Type Madya Customs of Surakarta can always fullest. As well as tobacco
excise, the Value Added Tax of tobacco excise increase every month and every
year. The calculation result Value Added Tax of tobacco excise is using a singe
rate (8,4%). The tobacco factory which obliged to pay the Value Added Tax of
tobacco excise is the factory which result of tobacco manufacturer more than Rp.
600 million of gross turnover and the company confirm that has been a taxable
Keyword : Excise tobacco, Customs targe
Aktivitas Antibakteri Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz and Pav.) Dan Amoksisilin Terhadap Bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, DAN Salmonella typhi serta bioautografinya
Pengatasan penyakit infeksi yang paling umum adalah dengan terapi antibiotik. Pemilihan antibiotik yang tepat sangat diperlukan dalam proses penyembuhan infeksi. Antibiotik yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengobatan infeksi adalah amoksisilin. Amoksisilin merupakan antibiotik bersifat bakterisidal dengan spektrum yang luas, aktif terhadap bakteri Gram positif dan Gram negatif. Daun sirih merah memiliki potensi menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek sinergis kombinasi ekstrak daun sirih merah dan amoksisilin terhadap bakteri S.pneumoniae, P.aeruginosa dan S. typhi. Metode yang digunakan ialah Difusi Kirby-Bauer dengan mengukur diameter
zona hambat. Konsentrasi amoksisillin yang digunakan ialah 0,05 %. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun sirih merah sebesar 70 % dengan pelarut DMSO 100 %. Kombinasi ekstrak daun sirih merah:amoksisilin dibuat perbandingan 25:75 ; 50:50 ; dan
75:25 dengan volume total 20 μL/disk. Pengambilan berturut-turut 5μL:15μL; 10μL:10μL; 15μL:5μL yang dimasukkan ke dalam disk antibiotik. Untuk bioautografi menggunakan fase gerak metanol:kloroform (1:39). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah dan amoksisilin menunjukkan efek tidak sinergis pada semua perbandingan dalam menghambat bakteri S. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa dan S. typhi. Diameter
zona hambat S. pneumoniae berturut-turut sebesar 16 mm (25:75), 18 mm (50:50) dan 18 mm (75:25), pada P. aeruginosa zona hambat berturut-turut sebesar 12 mm (25:75), 12 mm (50:50), dan 12 mm (75:25), pada S. typhi zona hambat berturut-turut sebesar 8 mm (25:75), 12 mm (50:50) dan 10 mm (75:25). Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi senyawa menggunakan deteksi dengan pereaksi semprot dan uji bioautografi diketahui adanya senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri dengan menggunakan fase gerak metanol:kloroform ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah terhadap Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
dan Salmonella typhi adalah fenolik
Pentingnya Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Luhur melalui Budaya Sekolah pada Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Kecamatan Ungaran Timur, Kabupaten Semarang
Pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan pondasi penting dalam pembentukan karakter dan kepribadian anak. Pada masa ini, anak-anak sangat rentan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan, sehingga peran sekolah menjadi sangat krusial dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai positif. Masa ini juga merupakan periode emas untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai luhur pada anak. Budaya sekolah yang positif berperan penting dalam proses ini. Budaya sekolah yang baik dapat menjadi media efektif dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai luhur. Melalui pembiasaan dan keteladanan dari guru serta seluruh komponen sekolah, anak-anak akan tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi pribadi yang berbudi luhur. Selain itu, juga pentingnya kolaborasi antara pihak sekolah dan orang tua dalam mewujudkan budaya sekolah yang kondusif bagi penanaman nilai-nilai positif. Orang tua memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung dan memperkuat nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan di sekolah. Secara keseluruhan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa menanamkan nilai-nilai luhur melalui budaya sekolah pada pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan langkah strategis dalam membentuk generasi penerus yang berkarakter, bermoral dan berakhlak mulia
A decrease of the role of a species in the society culture can lead to scarcity and even the extinction of that species. Along with the government program to diversify food, it can be repopularized the underutilized carbohydrate source potential plants with the aim as the plant conservation efforts. Related to this, the hausa potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius) can be an alternative food source for the people who occupy arid areas. Hausa potatoes not only serve as a carbohydrate source with low glycemic index, but also rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Information on cultivation techniques become important things that need to be prepared within the framework of development. The study was conducted to answer questions regarding cultivation techniques that need to be done to improve the quality of the hausa potato crop in the market. The study was designed based on a randomized block design (RCBD) two factors, four hausa potato accessions and four types of cultivation techniques (four hausa potato accessions: Nganjuk, Sangian, clone 6G and O3; and four types of cultivation techniques: stockpilling, prunning, mulce, and lifting). Every treatment consist of four replications with three plants/replications. Observations were made on growth and yield parameters. The results showed that the different hausa potatoes accession need different cultivation techniques to improve the yield and tuber size. The use of rice straw mulch on hausa potato cultivation can improve the size of hausa potato tubers in the rainy season
Komparasi Metode Titrimetri Dengan Spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada Analisis Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Output IPAL Domestik Berdasarkan Linieritas, Akurasi dan Presisi: Comparison Of Titrimetric With UV-Vis Spectrophotometry Methods For The Analysis Of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Output Domestic IPAL Based On Linierity, Accuracy and Precision
The method of a test must be evaluated and tested to ensure that the method is capable of producing valid data. So that validation needs to be done as a quality control that provides assurance that the measurements and results obtained are reliable. This study aims to determine the value and comparison of the values of linearity, accuracy, and precision of the titrimetric and spectrophotometric methods in COD analysis. Determination of the COD value for the titrimetric method was carried out by redox titration using a solution of Ferro Ammonium Sulphate (FAS). While the spectrophotometric method was carried out using UV-Vis spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 420 nm. The research results obtained a linear regression value for the titrimetric method of 0.9989, while the spectrophotometric method was 0.9991, this indicates that the linear regression value of the spectrophotometric method is better than the titrimetric method. The results of the accuracy analysis for the titrimetric method obtained a value of 111.48%, while for the spectrophotometric method it was 103.11%, this shows that the accuracy value of the spectrophotometric method is better than the titrimetric method. The precision analysis results for the titrimetric method obtained a value of 1.77%, while for the spectrophotometric method it was 1.55%, this shows that the spectrophotometric method has a better precision value than the titrimetric method. Based on the comparison of the results of statistical validation using the T-test, there was no significant difference in data between the titrimetric method and the spectrophotometric method
Potensi Pasta Gigi Minyak Atsiri Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb) dalam Menghambat Pembentukan Plak dan Gingivitis pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Phorpyromonas gingivalis
Gingivitis is an inflammatory disease in gingiva without any loss of attachment caused by plaque. Gingivitis is reversible, if not treated it can develop into periodontitis. Gingivitis-causing bacteria include Phorpyromonas gingivalis, acting as secondary bacteria in plaque formation at the secondary colonization stage by attaching themselves to monolayers that have been formed by primary bacteria. Herbal use in Indonesia is still a trend until now with the slogan back to nature, one of the easy to find and useful is essential oil from curcuma rhizomes containing xanthorrizol and curcumin. They are antibacterial that can inhibit the formation of plaques that cause gingivitis. The purpose was to analyze the potential of curcuma essential oil toothpaste in inhibiting the formation of plaque and gingivitis. 27 wistar mice were divided into 9 groups, namely negative control group, positive control, treatment applied curcuma essential oil toothpaste concentration of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16% and 32%. Each mouse induced P. gingivalis 0.02 ml on molar sulkus one and two, 24 hours later performed tooth brushing with toothpaste according to the group, the next 24 hours were observed in day 3, 5 and 7 using plaque index according to Park and Katz and gingiva index according to Lee. Treatment and observation are carried out 3 repetitions. The results of the plaque index score and gingiva index in the treatment group were fewer than the negative controls. Curcuma essential oil toothpaste can inhibit the formation of plaque and gingivitis by decreasing the plaque index and gingiva index in P. gingivalis- induced wistar mice
Good company performance will be able to help management in achieving the company's goals. The higher the company's performance, the better the company's value in the eyes of investors. Assessment of the company's financial performance is one of the ways that management can meet its obligations to funders and also achieve the goals set by the company. The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the effect of liquidity, debt to assets ratio solvency and equity ratio affect the profitability of Return On Assets of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019. This research data is panel data where panel data is a combination of cross section and time series. The samples in this study were nine pulp and paper sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019. Data analysis techniques using panel data regression analysis. The results explain that the liquidity ratio calculated by cash ratio has no significant effect on financial performance. The solvency ratio calculated by the Debt to Assets Ratio affects financial performance. The solvency ratio calculated by the Debt to Equity Ratio affects the company's financial performance
Perbedaan Efektifitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) pada Porphyromonas gingivalis dan Streptococcus viridans
Dental caries and periodontal disease has been experienced by about 90% of the people of Indonesia. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a major cause of periodontal disease particularly periodontitis. Streptococcus viridans is a cause of the disease and root canal pulp. Both microorganisms are gram-negative and gram-positive anaerobic bacteria. Periodontal disease and dental caries can be prevented by reducing bacteria on teeth using antibacterial material. The red betel leaf extract as traditional plants can be used as an antibacterial material. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the effectiveness of antibacterial extract of red betel leaf (piper crocatum) in Porphyromonas gingivalis and Streptococcus viridians. This study used 16 diffusion wells and divided into 2 groups: group I Porphyromonas gingivalis were given red betel leaf extract and Streptococcus viridans group II were given red betel leaf extract. The wells diffusion incubated for 24 hours at 37 ° C and it measured the inhibition zone diameter. The results showed that the average diameter of inhibition zone Porphyromonas gingivalis were given red betel leaf extract is greater than Streptococcus viridans. Independent T-test results showed significant differences in both the test group (p <0.05). Conclusion The study showed that the antibacterial power of red betel leaf extract in Porphyromonas gingivalis is more effective than the red betel leaf extract in the Streptococcus viridians