2 research outputs found

    Petroglyphs of the Society Islands within the Polynesian Rock Art Repertoire

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    The Society Islands lack a completely archaeologically surveyed inventory and, to date, no one has attempted to synthesize the rock art assemblage. However, in the late 1980s, the DĂ©partement ArchĂ©ologie du Centre PolynĂ©sien des Sciences Humaines presently known as Service de la Culture et du Patrimoine (hereafter SCP), Tahiti, conducted a rock art survey project on Ra’iatea, Bora Bora, and Huahine. Forty‑four sites with 288 individual images were recorded. Subsequently some rock art recording took place on Tahiti and Mo’orea. Surprisingly few petroglyphs have been located on Tahiti, the largest island in the Society group. This entry examines the rock art on the islands of Tahiti, Mo’orea, Ra’iatea, Bora Bora, and Huahine. We discuss the images’ archaeological context, e.g., spatial distribution, architectural and environmental association and examine their relationship to the rock art of the Marquesas Archipelago, located some 1500 km north‑east of Tahiti.Nous ne disposons pas d’un inventaire complet des sites archĂ©ologiques des Ăźles de la SociĂ©tĂ© et, jusqu’à prĂ©sent, personne n’a tentĂ© de synthĂšse avec les donnĂ©es rupestres recueillies. Cependant, Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1980, le dĂ©partement d’archĂ©ologie du Centre polynĂ©sien des sciences humaines, aujourd’hui appelĂ© le Service de la culture et du patrimoine (dĂ©sormais SCP), Ă  Tahiti, a menĂ© une enquĂȘte sur l’art rupestre Ă  Ra’iatea, Bora Bora et Huahine. 45 sites comptant 288 images individuelles ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s. Plus tard, des donnĂ©es furent recueillies Ă©galement Ă  Tahiti et Mo’orea. De maniĂšre surprenante, peu de pĂ©troglyphes ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s Ă  Tahiti, la plus grande Ăźle de l’archipel de la SociĂ©tĂ©. Cette notice examine l’art rupestre des Ăźles de Tahiti, Mo’orea, Ra’iatea, Bora Bora et Huahine. Nous replaçons les images dans leur contexte archĂ©ologique (distribution spatiale, architecturale, environnement) et nous Ă©tudions leurs relations avec l’art rupestre de l’archipel des Marquises, situĂ© Ă  1500 km au nord‑est de Tahiti

    Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies

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    Quels rapports les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines entretiennent-elles avec leur passĂ© et quels rĂ©cits font-elles du temps rĂ©volu ? Pour ce premier volume de l’EncyclopĂ©die des historiographies. Afriques, AmĂ©riques, Asies, 157 spĂ©cialistes reprĂ©sentant 88 institutions acadĂ©miques en France et dans le monde explorent l’univers des productions humaines qui constituent des sources pour l’historien et dĂ©chiffrent les nombreuses modalitĂ©s (« scientifiques », littĂ©raires, artistiques, monumentales
) de l’écriture du passĂ©. Évoquant tour Ă  tour l’Afrique, l’AmĂ©rique latine, l’Asie, l’OcĂ©anie, les 216 notices de l’ouvrage prĂ©sentent des matĂ©riaux historiques de toute nature, issus de toutes les Ă©poques, souvent mĂ©connus, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs usages. L’entreprise collective qu’est l’EncyclopĂ©die se veut novatrice : il s’agit de susciter une rĂ©flexion historiographique rĂ©solument non-occidentalo-centrĂ©e qui complĂšte utilement les dĂ©marches Ă©pistĂ©mologiques traditionnelles. Nouvel outil de connaissance historique forgĂ© Ă  l’heure de la mondialisation, l’EncyclopĂ©die des historiographies est aussi une vĂ©ritable invitation au voyage.What are the different types of relations that non-Western societies upkeep with their past and how are narratives about the past produced by them? In this first volume of the Encyclopaedia of Historiography: Africa, America, Asia, 157 specialists from 88 international academic institutions explore the wealth of evidence that constitutes source material for historians. They also examine the immensely diverse modes or genres of narrated history: “scientific”, literary, artistic, architectural, etc. 216 entries dealing with Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia, cover a large variety of sources, including many which are unfamiliar to the Western or non-Western reader, along with the history of how they have been exploited. By bringing together for the first time such an abundance of material the reader is offered the possibility of exploring continents and building meaningful connections across space and time. In addition to being a new tool for historical enquiry in an era of globalization, this encyclopaedia is also an invitation to travel the world