240 research outputs found
Naturaleza jurídica de la libertad de expresión y el derecho a la información en la sociedad democrática
Esta investigación se centra en el estudio de la naturaleza jurídica de la libertad de expresión
y el derecho a la información desde una perspectiva jurídica y constitucional. En una primera
fase se hace una revisión del contexto histórico en el que surge la libertad de expresión, analizando su proyección en las Declaraciones de Derechos del siglo XVIII. Posteriormente se
aborda la definición de la libertad de expresión como derecho fundamental en la Constitución
española de 1978, con la finalidad de definir su significado en relación con otros derechos como
honor, intimidad o propia imagen. También se investiga la libertad de información y la profesionalización del periodismo en las sociedades democráticas. Por último, se realiza un estudio
jurídico y científico sobre la libertad de expresión en diversos países e instituciones internacionales desde una perspectiva en Derecho comparado
Interventions to prevent loneliness in older adults living in nursing homes
Introduction: The number of older adults is increasing worldwide, as a result their need for
institutionalized care is rising. One of the problems older adults experience when going to a
nursing home is loneliness. Loneliness affects the person quality of life, so it is vital to help
prevent it with appropriate interventions.
Objective: To explore the different kind of interventions to prevent loneliness of older adults
living in nursing homes.
Methodology: This systematic review used three databases (PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycInfo)
and searched for articles from 2010 to 2020 using search terms like “older adults”, “prevent”,
“loneliness”, and “intervention”. From an initial 124 articles, 16 articles were selected at the end.
Results: Two main themes were found: person-to-person/group interventions and technological
interventions. All interventions showed positive results in reducing the perception of loneliness.
Group interventions showed high success on reduction of loneliness. For technological
intervention, the use of a pet robot created an atmosphere where residents socialize.
Videoconferencing and messaging showed the need of a third party implication.
Conclusion: Interventions found in this review are an effective way of alleviating loneliness even
if interventions were vaguely described, and there was not follow up for long-term effectiveness.Introducción: El número de personas mayores está incrementando en todo el mundo, por lo
que la necesidad de cuidados para personas institucionalizadas aumentará. Uno de los
problemas que las personas mayores experimentan cuando van a una residencia es la
soledad. La soledad afecta a la calidad de vida de las personas, por lo que es importante
prevenirla mediante intervenciones apropiadas.
Objetivo: Presentar diferentes tipos de intervenciones para prevenir la soledad en personas
mayores institucionalizadas.
Material y métodos: Está revisión utilizó tres bases de datos (PubMed, CINAHL y PsycInfo) y se
buscaron artículos entre los años 2010-2020. Se utilizaron términos cómo “older adults”,
“prevent”, “loneliness” y “intervention”. De una selección inicial de 124 artículos, se
seleccionaron 16 artículos.
Resultados: Se encontraron dos temas principales: intervenciones entre personas o grupos de
personas e intervenciones tecnológicas. Todas las intervenciones mostraron resultados
positivos. Las intervenciones grupales mostraron una gran efectividad. Las intervenciones de
videoconferencias y mensajes necesitaban a una tercera personas para poder llevarse a cabo.
Las relacionadas con el robot Paro creaban una atmósfera donde los residentes les resultaba
más fácil interaccionar.
Conclusiones: Las intervenciones fueron efectivas para aliviar la soledad, a pesar de
descripciones imprecisas de las intervenciones y la falta de seguimiento a largo plazo
Análisis de conceptos de la luz en su enfoque de reflexión, refracción y lentes en la didáctica con el uso de TIC's
El comportamiento de la luz se encuentra dividido en dos teorías para ser más comprensible, una de ellas es la teoría de partículas (corpuscular) y por consiguiente la teoría ondulatoria, de esto se encarga la óptica. La teoría ondulatoria de la luz es base para las leyes de reflexión y refracción. La reflexión es ocupada por los espejos, mientras que la refracción es vista en las lentes. Comúnmente, en los espejos una imagen es la contraparte visual de un objeto producida por la
reflexión, por otro lado, en las lentes la imagen se da por el acceso de rayos por un agujero pequeño cumpliendo la refracción. De este modo se efectúan las diferencias de estos conceptos
Treball d’ApS: visibilització de l'endometriosi entre el personal sanitari en col·laboració amb l'Associació d'Afectades d'Endometriosi Crònica
Treballs Finals de Grau d'Infermeria, Facultat d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Àurea Navarro SabatéL'endometriosi és una malaltia silenciosa amb una prevalença d'entre el 15 i 20% en persones de sexe femení en edat reproductiva. Actualment es troba infravalorada i infradiagnosticada. Es caracteritza per la proliferació i creixement de teixit endometrial a cavitats externes i es manifesta amb simptomatologia de dolor pelvià crònic i problemes de fertilitat entre altres comorbiditats. El present treball, fet en modalitat d'Aprenentatge Servei, s'ha dut a terme dins l'associació ADAEC per respondre a la necessitat plantejada d'incrementar la visibilitat de l'endometriosi entre el personal sanitari per tal de millorar el diagnòstic i tractament de la malaltia. Amb l'objectiu d'obtenir una fotografia actual sobre la percepció de les afectades d'endometriosi en relació amb el tracte sanitari rebut, s'han analitzat les dades obtingudes de la resposta de 900 afectades al qüestionari que es va dissenyar basat en els principis de ciència ciutadana. A més, a través del procés de planificació, disseny i realització de la intervenció, s'ha assolit com a resultat final el desenvolupament de diverses càpsules informatives en diferents formats com: vídeo, infografia i tríptic per difondre entre els diferents nivells assistencials de l'estat. Les intervencions en format conferència i estand divulgatiu presentades al Campus de Bellvitge en motiu de les activitats organitzades per la comissió d'igualtat el dia de la dona, junt amb la difusió a les xarxes socials d'ADAEC en motiu del dia mundial de l'endometriosi, van significar el punt de partida per a la difusió del material elaborat
How do sustainability policies emerge in the Colombian political system? Analysis of the Policy for Sustainable Cattle 2022-2050
Global projections for the agricultural sector indicate that environmental indicators like deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise for the period of 2018–2030, with livestock accounting for more than 80% of this increase. This has prompted the response of various governments, which have committed to taking mitigation measures. The Policy for Sustainable Cattle 2022-2050 in Colombia is one of the most ambitious efforts to support the pledges by encouraging the switch from conventional cattle farming to sustainable production systems and value chains. To serve as a catalyst for events that will allow policy makers to promote sustainability in similar contexts, this study attempts to use the Kaleidoscope Model of Policy Change to identify the exogenous and endogenous political system factors that facilitated the path towards the consolidation of the policy. Two qualitative methods were used to apply the framework: semi-structured key informant interviews and an extensive literature review to broaden the context provided by the experts. The main emphasis was placed on the first three stages of the model, namely a) Agenda Setting, b) Design, and c) Adoption. The results reveal that sustainability policies emerge in the political system not as isolated initiatives promoted by independent agents but through a series of events and synergistic agents that coordinate activities towards that purpose. Policies are a consequence of a set of factors where no single factor explains the change. Instead, change is the result of the accumulation and interaction of internal and external demands, political will, local policies, laws, and knowledge. In addition, although no clear veto players were identified, sustainability policies are at risk when the design is funded by international aid and the internal actors in charge of funding during the implementation phase are not specified. Conclusions highlight the importance of an observatory to analyze environmental, social, and economic indicators, as well as the implementation of new tax instruments (e.g., carbon taxes) to avoid strong dependence on international institutions
Sustainable beef labeling in Latin America: Initiatives based on silvopastoral systems
Scientific research is increasingly conclusive regarding the responsibility of food production in environmental issues, a situation that contrasts with greater consumer awareness. In this regard, sustainability seals for meat have emerged, which offer guarantees that production is based on principles of e.g., animal welfare, zero-deforestation, or carbon neutrality. Since research on this subject is scarce, we aim to identify and analyse developments of this type of labeling in Latin America and the Caribbean through a qualitative-descriptive study based on primary and secondary sources. The results show that although the conditions in the region are favourable for the development of sustainable meat labeling, progress to date has not been significant. The development is uneven, the labels identified correspond mainly to large producers and exporters in the region, with particularly noticeable lags in Central America and the Caribbean. Even countries with a strong livestock tradition, such as Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Mexico, show differences between them. While Brazil and Uruguay promote labeling, the others rely on traditional production, since quality criteria currently in place are still sufficient to maintain market shares. In Colombia, however, producers seem to have understood that sustainability is gradually acquiring greater value providing opportunities to position their products nationally and abroad. Another regional characteristic is the absence of a coordinating element: initiatives have begun spontaneously and gradually in different contexts and lack institutions or mechanisms that facilitate feedback. Among the positive aspects, Uruguay and Brazil demonstrate collaboration among public and private institutions, in addition to the involvement of independent certifying bodies. This is fundamental when it comes to guarantees for the consumers and good governance. However, in these countries, as well as Colombia and Argentina, exclusive private labeling strategies continue, which can be affect reliability. There is a diversity of seals in the market, which and makes it difficult for consumers to differentiate between those that do or do not have rigorous certification processes. Despite these challenges, the transition towards sustainability is inevitable. This process will, however, not happen spontaneously but must be coordinated with other strategies and the actions of the numerous actors involved in the sector
Public policies and silvo-pastoral systems in Latin America: A comparative study
The global projections of population and food demand increases by 2050 highlight the importance of Latin America as one of the future big food suppliers for our planet. The region has high agricultural potential and activities such as cattle farming can increase the global food supply, i.e. through the adoption of sustainable technologies such as silvo-pastoral systems. Despite the importance of this economic sector for the region, its negative environmental impacts (especially those of traditional extensive production systems) are numerous and the shift towards sustainability is perceived as slow and uncoordinated. This study aims at identifying both success stories and difficulties in the implementation of public policies for the development of sustainable cattle production systems in Colombia, Argentina and Costa Rica during the period 2010-2020. Based on literature review, media analysis and legal document reviews, a qualitative descriptive analysis was carried out, documenting and outlining the main political activities in the region. The results highlight the development and application of policies aimed at the use of sustainable production technologies, the adaptation of pastures to changing environmental conditions and the use of silvo-pastoral systems for cattle production. Although common successes are identified in the three countries, such as the existence of a large number of public policies aimed at promoting sustainable livestock - which is strengthened through e.g. national level development plans and legislative advances - they also coincide in difficulties, such as a minimal articulation between national and local policies and the lack of continuity of development programs. We conclude that, although the selected countries have different socioeconomic characteristics, as well as different levels of progress in the implementation of their policies, the general perception among the three countries is relatively similar to the extent that their efforts are still insufficient, i.e. when the commitments made during the COP21 are being considered. Although the advances made so far provide valuable contributions, it is necessary to treat them as a first stage in a long-range process towards sustainability, and support their continuity and further out-scaling, i.e. for reaching the ultimate goal of a broader adoption of silvo-pastoral systems
El laboratorio de policía científica de la UJI: Primer año de práctica forense
[EN] The Teaching Innovation Project "Legal Clinic: Research and forensic
practice" has lead the creation of a Forensic Science Laboratory in UJI in
which students can perform personal identification practices, lofoscópica
identification documentoscopy, police photography and video, or
identification of footprints, among others, space provided for those
inventariables and consumables that are necessary to carry out such
practices.[ES] El Proyecto de Innovación Docente “Clínica legal: Investigación y práctica
forense” se ha dirigido a la creación de un Laboratorio de Policía Científica
en la UJI en el que los alumnos pueden realizar prácticas de identificación
personal, identificación lofoscópica, documentoscopia, fotografía y vídeo
policial, o identificación de huellas de pisadas, entre otras, espacio dotado
de materiales inventariables y fungibles necesarios para llevar a cabo dichas
prácticas.Guisasola Lerma, C.; Bosquet Pastor, S.; Bermejo Díaz, F. (2016). El laboratorio de policía científica de la UJI: Primer año de práctica forense. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.432
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